Eggs in incubator

Hatch date is Nov. 5th and I am getting excited. I candled the other day and I could see a little webbed foot and a beak. I have 5 eggs now and they all seem to be doing great. I had a freak time earlier this week though. Somehow the temp got turned up to 102!! I thought OMG I fried my babies. But it looks like everybody is ok. So if I understand correctly, on Nov. 2nd I should open both vents, add more water and drop the temp down? What temp do I drop it to? Also, no opening the lid, just wait till I see liyyle ones ready to come out and say hi to me. I am sooooo excited. This is my first time doing this so I hope they all make it.
can't give you info on the bator issues but wanted to say how happy I am your close now... looking forward to hearing and seeing pics. of your babies.. all the best.
Well, they're not due to hatch till next Wed. or so, but so far the air cells are looking good. I candled a couple last night. It's so hard to keep that lid closed!

Although all the sudden my humidity won't stay up. So I'm keeping a close eye on that.
I would leave the temperature stable. Add sponges soaked in water, and you can even spritz the eggs with water since they are duck eggs. Hatch on!:-D
Thanks! I'm excited to post pics of these little fuzzy bottoms! I added a wash cloth with water on it and it's more stable now. I'm obsessively checking it now that I'm getting towards the end of things! So excited!

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