eggs right from underneath a hen!!!!!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 14, 2007
sweet home, OR
I just stopped by a local farm a bought some eggs that were just layed. My question is do I have to let them sit for eight to twenty four hours before I place them in the incubator or can I just put them in when the incubator is ready?
Good luck! I have 38 in my incubator right now that I picked up locally also. They are mixed breeds, so I should see some interesting birds if they hatch. I hope your hatching goes well.... Keep us informed!
I am not sure of the breeds I know the guy (old man) said he had RIR. The eggs are a great size. They are bigger than the jumbo in the stores and a nice color of brown. I guess that doesn't help any. I didn't get to see his chickens so I guess it is going to be a suprise. But for $1.25 for nine eggs ya can't beat that.
I was lucky enough to get mine for free! I started out with 42 and am now down to 34. But all seem to be lively and growing well. I posted an ad on CL looking for hatching eggs and had some really nice people reply back and actually gave them to me for free!!!
If you meant the singer, no. But yes my middle name is Gail. My mom though she was funny to name me Chrystal and give me the middle name Gail after my grandmother. Needless to say people remember my name easily!
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