Eggshells smell so bad


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
I recently asked my egg buyers to start saving their egg shells so the flock can eat them. They agreed bc they love the tastet eggs it’s just I haven’t had a problem until now. I opened one of the bags of shells and it smelt so bad!!! The others havent. They left a whole bunch of yolk still in the shells. I baked them and crushed them up but they still stink. CAn the chickens have them still?
I wouldn't, as there might still be bacteria on them. Thats just me, and hopefully someone more experienced will come along.
Thank you. The first time I got eggshells from them was a different person I viel be and hers were fine they smelt like any normal egg shells you would keep. But I got these and omg I wanted to hold my breath.
Wow! Maybe they are the type that only eat the whites of an egg but not the yolk? I'm trying to imagine how there could be yolk in the shell's.
I meant the whites 😭 I just call the whole think yolk. But there also was boiled egg shells pieces es that had cooked yolk on them still.

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