Electric Fence for Chicken Protection

Hmmmm......not sure what your question is???

As for going through woods, etc, it can be done.....works best to clear a pathway......enough to have a clear pathway on both sides of the fence. Serves two purposes: you don't want any weeds, shrubs, brush touching the fence to ground it out.....and want an opening so predators and birds recognize it as a boundary.

Perimeter of 240 acre farm across the road is fenced with single strand of wire fence. It is powered by ancient ParMak 30 mile fencer......AC.....and not on a GFIC outlet. It is grounded out all over the place, yet still serves up a good shock without going south, as it is an AC fencer. A battery powered one wouldn't last more than a few days with that level of weed load. It is basically the only thing keep in a herd of over 100 cow/calf pairs and some bulls.

Downside of going through woods for chickens is if there is a connected tree canopy over the fence. If there is, coons can go over the fence through the trees.
I'm having that same conundrum. We just bought a house on a little bit of land. We want to fence off about half an acre for the chickens and goats, but a chunk of it is wooded. I could fence all the way out to the road and completely surround the trees. We were originally planning to just wiring the pens and runs, but I'd love for the chickens to be able to roam a bit without babysitting (that'swhat I do now).
Decisions, decisions...
Hmmmm......not sure what your question is???

As for going through woods, etc, it can be done.....works best to clear a pathway......enough to have a clear pathway on both sides of the fence. Serves two purposes: you don't want any weeds, shrubs, brush touching the fence to ground it out.....and want an opening so predators and birds recognize it as a boundary.

Perimeter of 240 acre farm across the road is fenced with single strand of wire fence. It is powered by ancient ParMak 30 mile fencer......AC.....and not on a GFIC outlet. It is grounded out all over the place, yet still serves up a good shock without going south, as it is an AC fencer. A battery powered one wouldn't last more than a few days with that level of weed load. It is basically the only thing keep in a herd of over 100 cow/calf pairs and some bulls.

Downside of going through woods for chickens is if there is a connected tree canopy over the fence. If there is, coons can go over the fence through the trees.
My brother did the same thing with his pasture and a single hot line.
This is my fence, welded wire and chicken wire. It has metal posts. I have accidentally touched the hot wire and touched the fence and it made my heart skip a few beats and I have only two feet on the ground not four,

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