Eggtopsy day 23

Could be but I dont think so hun. I think it may have been off for a little while. Different places in the bator matter too. Did you move the eggs in different spots through incubation?
There are other peeps that know way more then I do about all this. Hopefully they will come along soon.
there is a salt test you do on it.
Doing the salt test now and calibrating a regular meat thermometer as back up for the digital ones, thank you for your replies, as for moving them around, no, I left them in their places in the turner and would put them back in the same after I candled them..they lay on their sides in the incubator in a tray that moves side to side and rolls them, but that makes sense to maybe rotate them, as I could see where more water may be on the bottom of the bator at one side that the other...It does have a fan to circulate though..
There are hot and cool spots in probably every bator . Even with the fans. The turner motor gives off heat. I know yours is made different but Im sure theres a motor there somewhere. LOL
Thanks for giving me the idea about the turner motor, after I salt calibrated my thermo/hygrometers, I set up the baton empty and placed one thermo in either end, sure enough it was warmer by 1.5 degree on the turner motor side, I switched thermometers and got the same hatch I will rotate the eggs throught, just not sure what to do at lockdown..what side to put them on or just try to group in the center
Here is my set up..the black thermometer runs 2 degrees high all the time


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