Electronic Monitoring of your Flock


5 Years
May 16, 2014
Though you guys may find this interesting and useful. I have four chickens and wanted to be able to remotely monitor the coop. I built a solar powered system that uses a RaspberryPi to tweet pictures every hour. My next improvements are to add a hall-effect sensor to monitor the coop doors, and also grab and post short videos.

Check it out on twitter @NJchickens or facebook user @ling seed

I'm putting together an e-book about my wired coop. It'll contain my electronic projects - and the plans and code you need to build them yourself. Would anyone be interested in that?
We have a cam in our coop due to a suspected egg breaker. I don't like the software, but love being able to check the nests remotely.

I used to be a loss prevention manager and loved installing and monitoring CCTV. I have cameras all over my house and outside to include the coop. Gives me some peace of mind to switch my TV to VGA mode or check the app on my phone to see what's going on out there and make sure everything is ok.

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