Eggs set yesterday - They're hatching!


10 Years
Aug 22, 2009
Redhill, UK
Set my first lot of Quail eggs yesterday. Anyone else hatching at the mo? I've got 12 mixed colour coturnix quail eggs in my Brinsea Oct10. Keeping fingers crossed they hatch. Never kept Quail before!
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Yesterday was the first day for my next batch. I set them Friday...but never count the day of set. I have Jumbo Brown, Fawns(golden red), and Fawns x Whites. Looking forward to the hatch. And yours as well!
Thought i'd have a quick try at candling my eggs today (Day 7) I know its meant too be difficult but could not resist!
. Anyway good job i did as one was cracked and oozing, so out that went. Then the one next to it had ooze on it so carefully checked it but it definitely had a blood ring, so down to 10! But i DEFIANTLY saw at least 9 moving chicks or blood vessels. So looking good. Can't wait for hatch day!

One question though a couple looked like their air cells were at the small end of the egg. Will this be a problem come hatch day? At the moment they are sitting with small end down, should i turn these ones over so the air cell is up? or should i just lie all of the on their sides for lockdown? Any ideas?
I started my first ever coturnix 2 days ago. I ordered 40, and was told "there will be some extras." I received 60! Three were broken so I have 57 in the bator. Lock down is St. Pat's day.
I would lay them all on their sides, this gives them the greatest advantage in case you saw wrong. ( I know I still have trouble trying to look through those spots.)
Just come home to 4 hatched babies and at least 3 zipping! They are so tiny!

How long can they stay in incubator without food and water?

Pics will come when they're in the brooder!
Congratulations on your Hatch!

I'm a bit of a n00b myself, but they should be fine in the incubator for a few hours until they dry off and fluff up a bit - just don't leave them too long - they need food and water much sooner than chicken chicks.


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