Eggs hatching days apart


7 Years
Mar 1, 2017
last night at 7 pm eas day 21, I’ve had three chicks hatch already one on day 19, didn’t make it, and two on day 20. Now no one else is even pipping yet is this normal? I’ve seen some wiggles yesterday but none this morning before work. But could have missed it.
I’m sorry about the one that didn’t make it. I have five that hatched late day 19/early 20 with three more pipped and trying to pop out today (day 20). I still have three without pips. I would wait until day 23 to say any leftover eggs won’t hatch. I don’t know why they are staggering like this but it should be fine. If the ones that have hatched are fluffy, then you can either move them to the brooder or you could let them try to encourage the other chicks to hatch. I watched one of mine do that last night and it was very entertaining. Just be careful to remove them from the incubator quickly so the humidity drop doesn’t shrink wrap the other chicks. You have 24 hours from when they hatch to when they use up their nutrient supply from the yolk and need food and water.
Ok, thank you. The two that have hatched seem to go to certain eggs and stay near them and peck at them. They aren’t putting holes in them. But it’s been two days for one chick so I need to get it food and water then. I was told three days by some one once, and that that is how they can ship chicks. But this is my first hatch, I’ve only ever bought babies. Can I put food and water in the incubator? Or is that a really bad idea? The one I lost was pipped when I took the turner out for lockdown. And she hatched shortly after but hadn’t absorbed the yolk sack all the way. :( both my incubator thermometer and the other one I have have stated a consistent 99.5-100 degrees, save for once when I had a temp spike but that was only for tops and hour near the beginning when I checked on them once an hour. Lol

I believe the three days is how long it may take for them to starve to death. You should not put food and water in the incubator because 1) it makes a mess, 2) you have to show them where it is and “peck” at it with your finger which means opening the incubator more than necessary, and 3) it will mess with your humidity. I have two in eggs talking to each other right now and calling to the five in the brooder next to the desk the bator is on. The rolling and chirping is encouragement and I guess the chicks can tell which eggs should hatch. My first to hatch went to a Welsummer mix egg and got that one out then ran to one that hadn’t pipped to try to get it out. That one pipped zipped and hatched overnight. What breed(s) are you hatching?
Oh no I will pull them out and get them some food and water. They are quite interested in the bantam egg and two others and ignore two of them. So I guess we will see. I have a mix bantam egg, two barred rooster eggs not sure on mom, and 6 polish mix. Pretty sure my two that have hatched are some of the polish it looks like they have a little extra fluff on they’re heads. :)

How adorable! My first chick that hatched was a Fayoumi mix and now that one and one of the Welsummer mixes are basically inseparable because they were the only two for a while. I have a 20 minute video on my phone of the Welsummer chick hatching and the Fayoumi right there with it trying to help it get out :lau.
Now you can’t separate them. Lol

It’s a good thing I wasn’t planning to anyways. I’m aiming to keep the Fayoumi, the one Welsummer and the Langshan. All of them are mixes but I say what they are by the hens breed. For the other chicks, my dad’s friend is taking them once their coop is done so at least they will be nearby.

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