Eggs with lots of bumps


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 7, 2011
Murray Utah
What causes these eggs to have lots of bumps all over the egg shell and the brown of the shell to peal off like a bad paint job?
The bumps are probably extra calcium, it happens sometimes. It's nothing bad, just funny looking since we're used to seeing the perfect shells on storebought eggs. (They pull the weird ones out before packaging) I've never seen eggs peel like you describe, but some eggs will lose color if you wash and scrub them.
Both of my D'Uccles lay 'bumpy' eggs. My son says they have 'barnacles' on them - ha. Yeah, they are just calcium deposits, I think.
Makes sense I just changed the feed from 16% to 20% layer pellets due to the cold weather thank you for the quick answers I just wanted to make sure my girls are ok
I had the same question. there are only a few with the "barnacles" and they don't seem to flake off too easily. I put out some oyster shell a week ago but it doesn't seem like they touched it too much. Could this be the cause?

Also, I've seen some of our eggs come out with faded stripes on them - like they were dipping half of their eggs in a darker brown liquid like we used to do for easter.

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