Apr 4, 2008 #1 Hen Zero In the Brooder 11 Years Mar 12, 2008 27 0 22 Here's A Pic. I hope we get 2 light brahmas and 10 leghorns. We have 24 eggs. 22 leghorn and 2 unknown brown eggs. We have Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpintons, and Light Brahmas that lay brown eggs, and they are in the same coop, so we don't know.
Here's A Pic. I hope we get 2 light brahmas and 10 leghorns. We have 24 eggs. 22 leghorn and 2 unknown brown eggs. We have Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpintons, and Light Brahmas that lay brown eggs, and they are in the same coop, so we don't know.
Apr 4, 2008 #2 happyhens Songster 12 Years Jan 30, 2007 443 2 161 KY Good luck with them and have fun!
Apr 4, 2008 Thread starter #3 Hen Zero In the Brooder 11 Years Mar 12, 2008 27 0 22 Quote: Ok, Thanks!
Apr 4, 2008 #4 Tuffoldhen Flock Mistress 12 Years Jan 30, 2007 7,502 101 301 WV Here is for a great hatch!!...