Eggs won't hatch

I'm just worried they are dying 🥺
so update. The one egg hasn't internally pipped yet upon close examination, however oddly enough last night the one egg seems to have externally pipped before internally pipping. I read this can mean malposition, and not sure when and if to assist now. I examined the membrane of the airsac and there are very teeny tiny veins still. I will wait and hope in the next 12 to 24 hours they hatch on their own.

I’m experiencing the same thing. My Muscovy duck egg internally piped at least 24 hours ago but nothing in regards to trying to hatch. I made a small safety hole but I obviously can’t see exactly what is in the air sac! It’s not chirping but definitely moving.
Could you please share what happened with your ducklings?? 🐥

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