EmberHerd (Co-Owned with equinehugger3!)
Atarah was abused by her parents. She ran away as fast as she could, but her small foal legs couldnt take her very far before her father could manage to beat her. She lost her hind leg.
After years of abuse, she finally managed to escape. Before realizing it- She was on a beautiful land. Blue skys, green meadows- It was the perfect place to live. But she was lonely. She wanted a mate, and foals to live on her land. She walked through the forest- Rescuing any horses that needed help. She helped some escape from their evil owners, some escape from evil horses, and some from burning buildings. She was happy with her herd. She is very welcome to newcomers, and still goes out to rescue some. They face dangers of humans coming in, with a breeding farm close by. Together they have to stay strong as a herd, to fight against any problems they face.
BYC Username:
*No bad language (Including cr*p!) (20 points)
*No flaming or trolling (50 points)
*All BYC rules apply
*No killing a character without the owners permission. (20 points)
*ANY fighting will result in a 30 minute break of posting for both people in the fight. (In addition, they will get 20 points added)
*You MUST PM me to report anything against these rules.
*You MUST still RP in SkyHerd (70 Points)
I'm doing our ruling differently. EVERY TIME YOU POST SOMETHING AGAINST THE RULES, I WILL CHART IT. I WILL BE MAKING EACH RULE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF POINTS, AND WHEN YOU REACH 100 THE FIRST TIME, YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED. THE SECOND TIME, YOU WILL BE BANNED. When you get close to 100, I'll send you a PM to let you know. Let me know what you guys think of this. PM me if you want to know how many points you have. Thanks!
Lead Mare:
Sophia is a pure-bred Missouri Fox-trotter. She stands around 15 hh, with long slender legs and neck. Her body is a rich chesnut, which shines in a lovely manner in the sun. Her mane is about shoulder length, and a creamy white in color; as is her long tail. Her velvety muzzle is brownish in color, yet soft to the touch. Sophia has soft hazel eyes, and a charmingly beautiful smile. Somewhat quiet, she is very wise despite her age and most horses go to her for insight. Sophia love foals, yet doesn't have any of her own. She will do anything for the herd. With her deep, powerful, and seductive voice, she sounds as powerful as she is. ~ chickendiva25
Lead Stallion:
Name: Trajon
Age: 10
Breed: Belgian Draft.
Appearance: Dark bay, with long feathered hooves. His mane, tail, and feathers are all a deep ebony black. His tail is hock-length, and his mane reaches only his shoulder. His eyes are a large, dark chocolate, and exhibit kindness on the outside, although no one knows if that's all...
Personality: He is very kind and wise, and almost as allowing to stallions as he is to mares. His leadership is so firm, so well known, that if someone dared challenge him, they'd likely have more than one horse against them.
History: All anyone knows is that he was rescued from a burning barn. He had been tied to a tractor with a firm knot when the fire began. He'd struggled to escape, almost being burned alive in the process.
BYC Username: equinehugger3
Name: Achillies
Age: 7
Breed: Mustang
Apperance: Short and stocky like most mustangs. Fairly short White mane that has a single strip of black intertwined. He tail is re same falling to his hocks and being a creamy white with the tips dripping black. His coat is a creamy white.
Personality: Sweet and kind to stallions, and mares alike. Although he can be stubborn headed at times.
History: He hasn't told anyone.
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Name: Crow
Age: 9-year-old stallion
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Light bay Rabicano with beautiful roaning and spots mixed in. He has solid black legs and mane and tail. More white on him than bay. Light icy green eyes.
Personality: He is strong, swift, and sweet, but he is more of a lone wolf. Secretly, he wants to have a mate and many foals of his own badly.
History: Escaped from a truck taking captured Mustangs to a slaughter house in Mexico with Sky, Earth, Sioux, and Frazier.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Rocket is a Belgian mix white horse with black hocks. He was born in the wild, but his parents dumped him. He is a very sweet horse, and dreams to have foals of his own. -DuckLover179
Name: Kachina
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Breed: Arabian/Mustang
Appearance: Though she is half Mustang and still attains attributes like one from her father, she appears to be much more Arabian-like, with an arched neck, concave face, the breed's classic body, and flagged tail. Her coat is a gorgeous palomino with slightly dappling patterns showing through like a buckskin's, and all four of her legs adorn a short white sock, faded in with her palomino coat at the top. The mare's tail is full and nearly drags against the ground, while her long, straight mane drapes across her right shoulder, both being well groomed and white in color. Her eyes and star are normally covered by her long forelock. Very elegant and fairy tale-like in appearance.
Personality: Wild like a Mustang, but graceful and proud like an Arabian. Would kill for her unborn foal and herd just to keep them safe.
History: Her mother was an escapee from a halter show after a few rambunctious teens thought it would be funny to release her from her stall. Because the showing was not too far from the herds, she met up with a lone Mustang stallion and the two instantly fell in love. After a year or so of wandering they had their first foal, Kachina. They cared for her up until recently, when she reached maturity and left to find her own herd. On the way to finding EmberHerd she met a young Mustang stallion around her age and the two allied up, eventually becoming mates once their friendship became much higher. Unfortunately, he was killed when trying to save Kachina from a mountain lion, leaving the mare devastated. She is currently carrying his foal.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Name: Aspen
Age: 2
Breed: Gypsy Vanner
Gender: Mare
Appearance: Black and white
Personality: Very sweet, has a pet wolf
History: Was on SH a VERRYYYYY long time ago. Remakin' her ova here!
BYC Username: DuckLover179
Name: Frazier
Age: 6-year-old mare
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Beautiful light cremello strawberry roan. Her body is creamy with pinkish-orange mane, tail, nose, ears, face, and lower legs. Bright pink muzzle. She has a unique pinkish-orange blaze from her forehead to her muzzle. Pretty light tan eyes with a pink tinge.
Personality: Sassy and flirty. She wants a mate more to love her more than she wants any foals.
History: She escaped with Crow, Sky, Sioux, and Earth from the truck taking them to a slaughter house in Mexico.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Sioux
Age: 4-year-old mare
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Pretty cherry bay with a white heart-shaped mark on her forehead. She has a solid black mane and tail except for bright reds tips like highlights. She has black eyes.
Personality: Sweet, serene, and easy to get along with. She dearly wants to have foals of her own.
History: She escaped with Frazier, Crow, Sky, and Earth from a truck taking them to a slaughter house in Mexico.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Age:2 yrs. old
Appearance:She is a Red arabian.With a long flowing mane and tail.
Personality:She is sweet at times but can get very furious fast!So watch out!She is loyal,trustworthy,friendly and ect.
History:She used to be at a Breeding farm but escaped.
BYC Username
Name: Earth
Age: 6 month colt
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Dark chocolate with a small white spot on his stomach, a large white blaze, and white legs. Dark, green-blue eyes.
Personality: He is silly and always has his head in the clouds. He seems a lot younger than he is because of the way he acts. Most are annoyed by him and think he just needs to grow up.
History: He escaped with Frazier, Crow, Sioux, and Sky from a truck taking them to a slaughter house in Mexico. Sky is his sister.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Sky
Age: 6 month filly
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Pretty white filly. She has a blue mane and tail. Her muzzle is a mix of black and pink, indicating that she is actually grey, not white. Blue-grey eyes.
Personality: She is very serious and down-to-earth. She rarely ever plays, the total opposite of her brother. Most are slightly annoyed by her and think she needs to live a little.
History: She escaped with Frazier, Crow, Earth, and Sioux from a truck taking them to a slaughter house in Mexico. Earth is her brother.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Atarah
Age: 20
Breed: Arabian
Gender: Mare
Appearance: http://www.theequinest.com/images/anglo-arabian-2.jpg -Missing hind leg
Personality: Very kind, and calm
History: She founded EmberHerd
BYC Username: DuckLover179
Green Island Farms
(Psssttt! Hey guys, you gotta check out my blog!)
1 Day in real time is 2 months on Green Island Farms. This will help you age your horse.
*No bad language (Including cr*p!) (20 points)
*No dramatic posting period! (ie. "Fine then guys, IGNORE ME!!!!", or "I'm thinking about leaving...". We don't need posts like that.) (50 points)
*No flaming or trolling (50 points)
*All BYC rules apply
*If you dont like it, dont post. This applies to all things (ie. Say someone posts something that doesnt quite make sense, DO NOT correct them. This is an RP, it doesnt have to be realistic.). (20 points)
*No killing a character without the owners permission. (20 points)
*No disgusting stuff. (Keep it PG) (50 points)
*If you want someone on another thread, please PM them rather than posting here. This includes the copy of GIF on BYH.(10 points)
*Do NOT bring up topics that will hurt feelings. (There has been talk about the "SkyHerd plan", and I see no need for posts like that.) (20 Points)
*Do NOT RP another person's character! (10 points)
*Do NOT injure another player's character without their permission. This includes biting, and breaking bones. (10 points)
*NO RP'ing a character until I have the form. (20 points)
*NO questioning moderation. If you are suspended, it's not my fault (You simply didn't follow the rules). If you are suspended, and you complain about moderation because you were, the suspend can go for a long amount of time, or you could be banned. (70 points)
*If something should be in a PM (Like asking Gerbil for some fire horses, which has nothing to do with our thread.), PLEASE put it in a PM! Some people like to keep things private, not have them asked constantly all over random threads. (50 points)
*The earliest a mare can have a foal is 10 months. You can't wait two days, and have your mare give birth then. (50 points)
*ANY fighting will result in a 30 minute break of posting for both people in the fight. (In addition, they will get 20 points added)
*Don't push anyone to RP a character (10 points)
*If you have a plan, consult it with me first. I am the thread owner. (10 points)
*Do NOT make rude comments to, or behind someone's back (Doesn't matter who). (20 points)
*NO time warping!!! (10 points)
*You MUST PM me to report anything against these rules.
I'm doing our ruling differently. EVERY TIME YOU POST SOMETHING AGAINST THE RULES, I WILL CHART IT. I WILL BE MAKING EACH RULE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF POINTS, AND WHEN YOU REACH 100 THE FIRST TIME, YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED. THE SECOND TIME, YOU WILL BE BANNED. When you get close to 100, I'll send you a PM to let you know. Let me know what you guys think of this. PM me if you want to know how many points you have. Thanks!
Here is a HORSE form to PM to me. (If you want a specific color, please include that in the PM!)
BYC Username:
Horse's Name:
Marking, scars, etc:
Family Members:
Life Story:
Here is a FARM ANIMAL form to PM to me!!! (If you want a specific color, please include that in the PM!)
BYC Username:
Farm Animal's Name:
Life Story:
Farm Owner:
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Name: Dennis
Gender: Male, young. In his mid-twenties.
Appearance: Has short strawberry blond hair and a stubbly beard. About 5'8 in height, has a slight build but most defininately not overly muscular. His skin is fairly tanned from the sun and he has a fairly young and handsome look to him. His eyes are hazel, but change color every once in a while. Is often seen wearing a t-shirt, levis, rubber boots, and a cowboy hat.
Personality: Can be a little harsh and mean, but is surprisingly friendly.
Family Members: Parents, missing and most likely dead. Girlfriend: Jude.
Other: Speaks in a heavy Virginian accent.
Life Story: Little is known about him, he only shares his past with those he trusts.
Farm Owner's Horse: Evander: Evander is Dennis's pet horse. He is not included in the breeding. He is an Arabian. -DuckLover2399
Farm Owner's Girlfriend:
BYC username: chickendiva25
Name: Jude
Appearance: Shoulder length curly, Auburn hair that shines in the sunlight. She has a charming, seductive smile, and is muscular, but has a definite feminine look. She stands around 5'4, and has soft green eyes. She is normally seen in western shirts, jeans or jean short, and her black leather boots.
Personality: Is the life of the party, and fun to be around. Yet she is loving and shows compassion for others. She has a dangerous temper though....
Other: Has a southern accent.
History: Was born and raised in whatever this state they are in, moved away with her parents when she was a teen, and moved back a while ago to live there permanantly.
Family: Her parents. Boyfriend: Dennis
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: miss heny
Name: layla
Gender: girl, about 21
Appearance: fire red hair and blue eyes, is 6'2 tall, wears most of the time short sleeve shirts and capris with ridding boods, but (very rare!) would wear a skirt.
Personality: pretty friendly with most people unless they get on her nerves.
Family Members: has 1 sister and brother
Other: somes times when she has coffee, she would get her deep southern accent.
Life Story: very little is know about her background, most people knows she has a brother and sister, and owns a big breeding farm, but Dennis knows that she is super rich, but knows little about her brother or sister.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Jake
Gender: male, 16-year-old
Appearance: Tall, lanky, and a bi ton the lazy side. He has shaggy black hair
Personality: He is very sarcastic and is a major realist.
Family Members: Parents, sister stephanie, and uncle Dennis
Other: Not goth, but likes to wear black things.
Life Story: His parents made him come out and stay with his uncle Dennis for the whole summer and work on the farm with the hands.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: miss heny
Name: Cleopatra
Gender: female, about 18
Appearance: red hair with blue streaks, she wears tank tops,a worn cowboy hat, jeans and cowboy boots
Personality: stand offish, but once some one knows her she is very talky
Family Members: Parents, unknow, most likely dead. dennis is her only family member she truely knows about.
Other: Speaks in a brittish accent
Life Story: very little to none is know about her
Farm Hand:
BYC username: equinehugger3
Name: Cay
Appearance: Light orange freckles dot her nose and face. They frame gorgeous light blue eyes, outlined by navy with flecks of gold. Her hair is a natural orange, built up by strands of brown, red, golden blonde, and orange hair. She has a very athletic build, and is very muscular. She's about 5'10. She's normally seen around the barn in ripped jeans with a stretchy shirt. She also frequently wears flannel button-downs in the winter, and athletic shorts in the spring and summer. She rides lots of Western and English, so she's also spotted in breeches a lot. When she's not riding for show or competition, she'll usually just ride in rubber chore boots or paddock boots without chaps. Her hair is always up in some way.
Personality: LOVES to laugh, but never starts a conversation with anyone she doesn't know super well. She is unbelievably bull-headed and determined.
History: Born a farmgirl at heart, she took lessons from a young age. She's currently enrolled in medical school. She's an excellent rider, and can not imagine life without horses, like all of the other farmhands.
Family: Her parents are in a diff state, along with three younger siblings.
Farm Hand:
BYC username: DuckLover2399
Name: Bailey
Appearance: Small brown freckles on her face. Surround big bue eyes. She has mousy brown hair with a small blue Medium build. About 130 punds. Around 5'2. Not very athletic, but can be at times. She loves horses.
Personality: Sweet girl. Dosent like to start a conversation. Thinks guys with shaggy hair are cute. She is pretty bubbly. Likes to wear t-shirts. Likes guuys that likes horses.
Other: None
History: Farmgirl at heart. Has lived in virginia all her ife.
Family: Her parents.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Jaimz
Gender: male, 19
Appearance: shortish, stocky,well muscled, and has blonde hair
Personality: easy to get along with and a hard worker that doesn't show off
Family Members: none
Other: His usuall attire is ripped up jeans, boots, and a tight short sleeved shirt
Life Story: Started working on the farm after both of his parents were killed in a car crash
Rank (Ie. Spy, Trainee, etc.):Farm Hand
Personality:Sweet,nice,cunning,caring, and feircs sometimes
Appearance:long black flowing hair,not really tall but not small,nice figure, violet eyes
Life Story:ran away from home, it was abusive at home and her father was a druggy
Farm Owner's Niece:
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Name: Stephanie
Gender: Female, seven years old.
Appearance: Little and cute, has wispy light brown hair with sideswept bangs. Her skin is fair and her eyes are hazel.
Personality: Very quiet, but bubbly and friendly. Loves to help her uncle, Dennis, help with the farm.
Family Members: Her parents are dead and she is an only child.
Other: Has a Virginian accent like her uncle and wants to own the farm someday. Dennis is like an idol to her.
Life Story: When she was very little her parents were killed in a train wreck and her uncle took custody over her because he was the best person for her to live with. The two have a very good connection due to the fact Dennis' own parents were killed when he was fairly young.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: miss heny
Gender: Female, 14
Appearance: have pic for her body,skin color,but her eyes are a frosty blue , she wears jeans, short sleeve shirts, no shoes.
Personality: Very head strong, tomboyish, Stubborn.
Family Members: parents dead, dennis is her only family member she knows ablue
Life Story: was Born blind to her family, she was thought to be weak and need help at all times, but her Hearing sense was better then most people would think, so she can hear other people and things better when they are coming, she can also sense things with her feet, so that is why she is bare footed. Her mother and Father was killed in a car crash, she was brought to the farm by a friend of the family.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username
Appearance:Has Pink hair,crimson eyes,beautiful.
Family Members: Cece
Other:Has a cat and puppy
Life Story:Lived with Cece with their bad father and no mother.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username
Family:Cece.Her father is a druggy and her mother died.They lived in a shack but both ran away from home and ended up here.The saffest place they could find and a place for their horses.
Other:She has a puppy and cat.They are her closest friend instead of her sister and horse.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: The outdoorsman
Name: Nate
Gender: Male
Appearance: Muscular and tanned from hunting and fishing alot, he is also is very handsome. He is 16
Personality: Nice and very humorous
Family Members: His dad was the one to teach him to hunt and fish and his mom is dead
Other: He spends most of his free timme hunting or fishing
Life Story: He has a regular life except his mom died when he was 6.
Name: Peeta
Age: 16
Personality: Nice and humorous
Appearance: here is his picture
Gender: male
-the outdoorsman
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: pekinduck<3er
Name: Chris
Gender: male,16
Appearance: blonde hair,blue eyes,6 pack,tan,hair like justin beiber but cuter
Personality: Nice,gets angry sometimes,brave
Family Members: Cece,Cara
Other: He like to surf,skate,hang withfriends,ride horses,help others.has a dog and cat thats pregnant
Life Story: He lived with his 2 sisters and his father was a bad influence and his mother died when her was 10.he ran away with his sisters.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username
Name: Dylan
Appearance:Tan,always wears a cowboy hat,6 pack,cute,has blonde hair,blue eyes,teete as white as snow
Personality:Nice,smart,fun to be around,loving
Family Members:cara,cece
Life Story
lived with his sisters and ran away with them to this place.his house wasnt the best place to be so he ran away and came here with his sisters.
BYC Username: ChickieBooBoo
Name: William
Gender: Male, 17 years old.
Appearance: Tall and dark haired, has a shaggy appearance to him. Usually wears jeans and a t-shirt
Personality: Calm, doesn't fight a lot unless provoked. He is very protective of Calliope.
Family Members: None at the breeding farm
Other: Nothing yet
Life Story: Raised by a single mom, left home when he was 15. Found Calliope and they have been together ever since.
Name: Layla Mcloud
Age: 22
Personality: Pretty cool most of the time but does have a temper when mad
Appearance: red hair green eyes, 6'6 tall
Gender: female
Other: works at Green Island farms
Farm owner horse: shadow~ a Black mare of some type of breed, bought by Randy as a birthday gift *played by DuckLover2399
-miss heny
Name: Pat
Age: 50 or so
Personality: Verry cheerful but thinks Layla is his daughter since he did raise her mostly
Appearance: black and white hair with brown eyes
Gender: male
-miss heny
Name: Etha
Age: 12
Personality: shy, very rarely talks
Appearance: black hair, blue eyes, about 5'6 tall
Gender: female
Life Story: was raise by her father but sent to Layla because he is now in jail
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Name: Nila West
Gender: female, age 18
Appearance: Hair red,purple, and brown, green eyes, has daggers in her boots at all time, always wearing red and purple in leather.
Personality: is very cold hearted, but some were in her is a young child side, she rarely smiles or laugh
Family Members: parents are unknow to be alive or dead
Other: has a TigerHorse that is the size of a lab and would eat anything if it could
Life Story: all is know she is a retired Assassin...
BYC username
Name: Taylor Swift
Gender: Female, 12
Appearance: She is tall, and skinny. Slightly tam and muscled. Around 5'2. With Long curly ringlets of dark brown and Dirty blonde hair. Light blue eyes with deep blue rings around then. Very very pretty. She can usually be found wearing a flowly shirt and short blue jeans. Has an amazing gift for singing.
Personality: Fun and bubbly. Down to earth. Lovely to talk too. Can start a conversation with anybody.
Family Members:Best Friend-Nila
Other: Famous singer
Life Story: Lived in the country with horses ducks, chickens. Everything you could dream of. Then one day, a talent sponser saw a video on YouTube of her. He came to her house. She was wisked away into the lively hood of singing. She came back a few years later, still loveing animals with all her heart. She asked her parents if she could come work a Green Island Farms. They of course said yes. She came and found her best friend nila.
Personality:Sweet,caring,trustworthy,shy sometimes.
Appearance:Is a model.Has a petite figure and had blonde straight mid-waist hair length.Bright Blue eyes.Is cute and beautiful.She has sorta long legs as a model should somtimes and a beautiful face.
Natasha~A beautiful young Girl who has a cute face.And a petite Body.She has Blue hair hair and Bright blue eyes.And is 5'3 and is very Cheerful but gets sad sometimes.She is always looking for New friends.And loves Animals.She has a pet Collie named Lily and is always with her.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: the quail
Name: tommy
Gender: male
Appearance: has black hair and tan skin
Personality: loves to joke around and hates it when horses are unhappy
Family Members: hs dad his brother his mom
Other: favorite food pizza
Life Story: he has a normal life
Name: Adira
Age: 16ish
Personality: Very shy but kind, like to talk to friends most of the time
Appearance: her hair mostly shave off but a thick long braid of Golden blonde, Dark purple eyes ( a real eye color!!!) about 6'1.
Gender: female
-Miss Heny
Name: Kaya
Age: 16 17ish
Personality: shy, but sorta talky
Appearance: Blue hair, purple eyes, about 6'
Gender: female
Other: can understand humans and bend water (?)
-Miss Heny
Lead Stallion:
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name:Vir
Gender: male
Color: Black
Breed: Draft horse
Marking, scars, etc: has white feathers and a crested moon on his forehead
Personality: pretty kind to the other mares, but will put his hooves down if there is a fight
Family Members: dead
Life Story: comes from the best line of Draft horses he was bought from *put name here* and is now lead stallion
Lead Mare:
BYC username: chickendiva25
Name: Antoinietta
Gender: Female, 5 year old mare
Appearance: Dazziling white coat with some light grey dappiling on her rump. Her mane is snowy white and ripples, falling down her shoulder perfectly. Her tail matches her mane, but is ground length.
Her eyes are a beautiful, cornflower blue.
Personality: Quiet, wise, and kind.
Breed: Pure bred Andalusian
Other: She has a smooth, deep, seductive Spanish accent.
Family: None
History: She was feral once, but was captured and taken to the breeding farms.
BYC Username: Dutchgirl
Horse's Name: Cael, meaning "slender" in Irish
Gender: Mare
Color: Flaxen Chestnut.
Marking, scars, etc: Her right ear was torn off accidentally when she was a foal, leaving only a stub.
Personality: Motherly, yet not quiet. Actually quite bossy.
Family Members: Her few foals are either unknown or died soon after birth.
Life Story: Simply born at the breeding farm. Still, something happened to her when she was young -- she won't tell anyone, but b/c of it she believes something great is in store for her.
BYC Username: Gerbil
Horse's Name: Marie
Gender: fem
Color: Blue roan
Marking, scars, etc: Her mane is streaked with white, cut short and tail trimmed.
Personality: Shy and reserved. She wasn't raised around horses and feels somewhat awkward around them.
Family Members:
Life Story: Marie pulled a hay wagon for a living, entertaining all of the guests at Peter's Pumpkin patch. Tolerating the small ones constantly pulling on her, sticking there fingers in her nose and shoving handfuls of grass in her face. It wasn't a bad job, at times it was okay. Food was decent, she wasn't really overworked or anything, life was rather monotonous.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name:Vana
Color:chocolate brown with copper mane and tail
eruvian Paso
Marking, scars, etc: slight dappling
Personality: sweet and flashy, but has a flaring temper
Family Members: none
Life Story: She was born and raised on a ranch that met hard times and were forced to sell her.
BYC Username: equinehugger3
Horse's Name: Oriel
Gender: Mare
Color: Flaxen chestnut.
Breed: Paso Fino.
Marking, scars, etc: Nothing besides the bringling.
Personality: Very scared and timid, but sweet once you get to know her.
Family Members: No one
Life Story: She's always been here, she was bred here.
BYC Username:miss heny
Horse's Name:rika
Gender: female
Breed: Freisain
Marking, scars, etc: her mane and tail are black and white
Personality: sweet kins
Family Members: none
Life Story:was on a small family farm but was starve and beaten so she ran to the breeding farms.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Vala
Gender: female
Color: blue roan
Breed: a mix
Marking, scars, etc: silver hair
Personality: has none, is like a stone wall
Family Members: none
Life Story: was a loner most of her life then was caught by a human at the BFs
BYC Username:miss heny
Horse's Name: lily
Gender: female
Color: black and white
Breed: vanner X freisain
Marking, scars, etc: her mane and tail are white but her body is pure black
Personality: sweet kind and loving
Family Members: is mates with thunder
Life Story: was save by a human in a sense and brought there
BYC Username
Horse's Name: Arianna
Gender: Mare
appled gray
Breed: Quarter Horse
Marking, scars, etc: Has a burn mark because at her previous ranch she was being branded and the brand slipped.
Personality: She is kind, and sweet. Loving and gentle. Hates her lifestyle. Longs to have a mate.
Family Members:None
Life Story: She was born on a ranch out West. She grew up there, and they trained her to be a cow pony. She loved it, but then her ranch was foreclosed, forcing her owner to sell. She carries a deep wound from this, and misses her cowgirl horribly.
BYC Username:bella1210
Horse's Name:bella
Breed:i do not know
Marking, scars, etc:has no markings or scars
Family Members:do not know them
Life Story:do not know much about her
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Eve
Gender: Mare
Color: Dappled Grey
Breed: Purebred Arabian, from the top blood lines.
Marking, scars, etc: Her face is extremely concave, her neck is naturally arched, and her tail is flagged. Her mane is a blonde pale and very long. Her eyes are gorgeous and rather mesmorizing. She can cause most stallions to fall head over heels in a swoon, which is her secret weapon.
Personality: Sassy and fiesty. Hot headed.
Family Members: Both were stolen long ago.
Other: Her voice is deep and seductive.
Life Story: Was born at the breeding farm and is currently a top breeding mare. She is sometimes used in endurance riding and has always ended up in the top ten.
BYC Username
Horse's Name:Midnight star
Color:Black and white
Marking, scars, etc: star on forehead
Personality:sweet,loves everyone,cunning,feirce too
Family Members:no one
Life Story: my mother was killed by wolves and the wolves spared me and took me in.. i always thought wolves ate horses especially foals but they excepted me and i took a long trip and a rancher caught me called Dennis.....
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Lady Hera, though just Hera for short.
Gender: Mare
Color: Light bay.
Breed: Thoroughbred, though it is possible there is a little Quarter Horse in her blood.
Marking, scars, etc: She has a bald face, blue eyes, a long forelock, pink around her eyes and lips, white socks on all fours, the one on her back right being more of a stocking; and a bit of flaxen on her tail.
Personality: Friendly and kind, also very submissive around stallions. Can be sensitive.
Family Members: Her parents live at distant farm and are used as trail horses.
Life Story: When she was very young, Dennis won her in a raffle and took her home to raise. Now at the age of 9, she is used as a broodmare and everyonce in a while a barrel racer. She has produced several foals that are now champion barrel racers.
BYC Username:horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name:Bell
Marking, scars, etc: all four legs are white to the knee
Personality:sweet, and a gentle giant
Family Members:none
Life Story: She lived on a farm with an old man and every day she would take him around the countryside in a cart. One day he had a heart attack and died. She wondered off of his property and ran into Jake and Steph who took her to the farm.
BYC Username
Horse's Name:Momo
ure gray
Marking, scars, etc: None except a flower shape on her head
Family Members:Midnight Star
Life Story:Always lived with lala
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Saint Eithne on her papers.
Gender: Mare
Color: Dark bay
Breed: Arabian
Marking, scars, etc: All four of her legs have a tall black stocking, three of which are adorned with a short white sock. Has the normal body type of an Arabian: concave, delicate features. Some parts of her body are highlighted with a slightly lighter shade of bay. Her thick, flagged black tail reaches her hocks while her wispy mane drapes over her shoulder. Eithne's mane is usually pushed to the side. Her eyes are dark and attentive, and a white star is centered on her forehead.
Personality: Friendly, but hotheaded if you annoy her. Doesn't mind breeding. Very submissive to her owners and loves to be ridden in any style, as she is a horse of many skills.
Family Members: Eden Jewel, dam. Saint of Kernel, sire. Both live far away. Eve is a distant relative of hers.
Life Story: Little is known about her past, but she was purcahsed from an Arabian farm as a gift from Dennis to Lisa. She is a champion show horse and her bloodlines are very saught after.
BYC Username
Horse's Name:Black Gold
itch Black
Marking, scars, etc: Small white snip on her nose. She also has one white hock.
Personality:Sweet angelic mare. Can Be fiery at times. Stands up to stallions. Cunning. Protects herself and other mares.
Family Members: Sire - Bold Ruler Dam - Eight Belles
Life Story: Was born and bred for racing. She was born at Clairborn Farms. She also lived there. She got away when she was racing in virginia. Her rider had fallen off and she jumped the fenced. She ran around in the woods until Dennis found her.
BYC Username: ChickieBooBoo
Horse's Name: Calliope
Gender: Mare
Color: Deep golden coat with a white mane and tail
Breed: Palamino
Marking, scars, etc: None
Personality: Out-spoken, hates being bred by rude stallions, will stand up for herself and friends, tolerates being ridden by Will only
Family Members: None at the breeding farms, some at other places
Life Story: She was born at an old man named Jed's place, he let his horses run free in a huge pasture and let them do as they pleased. She grew up completely wild, almost like a wild horse. When Jed passed away his horses were auctioned off and she was sold to a trainer who broke her to ride. The trainer was very rough and she developed a fear of humans. Eventually the trainer sold her to a young boy named Will who finished her training. To this day she will not let anyone ride her but Will.
Aine ~ Is a very beautiful Irish hunter mare, with a rich dark bay coat that shines perfectly no matter the amount of light reflected upon her. She has a shoulder length mane of pure black that drapes over her thinner, yet muscular neck. Her long wavy black tail reaches her hocks, and is cut in a stright line oh so perfectly. Her legs are a mixture of colors, as her hocks are a pristine white, while the rest of the leg is a deep black slowly turning to the dark bay of her coat as her legs reach her body. Her eyes are a dark brown, almost black, but kind and consoling in many ways. She has a charming smile, that lights up even the murkiest of days. Has a faint, yet smooth Irish accent entwined into her more formal way of speaking. A very sweet mare, Aine is kind and motherly, anf very compassionate. Wants to be a mother someday herself, but still looking for a worthy stallion to father her foal. Is quiet and calm when ridden, obeying every command givin to her from the rider. She was born and raised on the farm, and very trusted among the riders there. Her name, in Gaelic, means "Radiance", and was the name of the amazingly beautiful faery queen. It is prounounce "AWN-ye." (chickendiva25)
Arwen is a beautiful, Friesian mare pegasi. With a glossy black coat and iridescent black/green angelic wings, she can fly with such grace as would a swan have. Her mane of black falls perfectly down her shoulder as it ripples near the roots and turns slightly curly near the ends. Her tail, being hock length and cleany cut, is black as well and curls sweetly. She has a slender body, and is lithe and graceful depsite her size. Her hooves are massice, covered in heavy feathering. Arwen normally has a look of pure happiness upon her flawless face, her eyes a bright green, and very loving. Her fore lock, which curls all the way through, normally covers one of her eyes. Arwen is very gentle, her velvety muzzle feeling like the touch of a newborn child if felt. Easy to make friends with, and very social. Despite her age, Arwen is extremely wise and normally sought to when one needs advice. She tends to stay quiet, yet when she speaks her words are full of wisdom and peace. Definatly a peace maker, and not one to start a fight. Rather, she would seek to stop it rather than to keep the fire burning. She recently lost her mate, and the herd she was lead mare in, so she seems rather sorrowful and mourns the loss of her family. Her voice is gentle, kind, and inviting to the young and old. ~ chickendiva25
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Silva
Gender: Female
Color: bay
Breed: Morgan
Marking, scars, etc: nothing
Personality: Sweet kind, but will fight if needed
Family Members: 2 foals, all solded
Life Story:
-miss heny
BYC Username: Alien for God
Horse's Name: Carissa
Gender: mare
Color: Beautiful chestnut with a long thick, flaxen mane and tail.
Breed: Gypsy Vanner
Marking, scars, etc: Perfectly straight, large white blaze and very pink muzzle.
Personality: Sweet, gentle, and very protective.
Family Members: Bell is her mother.
Life Story: She was sold from her mother at a very young age. She has had five owners. Her last owner set her free and she wandered into Green Island Farms where her mother, Bell, is.
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Horse's Name: Cloud's Delight
Gender: Female
Color: Flaxen
Breed: Mini Horse
Marking, scars, etc: Deep black circles around her eyes and nose. Her fetlocks are a deep black color. The soft mane that covers her crisp brown eyes is a soft flaxen color. As is he long tail.
Personality: Fun, bubbly, loving mare. Loves humans, and will let any human (of the appropriate size) ride her. She especially likes children. Doesnt like to be around stallions, except pheonix. She doesnt like to be without the friendly mare though. Hates when people take her foals, but in her little mind thinks he understands why. She would rather not be bred to any other stallion but phoenix, but it has happened before. She is okay with cats and dogs, but hates any other kind of farm animal.
Family Members: One dead foal, Her mate Pheonix
Life Story: Lived at a highly respected mini horse breeding facility. With Pheonix her mate. The farm began to run out of money. So they sold there two best horses. Phoenix's Dispostion and Cloud's Delight. They are from a highly searched for line of minis. Known as "glories gate minis". They are a lucky addition to Green Island Farms.
BYC Username: Miss heny
Horse's Name: Angel
Gender: female
Color: black
Breed: Mini horse
Marking, scars, etc: none
Personality: sweet and shy
Family Members: uhh, she has a mom and dad
Life Story: from *put farm here* and was bought by Nila
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Amber
Gender: female
Color: light bay
Breed: Arabian
Marking, scars, etc: a white star on her for head
Personality: feisty, can get mad easy
Family Members: a few foals
Life Story: found on a nearby farm she is their best race horse and barrel horse
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Mist
Gender: female
Color: Black and white
Marking, scars, etc: a lovely Heart on her rump like her father
Personality: shy but sweet
Family Members: Sweetheart
Life Story: breed from Midnight and SweetHeart she is kept for show mainly and some breeding
-miss heny
BYC Username:miss heny
Horse's Name: Rosa
Gender: female
Color: black
Breed: Shire
Marking, scars, etc: all black with blue eyes
Personality: shy and proud
Family Members: foals all sold
Life Story: was bough as a foal from a good line of Shires for breeding and some comps
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Midnight
Gender: female
Color: black
Breed: Vanner
Marking, scars, etc: black with brown eyes
Personality: very talky
Family Members: Mist
Life Story: was breed at Mcloud farms
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Missy Shorty
Gender: female
Color: Light bay
Breed: Shetland
Marking, scars, etc: just light bay
Personality: cranky
Family Members: foals, all sold
Life Story: was bough with Pinky pie as a pair
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Death star
Gender: female
Color: white
Breed: mini horse
Marking, scars, etc: a black star on it forehead
Personality: deadly and mean
Family Members: some foals
Life Story: nothing big really, was bought and sold till she got to Mcloud farms for breeding
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Mary
Gender: female
Color: Black
Breed: thoroughbred
Marking, scars, etc: all black
Personality: Proud, selfish, nasty and mean
Family Members: some foals
Life Story: Import from the UK from the same farm Saint John is from, but from different lines
-miss heny
BYC Username
Horse's Name:Lily
Color:Black and White
Marking, scars, etc:Has a Lily shape on her side.
Personality:Very kind and loving like Lala.Is very cunning and high spirited.
Family Members:Momo(Lala)
Life Story:She was born from a Jem that had been cast down from Lala to Nila and Nate.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Apache
Gender: Female
Color: Black and white Overo.
Breed: Paint
Marking, scars, etc: She is sturdily built, obviously bred for Western competitions. A gorgeous mare.
Personality: Friendly and very soft spoken. Apache doesn't like to be bred, often resisting.
Family Members: All live in Texas as reining champions.
Life Story: She lived most of her life in Texas as a Western ridden horse until sold off once the farm was losing money and needed to sell their most valuable horses off. Though it was hard for both her and her owners, she is now living in a good home where she will be kept mainly for show purposes. Dennis only plans to breed her once or twice.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Niyati
Gender: female
Appearance: Long, curly, raven-black hair and beautiful olive skin with deeply defined features.
Personality: Cool, calm, and slow to anger. She is very intelligent. Her eyes are a strange golden color.
Family Members: None
Life Story: She migrated to America with her mother and father from India when she was a year old.
Other: Name means Destiny in Asian Indian.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name: Suravi
Gender: mare
Color: a rare palomino
Breed: Hanoverian
Marking, scars, etc: none
Personality: Very loyal and has a very high endurance level for a Hanoverian.
Family Members: Demesio is her brother.
Owner: Niyati
Life Story: She was bought by Niyati's parents when she was only 6 months old and has been with Niyati ever since. She has never been bred, but would be an ideal dam because of her careful breeding and extensive training.
Other: Name means sun in Asian Indian.
Use: Cross-country jumping and breeding.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name: Janya
Gender: mare
Color: Dapple grey.
Breed: Hanoverian
Marking, scars, etc: none
Personality: Sweet and smart, she catches on to training fats and is always willing to please her rider.
Family Members: none
Owner: Niyati
Life Story: Janya was purchased as a three-year-old for Niyita's twelfth birthday. Her exquisite genes make her an ideal broodmare and she is currently pregnant with Lochan's colt.
Other: Name means life in Asian Indian.
Use: Dressage and breeding.
Blacky~She is a Black Appalosa and is very cute in her own way.She is the Top Mare-horse around the farm and is very loyal to her owner Emily.She is very trustworthy and sweet and loves other humans and horses.But when the owners neice's dog comes around she bucks and nips at the dog.
Spots~A beautiful Arabian Mare that came from a famous person but they had to sell it to the owner.So she has no rider but is very sweet to all humans.She is very sweet but can be arrogant at times.
Ginger~A red ThoroughBred That was once a Mustang but got captured by wranglers and then was sold to a sluaghter house but Emily saved her.She is very shy and sweet.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Timo
Gender: Female
Color: Brunblakk
Breed: Fjord
Marking, scars, etc: a scar on her rump
Personality: sweet shy, and slightly (alot) annoying
Family Members: unknow
Life Story: found by Kaya on her door step as a foal, she was raise by her, and has a bond with her unlike any other
BYC Username: Gerbil
Horse's Name: Alill
Gender: Male
Color: Blue Eyed Cream.
Marking, scars, etc:
Personality: An Irish firecracker.....
Life Story:Alill was shipped at the age of 2 years from his quiet farm in northern Ireland to Mrs. Jane in North America. Her intentions were for show with his great bloodlines and reputation and her experience, she had always loved the Connemara breed. Things started out great, they won grand champion on their first try and claimed several trophies. This friendship lasted for 8 years, and while they had their up and downs throughout them, but they had been great. But by the end of the 8th, however, things turned for the worst. Mrs Jane's cancer had spread, she could no longer care for Allil and was forced to give him up, to a cousin down south. From then on he knew no more, 2 more years passed of being shipped and trucked around, utter chaos. He had met a only one kindness in those rough days, a young burro by the name of Pepper. They were penned together during his travels and had grown close, brothers of a sort. He was taken by the people before Alill one day, several months back, and was never seen again.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: sweetheart
Gender: male
Color: black and white
Breed: vanner
Marking, scars, etc: on his rump he has a white heart
Personality: very brave, thinks he is the best stallion there
Family Members: many foals and his daughter (who lives here)
Life Story: Imported from England from the best English lines.
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name:Lucas
Gender: male
Color: bay
Breed: morgan
Marking, scars, etc: many scars on his rump
Personality: evil, pure evil
Family Members: many foals
Life Story: was bough from the best morgan lines by a evil farmer he was whipped and nearly starved to death, Lalya saved him before he died, but it did not save his son.
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Pinky Pie
Gender: male
Color: dark bay
Breed: Shetland
Marking, scars, etc: uneven mane and tail
Personality: very jolly and happy, rarely get mad
Family Members: none yet
Life Story: bought from a fair with gum in his hair he became there best shetland stud
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Twinkies
Gender: male
Color: black
Breed: Mini horse
Marking, scars, etc: a scare over his right eye
Personality: Block heading thinking he is the best stud
Family Members: some foals since he is the newer stud
Life Story: found as a foal, when his DNA was check he was from one of the best mini horses lines.
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Lener
Gender: male
Color: grey dapple
Breed: Shire
Marking, scars, etc: white feathers
Personality: shy, stutters alot when talking
Family Members: about 3 foals all solded
Life Story: bought from the best line of Shires his blood is very wanted
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Saint John
Gender: male
Color: Cremolla (SP)
Breed: thoroughbred
Marking, scars, etc: blue eyes
Personality: very proud but kind
Family Members: many foals, some well know
Life Story: bough from a well know breeder in the UK and imported here
-miss heny
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name:Red devil (Red)
eruvian paso
Marking, scars, etc: 2 rear white socks, white star, and a blck muzzle
Personality: showy and understanding
Family Members: none
Life Story: His rider was killed in a fall while jumping him and her brother sold him imediately.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Inola
Gender: Stallion
Color: A very sleek sorrel
Breed: Quarter Horse
Marking, scars, etc: All four legs with the exception of his front right, which has a sock on it instead, have tall stockings with jagged stripes coming from the tops, he has a white spot on the left side of his belly, a thick blaze on his face, pink around his lips, a sweeping forelock, and a perfectly groomed mane. His tail is so long it is usually kept in a braid. Muscles ripple from under his coat and he is very sturdy and well built.
Personality: Though kind with mares and usually the first to woo them, he is territorial around other stallions. He loves to tease geldings. He is obedient and loyal with the two-legs, doing whatever they ask. It is why he is one of the farm's favorites and such a good show horse.
Family Members: His parents were killed in a barn fire when he was very young, leaving him to be rescued. He was fostered at Dennis' farm by humans and often monitored because of the amounts of smoke caught in his lungs. Thankfully he is fine now.
Life Story: As mentioned earlier, his parents were killed in a barn fire and was rescued, unharmed on the outside. He was soon after adopted by Dennis and nursed back to health after substantial amounts of smoke and soot were caught in his lungs. He is currently used as one of the top breeding stallions, though he is often used as an event horse.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name:Star
Gender: male
Color: black with a star on his forhead
Breed: French Trotter
Marking, scars, etc: a star on his forhead
Personality: like any other male, a big block head
Family Members: dead
Life Story: was there all his life
Prometheus - is a handsome, Andalusian/Friesian stallion with a proud stature that doesn't quite resemble his attitude. His coat is a dark, dappled grey, and his mane of creamy white has dashes of grey in it. He has a very muscular body, but sweet loving eyes and a charming smile that could make any mare swoon. He is somewhat shy at first, but very kind and loving. (chickendiva25)
Jasper~A young stallion that is very muscular and handsome.He is a fresian and is Very big.He can be aggresive at times but can be a Gentle Giant.He has won tons a ribbons at Fairs and trophys around the world.He has no owner.
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Horse's Name: Spartan
Gender: Stallion
Color: Deep Brown
Marking, scars, etc: His coat is a deep brown, with one or two small spots of Carmel colored brown. His mane is slightly darker with a few strands of light Carmel. He has a few white spots on his face. Enchanting auburn brown eyes. His hooves are half white and half black. A rare mix for a mustang. His coat is rough from the years of living in the wild. With a little work thought he could be a champion horse.
Personality: Rather accepting of humans. Only because he was the lowest stallion in the herd. The human he trusts most is nate. Loves apples. He likes to be around other horses and dogs, but hates cats and other barnyard animals.
Family Members: All his family members are dead
Life Story: He lived in a herd that roams close to Green Island Farms. He was born to a rouge mare, and adopted by a lower mare In the herd. He grew up being taunted and left behind. Evan though he was one of the prettiest. He challenged the lead stallion many times, but the big Black stallion won every time. He was more than likely left behind because of his many attempts to mate the lead mare. That's when ante found him and gave him his favorite treat. Apples.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Silver racer
Gender: Male
Color: a silver grey
Breed: Arabian
Marking, scars, etc: black stockings
Personality: Sweet kind
Family Members: many foals
Life Story: bought from the best lines of Arabians he is use for both breeding and racing.
-miss heny
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Horse's Name: Spirit
Gender: Stallion
Color: Dun
Breed: Kiger Mustang
Marking, scars, etc: Small quarter sock on his left hind leg. Small white star on his head. His forelegs are pitch black, they black part extends to his knees. His rough tail and mane are also the same black color. He has chocolatey brown eyes. That can make anyone fall in love with him. He is very beautiful and majestic.
Personality: He is a mean rough stallion. To humans at least. However there is one human he trusts to ride him. That is nila. He will buck off or kill anyone else that tries to ride him. He is very sweet and respectful to mares, but you can expect a fight if you put him in a with a stallion. He docent mind gelding much, but he can get a little cranky. He is fine with fluffy but not other dogs or cats, because of his experience with cougars and wolves.
Family Members: Many foals. All unknown though.
Life Story: Spirit ran free in the Wyoming mountains. With his herd of about 150 horses. He lived there from the time he was a young colt until he was about 4. Then he was caught by locals, defending his herd. He lived at a cow horse ranch with a few cows. Until he almost killed a man that was trying to ride him. He was sent to a man in virginia to be trained. Yet again this man could not train him. So he sent him to the local auction house. Where he was bided on by a slaughter house. When he got out of his cage the auctioneers almost killed him. Until nila came to the rescue. He has been owned by her ever since.
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Horse's Name: Phoenix's Disposition (meaning: Fire Bird)
Gender: Stallion
Color: Deep Black
Breed: Mini Horse
Marking, scars, etc: Heavy dappleing on his rump and back area. Extending to his shoulders. He also has a very small grey star on his forehead. Only 30 inches tall.
Personality: He is a nice stallion. Likes to be around mares, but respects them. Likes to be around stallions. He doesnt tolerate them being disrespectful though. Likes children and will offer them a ride whenever possible. Is not aggressive to humans at all. Cats are a different story though. Loves dogs.
Family Members: A few unknown foals. Also his mate Cloud
Life Story: Lived at a highly respected mini horse breeding facility. With cloud his mate. The farm began to run out of money. So they sold there two best horses. Phoenix's Dispostion and Cloud's Delight. They are from a highly searched for line of minis. Known as "glories gate minis". They are a lucky addition to Green Island Farms.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Londo
Gender: Stallion
Color: black
Breed: Freisian
Marking, scars, etc: none
Personality: sweet but a bonehead sometimes
Family Members: none
Life Story: bought by Adira from a butcher's farm, been loyal to her ever since.
Name: achila
Age: 12
Personality: rude stallion hates mares
Appearance: Tall and grey
BYC Username
Horse's Name:cloud
Color:gary but with white spots that looks like rain drops.
Marking, scars, etc: has a snakenite wound on his leg that healed but is now a scar on his foot above the hoove
Family Members:midnight star
Life Story:used to live in a sluaghter house but dylan saved him.he now rides around with dylan and stays close by him
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Mystic Moon (Mystic).
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Breed: Egyptian Arabian
Marking, scars, etc: He has a tiny white star on his forehead, usually covered by his forelock. He has the normal features of an Arabian, being very concave faced with an arched neck and proud body. Stands at 15 hands high.
Personality: Shy, very gentle around foals and mares. Fears other stallions as he acts like the bottom of the herd.
Family Members: They both live far in the middle east, which is why he has his accent. He has fathered many foals in his short lifetime.
Life Story: Sold to Dennis as a rare import from a breeder in Saudi Arabia. He lived a very good life and was often spoiled. Rides almost any style.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Angus the Barbarian, or simply Angus.
Gender: Male
Color: Dark Cherry Chestnut
Breed: Thoroughbred
Marking, scars, etc: Stands at about 16.2 hands high, his body being quite large and strong. His coat is sleek and his two back legs have small white socks. The stallion's tail is a bright orange chestnut at the top and almost black by the bottom.
Personality: Though cocky around other horses, he is surprisingly gentle for a stallion. Very calm and patient.
Family Members: He's Pakwa's half brother.
Life Story: Was sold to Dennis from the farm both Gumdrop and Pakwa normally live at. He's a race horse.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Zydeco's Little Boy, or Zydeco.
Gender: Male, young.
Color: Dark palomino
Breed: Mini Horse
Marking, scars, etc: All four of his legs have short socks. His face and front legs has some charcoal coloring.
Personality: Quite the ladies man. Hates other stallions and thinks highly of himself because of his famous sire. He will sometimes even try to take on even the largest of horses if threatened.
Family Members: New Orleans, dam. Boone's Little Buckeroo, sire. He hasn't fathered any foals yet but will soon.
Life Story: Before he was even born, his breeder promised to give Dennis a top breeding mini. Once at the age of maturity he was sold off to Green Island Farms.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name: Lochan
Gender: Stallion
Color: A handsome coal-black coat with a perfectly trimmed mane and tail. He has exotic brilliant blue eyes.
Breed: Hanoverian
Marking, scars, etc: None
Personality: He is very high-spirited and requires only the gentlest of handling, if not he is sure to leave you sitting in the dust.
Family Members: None
Owner: Niyati
Life Story: He was bought for Niyati one month before her parents died by her father and so means the world to her.
Other: Name means bright eyes in Asian Indian.
Use: Showing and breeding.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Wild Cherry Gumdrop, but usually only referred to as Gumdrop
Gender: Gelding
Color: Bay
Breed: Thoroughbred.
Marking, scars, etc: He is very tall, thin, and leggy, having the typical Thoroughbred look and build to him. A tall black sock adorns each of his legs, his mane is short and straight, and his tail is at upper calf length. Gumdrop's coat is very sleek and shiny. His face is very cute and expressionate, having a very faint star hidden underneath his forelock.
Personality: Very affectionate and sweet, hardly ever mean. A little sensitive at times.
Family Members: Dam, Sunday Girl. Sire, Diamond River Delight. They both live very far away.
Other: He is amazingly fast, arguably the swiftess camped out at the farms.
Life Story: He was gelded at an early age, though beforehand he did father one foal. His real home is all the way in Kentucky where he is a top race horse and usually ends up ranking in the top ten when finishing a race. He spends his summers at Dennis' farm and is away most of the year afterwards, though he occasionally visits and comes by.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Pakwa's Fancy, just Pakwa for short.
Gender: Gelding
Color: White
Breed: Purebred Thoroughbred
Marking, scars, etc: His mane is well cut and his forelock is long. His tail is thick and shortened to his knees. Very tall and leggy, naturally skinny. The skin around his eyes and muzzle are pink.
Personality: Friendly, but is a little bit more on his toes around stallions.
Family Members: His parents are far away in the same barn as Gumdrop's. Gumdrop is his "brother" because they are such good friends, having grown up with eachother.
Life Story: Is on the same program as Gumdrop, they visit everyonce and a while and live out in the pastures during most of the summer, but live back at home the rest of the year. He is also a top racing horse with some of the best bloodlines.
Name: Tik
Age: 8
Personality: lazy but can be fun loving and bubbly
Appearance: Silver dapple, black with white mane
Gender: Gelding
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name: Demesio
Gender: Gelding
Color: Rich, deep bay.
Breed: Hanoverian
Marking, scars, etc: Two white socks on back feet and a circle centered in the middle of his fore-head.
Personality: He only takes to certain riders he likes, judging by their personality and character. He can sense when someone is about to die or if someone has been doing drugs or has them. He is way too smart for his own good and has to have five locks on his stall door.
Family Members: Suravi is his sister.
Owner: Niyati
Life Story: Niyati rescued him from an abusing home and managed to gain legal rights to him and his papers a few years ago.
Use: Show jumping
Other: Name means loved in Asian Indian.
BYC Username: Dutchgirl
Horse's Name: Kendi, which means "The Loved One" in African
Gender: Filly
Color: She is a Zonkey, dusty brown on top and with white legs. Dark stripes cover her horizontally, appearing to tie up her torso. She has long, rabbit-like ears and a thick tail with a tuft of brown hair at the tip. Dark eyes. Her forelock dips down, farther than normal for a Zonkey foal.
Marking, scars, etc: Her left hind leg is slightly crooked from an accident that happened early on in her life.
Personality: Shy, sweet, quiet. Loving and far from snobby.
Family Members: None, so far.
Life Story: Was bred at the zoo for special purposes. When her zebra mother had twins and the zoo could not support the second little filly, they sold her for a high price to the farm.
Pictures of the farm:

Atarah was abused by her parents. She ran away as fast as she could, but her small foal legs couldnt take her very far before her father could manage to beat her. She lost her hind leg.
After years of abuse, she finally managed to escape. Before realizing it- She was on a beautiful land. Blue skys, green meadows- It was the perfect place to live. But she was lonely. She wanted a mate, and foals to live on her land. She walked through the forest- Rescuing any horses that needed help. She helped some escape from their evil owners, some escape from evil horses, and some from burning buildings. She was happy with her herd. She is very welcome to newcomers, and still goes out to rescue some. They face dangers of humans coming in, with a breeding farm close by. Together they have to stay strong as a herd, to fight against any problems they face.
BYC Username:

*No bad language (Including cr*p!) (20 points)
*No flaming or trolling (50 points)
*All BYC rules apply
*No killing a character without the owners permission. (20 points)
*ANY fighting will result in a 30 minute break of posting for both people in the fight. (In addition, they will get 20 points added)
*You MUST PM me to report anything against these rules.
*You MUST still RP in SkyHerd (70 Points)
I'm doing our ruling differently. EVERY TIME YOU POST SOMETHING AGAINST THE RULES, I WILL CHART IT. I WILL BE MAKING EACH RULE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF POINTS, AND WHEN YOU REACH 100 THE FIRST TIME, YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED. THE SECOND TIME, YOU WILL BE BANNED. When you get close to 100, I'll send you a PM to let you know. Let me know what you guys think of this. PM me if you want to know how many points you have. Thanks!
Lead Mare:
Sophia is a pure-bred Missouri Fox-trotter. She stands around 15 hh, with long slender legs and neck. Her body is a rich chesnut, which shines in a lovely manner in the sun. Her mane is about shoulder length, and a creamy white in color; as is her long tail. Her velvety muzzle is brownish in color, yet soft to the touch. Sophia has soft hazel eyes, and a charmingly beautiful smile. Somewhat quiet, she is very wise despite her age and most horses go to her for insight. Sophia love foals, yet doesn't have any of her own. She will do anything for the herd. With her deep, powerful, and seductive voice, she sounds as powerful as she is. ~ chickendiva25

Lead Stallion:
Name: Trajon
Age: 10
Breed: Belgian Draft.
Appearance: Dark bay, with long feathered hooves. His mane, tail, and feathers are all a deep ebony black. His tail is hock-length, and his mane reaches only his shoulder. His eyes are a large, dark chocolate, and exhibit kindness on the outside, although no one knows if that's all...
Personality: He is very kind and wise, and almost as allowing to stallions as he is to mares. His leadership is so firm, so well known, that if someone dared challenge him, they'd likely have more than one horse against them.
History: All anyone knows is that he was rescued from a burning barn. He had been tied to a tractor with a firm knot when the fire began. He'd struggled to escape, almost being burned alive in the process.
BYC Username: equinehugger3
Name: Achillies
Age: 7
Breed: Mustang
Apperance: Short and stocky like most mustangs. Fairly short White mane that has a single strip of black intertwined. He tail is re same falling to his hocks and being a creamy white with the tips dripping black. His coat is a creamy white.
Personality: Sweet and kind to stallions, and mares alike. Although he can be stubborn headed at times.
History: He hasn't told anyone.
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Name: Crow
Age: 9-year-old stallion
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Light bay Rabicano with beautiful roaning and spots mixed in. He has solid black legs and mane and tail. More white on him than bay. Light icy green eyes.
Personality: He is strong, swift, and sweet, but he is more of a lone wolf. Secretly, he wants to have a mate and many foals of his own badly.
History: Escaped from a truck taking captured Mustangs to a slaughter house in Mexico with Sky, Earth, Sioux, and Frazier.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Rocket is a Belgian mix white horse with black hocks. He was born in the wild, but his parents dumped him. He is a very sweet horse, and dreams to have foals of his own. -DuckLover179
Name: Kachina
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Breed: Arabian/Mustang
Appearance: Though she is half Mustang and still attains attributes like one from her father, she appears to be much more Arabian-like, with an arched neck, concave face, the breed's classic body, and flagged tail. Her coat is a gorgeous palomino with slightly dappling patterns showing through like a buckskin's, and all four of her legs adorn a short white sock, faded in with her palomino coat at the top. The mare's tail is full and nearly drags against the ground, while her long, straight mane drapes across her right shoulder, both being well groomed and white in color. Her eyes and star are normally covered by her long forelock. Very elegant and fairy tale-like in appearance.
Personality: Wild like a Mustang, but graceful and proud like an Arabian. Would kill for her unborn foal and herd just to keep them safe.
History: Her mother was an escapee from a halter show after a few rambunctious teens thought it would be funny to release her from her stall. Because the showing was not too far from the herds, she met up with a lone Mustang stallion and the two instantly fell in love. After a year or so of wandering they had their first foal, Kachina. They cared for her up until recently, when she reached maturity and left to find her own herd. On the way to finding EmberHerd she met a young Mustang stallion around her age and the two allied up, eventually becoming mates once their friendship became much higher. Unfortunately, he was killed when trying to save Kachina from a mountain lion, leaving the mare devastated. She is currently carrying his foal.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Name: Aspen
Age: 2
Breed: Gypsy Vanner
Gender: Mare
Appearance: Black and white
Personality: Very sweet, has a pet wolf
History: Was on SH a VERRYYYYY long time ago. Remakin' her ova here!

BYC Username: DuckLover179
Name: Frazier
Age: 6-year-old mare
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Beautiful light cremello strawberry roan. Her body is creamy with pinkish-orange mane, tail, nose, ears, face, and lower legs. Bright pink muzzle. She has a unique pinkish-orange blaze from her forehead to her muzzle. Pretty light tan eyes with a pink tinge.
Personality: Sassy and flirty. She wants a mate more to love her more than she wants any foals.
History: She escaped with Crow, Sky, Sioux, and Earth from the truck taking them to a slaughter house in Mexico.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Sioux
Age: 4-year-old mare
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Pretty cherry bay with a white heart-shaped mark on her forehead. She has a solid black mane and tail except for bright reds tips like highlights. She has black eyes.
Personality: Sweet, serene, and easy to get along with. She dearly wants to have foals of her own.
History: She escaped with Frazier, Crow, Sky, and Earth from a truck taking them to a slaughter house in Mexico.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Age:2 yrs. old
Appearance:She is a Red arabian.With a long flowing mane and tail.
Personality:She is sweet at times but can get very furious fast!So watch out!She is loyal,trustworthy,friendly and ect.
History:She used to be at a Breeding farm but escaped.
BYC Username

Name: Earth
Age: 6 month colt
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Dark chocolate with a small white spot on his stomach, a large white blaze, and white legs. Dark, green-blue eyes.
Personality: He is silly and always has his head in the clouds. He seems a lot younger than he is because of the way he acts. Most are annoyed by him and think he just needs to grow up.
History: He escaped with Frazier, Crow, Sioux, and Sky from a truck taking them to a slaughter house in Mexico. Sky is his sister.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Sky
Age: 6 month filly
Breed: Spanish Mustang
Appearance: Pretty white filly. She has a blue mane and tail. Her muzzle is a mix of black and pink, indicating that she is actually grey, not white. Blue-grey eyes.
Personality: She is very serious and down-to-earth. She rarely ever plays, the total opposite of her brother. Most are slightly annoyed by her and think she needs to live a little.
History: She escaped with Frazier, Crow, Earth, and Sioux from a truck taking them to a slaughter house in Mexico. Earth is her brother.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Atarah
Age: 20
Breed: Arabian
Gender: Mare
Appearance: http://www.theequinest.com/images/anglo-arabian-2.jpg -Missing hind leg
Personality: Very kind, and calm
History: She founded EmberHerd
BYC Username: DuckLover179
Green Island Farms
(Psssttt! Hey guys, you gotta check out my blog!)

1 Day in real time is 2 months on Green Island Farms. This will help you age your horse.
*No bad language (Including cr*p!) (20 points)
*No dramatic posting period! (ie. "Fine then guys, IGNORE ME!!!!", or "I'm thinking about leaving...". We don't need posts like that.) (50 points)
*No flaming or trolling (50 points)
*All BYC rules apply
*If you dont like it, dont post. This applies to all things (ie. Say someone posts something that doesnt quite make sense, DO NOT correct them. This is an RP, it doesnt have to be realistic.). (20 points)
*No killing a character without the owners permission. (20 points)
*No disgusting stuff. (Keep it PG) (50 points)
*If you want someone on another thread, please PM them rather than posting here. This includes the copy of GIF on BYH.(10 points)
*Do NOT bring up topics that will hurt feelings. (There has been talk about the "SkyHerd plan", and I see no need for posts like that.) (20 Points)
*Do NOT RP another person's character! (10 points)
*Do NOT injure another player's character without their permission. This includes biting, and breaking bones. (10 points)
*NO RP'ing a character until I have the form. (20 points)
*NO questioning moderation. If you are suspended, it's not my fault (You simply didn't follow the rules). If you are suspended, and you complain about moderation because you were, the suspend can go for a long amount of time, or you could be banned. (70 points)
*If something should be in a PM (Like asking Gerbil for some fire horses, which has nothing to do with our thread.), PLEASE put it in a PM! Some people like to keep things private, not have them asked constantly all over random threads. (50 points)
*The earliest a mare can have a foal is 10 months. You can't wait two days, and have your mare give birth then. (50 points)
*ANY fighting will result in a 30 minute break of posting for both people in the fight. (In addition, they will get 20 points added)
*Don't push anyone to RP a character (10 points)
*If you have a plan, consult it with me first. I am the thread owner. (10 points)
*Do NOT make rude comments to, or behind someone's back (Doesn't matter who). (20 points)
*NO time warping!!! (10 points)
*You MUST PM me to report anything against these rules.
I'm doing our ruling differently. EVERY TIME YOU POST SOMETHING AGAINST THE RULES, I WILL CHART IT. I WILL BE MAKING EACH RULE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF POINTS, AND WHEN YOU REACH 100 THE FIRST TIME, YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED. THE SECOND TIME, YOU WILL BE BANNED. When you get close to 100, I'll send you a PM to let you know. Let me know what you guys think of this. PM me if you want to know how many points you have. Thanks!
Here is a HORSE form to PM to me. (If you want a specific color, please include that in the PM!)
BYC Username:
Horse's Name:
Marking, scars, etc:
Family Members:
Life Story:
Here is a FARM ANIMAL form to PM to me!!! (If you want a specific color, please include that in the PM!)
BYC Username:
Farm Animal's Name:
Life Story:
Farm Owner:
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Name: Dennis
Gender: Male, young. In his mid-twenties.
Appearance: Has short strawberry blond hair and a stubbly beard. About 5'8 in height, has a slight build but most defininately not overly muscular. His skin is fairly tanned from the sun and he has a fairly young and handsome look to him. His eyes are hazel, but change color every once in a while. Is often seen wearing a t-shirt, levis, rubber boots, and a cowboy hat.
Personality: Can be a little harsh and mean, but is surprisingly friendly.
Family Members: Parents, missing and most likely dead. Girlfriend: Jude.
Other: Speaks in a heavy Virginian accent.
Life Story: Little is known about him, he only shares his past with those he trusts.
Farm Owner's Horse: Evander: Evander is Dennis's pet horse. He is not included in the breeding. He is an Arabian. -DuckLover2399
Farm Owner's Girlfriend:
BYC username: chickendiva25
Name: Jude
Appearance: Shoulder length curly, Auburn hair that shines in the sunlight. She has a charming, seductive smile, and is muscular, but has a definite feminine look. She stands around 5'4, and has soft green eyes. She is normally seen in western shirts, jeans or jean short, and her black leather boots.
Personality: Is the life of the party, and fun to be around. Yet she is loving and shows compassion for others. She has a dangerous temper though....
Other: Has a southern accent.
History: Was born and raised in whatever this state they are in, moved away with her parents when she was a teen, and moved back a while ago to live there permanantly.
Family: Her parents. Boyfriend: Dennis
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: miss heny
Name: layla
Gender: girl, about 21
Appearance: fire red hair and blue eyes, is 6'2 tall, wears most of the time short sleeve shirts and capris with ridding boods, but (very rare!) would wear a skirt.
Personality: pretty friendly with most people unless they get on her nerves.
Family Members: has 1 sister and brother
Other: somes times when she has coffee, she would get her deep southern accent.
Life Story: very little is know about her background, most people knows she has a brother and sister, and owns a big breeding farm, but Dennis knows that she is super rich, but knows little about her brother or sister.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Jake
Gender: male, 16-year-old
Appearance: Tall, lanky, and a bi ton the lazy side. He has shaggy black hair
Personality: He is very sarcastic and is a major realist.
Family Members: Parents, sister stephanie, and uncle Dennis
Other: Not goth, but likes to wear black things.
Life Story: His parents made him come out and stay with his uncle Dennis for the whole summer and work on the farm with the hands.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: miss heny
Name: Cleopatra
Gender: female, about 18
Appearance: red hair with blue streaks, she wears tank tops,a worn cowboy hat, jeans and cowboy boots
Personality: stand offish, but once some one knows her she is very talky
Family Members: Parents, unknow, most likely dead. dennis is her only family member she truely knows about.
Other: Speaks in a brittish accent
Life Story: very little to none is know about her
Farm Hand:
BYC username: equinehugger3
Name: Cay
Appearance: Light orange freckles dot her nose and face. They frame gorgeous light blue eyes, outlined by navy with flecks of gold. Her hair is a natural orange, built up by strands of brown, red, golden blonde, and orange hair. She has a very athletic build, and is very muscular. She's about 5'10. She's normally seen around the barn in ripped jeans with a stretchy shirt. She also frequently wears flannel button-downs in the winter, and athletic shorts in the spring and summer. She rides lots of Western and English, so she's also spotted in breeches a lot. When she's not riding for show or competition, she'll usually just ride in rubber chore boots or paddock boots without chaps. Her hair is always up in some way.
Personality: LOVES to laugh, but never starts a conversation with anyone she doesn't know super well. She is unbelievably bull-headed and determined.
History: Born a farmgirl at heart, she took lessons from a young age. She's currently enrolled in medical school. She's an excellent rider, and can not imagine life without horses, like all of the other farmhands.
Family: Her parents are in a diff state, along with three younger siblings.
Farm Hand:
BYC username: DuckLover2399
Name: Bailey
Appearance: Small brown freckles on her face. Surround big bue eyes. She has mousy brown hair with a small blue Medium build. About 130 punds. Around 5'2. Not very athletic, but can be at times. She loves horses.
Personality: Sweet girl. Dosent like to start a conversation. Thinks guys with shaggy hair are cute. She is pretty bubbly. Likes to wear t-shirts. Likes guuys that likes horses.
Other: None
History: Farmgirl at heart. Has lived in virginia all her ife.
Family: Her parents.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Jaimz
Gender: male, 19
Appearance: shortish, stocky,well muscled, and has blonde hair
Personality: easy to get along with and a hard worker that doesn't show off
Family Members: none
Other: His usuall attire is ripped up jeans, boots, and a tight short sleeved shirt
Life Story: Started working on the farm after both of his parents were killed in a car crash
Rank (Ie. Spy, Trainee, etc.):Farm Hand
Personality:Sweet,nice,cunning,caring, and feircs sometimes
Appearance:long black flowing hair,not really tall but not small,nice figure, violet eyes
Life Story:ran away from home, it was abusive at home and her father was a druggy

Farm Owner's Niece:
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Name: Stephanie
Gender: Female, seven years old.
Appearance: Little and cute, has wispy light brown hair with sideswept bangs. Her skin is fair and her eyes are hazel.
Personality: Very quiet, but bubbly and friendly. Loves to help her uncle, Dennis, help with the farm.
Family Members: Her parents are dead and she is an only child.
Other: Has a Virginian accent like her uncle and wants to own the farm someday. Dennis is like an idol to her.
Life Story: When she was very little her parents were killed in a train wreck and her uncle took custody over her because he was the best person for her to live with. The two have a very good connection due to the fact Dennis' own parents were killed when he was fairly young.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: miss heny
Gender: Female, 14
Appearance: have pic for her body,skin color,but her eyes are a frosty blue , she wears jeans, short sleeve shirts, no shoes.
Personality: Very head strong, tomboyish, Stubborn.
Family Members: parents dead, dennis is her only family member she knows ablue
Life Story: was Born blind to her family, she was thought to be weak and need help at all times, but her Hearing sense was better then most people would think, so she can hear other people and things better when they are coming, she can also sense things with her feet, so that is why she is bare footed. Her mother and Father was killed in a car crash, she was brought to the farm by a friend of the family.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username

Appearance:Has Pink hair,crimson eyes,beautiful.
Family Members: Cece
Other:Has a cat and puppy
Life Story:Lived with Cece with their bad father and no mother.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username

Family:Cece.Her father is a druggy and her mother died.They lived in a shack but both ran away from home and ended up here.The saffest place they could find and a place for their horses.
Other:She has a puppy and cat.They are her closest friend instead of her sister and horse.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: The outdoorsman
Name: Nate
Gender: Male
Appearance: Muscular and tanned from hunting and fishing alot, he is also is very handsome. He is 16
Personality: Nice and very humorous
Family Members: His dad was the one to teach him to hunt and fish and his mom is dead
Other: He spends most of his free timme hunting or fishing
Life Story: He has a regular life except his mom died when he was 6.
Name: Peeta
Age: 16
Personality: Nice and humorous
Appearance: here is his picture
Gender: male
-the outdoorsman
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: pekinduck<3er
Name: Chris
Gender: male,16
Appearance: blonde hair,blue eyes,6 pack,tan,hair like justin beiber but cuter
Personality: Nice,gets angry sometimes,brave
Family Members: Cece,Cara
Other: He like to surf,skate,hang withfriends,ride horses,help others.has a dog and cat thats pregnant
Life Story: He lived with his 2 sisters and his father was a bad influence and his mother died when her was 10.he ran away with his sisters.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username

Name: Dylan
Appearance:Tan,always wears a cowboy hat,6 pack,cute,has blonde hair,blue eyes,teete as white as snow
Personality:Nice,smart,fun to be around,loving
Family Members:cara,cece
Life Story

BYC Username: ChickieBooBoo
Name: William
Gender: Male, 17 years old.
Appearance: Tall and dark haired, has a shaggy appearance to him. Usually wears jeans and a t-shirt
Personality: Calm, doesn't fight a lot unless provoked. He is very protective of Calliope.
Family Members: None at the breeding farm
Other: Nothing yet
Life Story: Raised by a single mom, left home when he was 15. Found Calliope and they have been together ever since.
Name: Layla Mcloud
Age: 22
Personality: Pretty cool most of the time but does have a temper when mad
Appearance: red hair green eyes, 6'6 tall
Gender: female
Other: works at Green Island farms
Farm owner horse: shadow~ a Black mare of some type of breed, bought by Randy as a birthday gift *played by DuckLover2399
-miss heny
Name: Pat
Age: 50 or so
Personality: Verry cheerful but thinks Layla is his daughter since he did raise her mostly
Appearance: black and white hair with brown eyes
Gender: male
-miss heny
Name: Etha
Age: 12
Personality: shy, very rarely talks
Appearance: black hair, blue eyes, about 5'6 tall
Gender: female
Life Story: was raise by her father but sent to Layla because he is now in jail
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Name: Nila West
Gender: female, age 18
Appearance: Hair red,purple, and brown, green eyes, has daggers in her boots at all time, always wearing red and purple in leather.
Personality: is very cold hearted, but some were in her is a young child side, she rarely smiles or laugh
Family Members: parents are unknow to be alive or dead
Other: has a TigerHorse that is the size of a lab and would eat anything if it could
Life Story: all is know she is a retired Assassin...
BYC username

Name: Taylor Swift
Gender: Female, 12
Appearance: She is tall, and skinny. Slightly tam and muscled. Around 5'2. With Long curly ringlets of dark brown and Dirty blonde hair. Light blue eyes with deep blue rings around then. Very very pretty. She can usually be found wearing a flowly shirt and short blue jeans. Has an amazing gift for singing.
Personality: Fun and bubbly. Down to earth. Lovely to talk too. Can start a conversation with anybody.
Family Members:Best Friend-Nila
Other: Famous singer
Life Story: Lived in the country with horses ducks, chickens. Everything you could dream of. Then one day, a talent sponser saw a video on YouTube of her. He came to her house. She was wisked away into the lively hood of singing. She came back a few years later, still loveing animals with all her heart. She asked her parents if she could come work a Green Island Farms. They of course said yes. She came and found her best friend nila.
Personality:Sweet,caring,trustworthy,shy sometimes.
Appearance:Is a model.Has a petite figure and had blonde straight mid-waist hair length.Bright Blue eyes.Is cute and beautiful.She has sorta long legs as a model should somtimes and a beautiful face.
Natasha~A beautiful young Girl who has a cute face.And a petite Body.She has Blue hair hair and Bright blue eyes.And is 5'3 and is very Cheerful but gets sad sometimes.She is always looking for New friends.And loves Animals.She has a pet Collie named Lily and is always with her.
Farm Hand:
BYC Username: the quail
Name: tommy
Gender: male
Appearance: has black hair and tan skin
Personality: loves to joke around and hates it when horses are unhappy
Family Members: hs dad his brother his mom
Other: favorite food pizza
Life Story: he has a normal life
Name: Adira
Age: 16ish
Personality: Very shy but kind, like to talk to friends most of the time
Appearance: her hair mostly shave off but a thick long braid of Golden blonde, Dark purple eyes ( a real eye color!!!) about 6'1.
Gender: female
-Miss Heny
Name: Kaya
Age: 16 17ish
Personality: shy, but sorta talky
Appearance: Blue hair, purple eyes, about 6'
Gender: female
Other: can understand humans and bend water (?)
-Miss Heny
Lead Stallion:
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name:Vir
Gender: male
Color: Black
Breed: Draft horse
Marking, scars, etc: has white feathers and a crested moon on his forehead
Personality: pretty kind to the other mares, but will put his hooves down if there is a fight
Family Members: dead
Life Story: comes from the best line of Draft horses he was bought from *put name here* and is now lead stallion
Lead Mare:
BYC username: chickendiva25
Name: Antoinietta
Gender: Female, 5 year old mare
Appearance: Dazziling white coat with some light grey dappiling on her rump. Her mane is snowy white and ripples, falling down her shoulder perfectly. Her tail matches her mane, but is ground length.
Her eyes are a beautiful, cornflower blue.
Personality: Quiet, wise, and kind.
Breed: Pure bred Andalusian
Other: She has a smooth, deep, seductive Spanish accent.
Family: None
History: She was feral once, but was captured and taken to the breeding farms.
BYC Username: Dutchgirl
Horse's Name: Cael, meaning "slender" in Irish
Gender: Mare
Color: Flaxen Chestnut.
Marking, scars, etc: Her right ear was torn off accidentally when she was a foal, leaving only a stub.
Personality: Motherly, yet not quiet. Actually quite bossy.
Family Members: Her few foals are either unknown or died soon after birth.
Life Story: Simply born at the breeding farm. Still, something happened to her when she was young -- she won't tell anyone, but b/c of it she believes something great is in store for her.
BYC Username: Gerbil
Horse's Name: Marie
Gender: fem
Color: Blue roan
Marking, scars, etc: Her mane is streaked with white, cut short and tail trimmed.
Personality: Shy and reserved. She wasn't raised around horses and feels somewhat awkward around them.
Family Members:
Life Story: Marie pulled a hay wagon for a living, entertaining all of the guests at Peter's Pumpkin patch. Tolerating the small ones constantly pulling on her, sticking there fingers in her nose and shoving handfuls of grass in her face. It wasn't a bad job, at times it was okay. Food was decent, she wasn't really overworked or anything, life was rather monotonous.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name:Vana
Color:chocolate brown with copper mane and tail

Marking, scars, etc: slight dappling
Personality: sweet and flashy, but has a flaring temper
Family Members: none
Life Story: She was born and raised on a ranch that met hard times and were forced to sell her.
BYC Username: equinehugger3
Horse's Name: Oriel
Gender: Mare
Color: Flaxen chestnut.
Breed: Paso Fino.
Marking, scars, etc: Nothing besides the bringling.
Personality: Very scared and timid, but sweet once you get to know her.
Family Members: No one
Life Story: She's always been here, she was bred here.
BYC Username:miss heny
Horse's Name:rika
Gender: female
Breed: Freisain
Marking, scars, etc: her mane and tail are black and white
Personality: sweet kins
Family Members: none
Life Story:was on a small family farm but was starve and beaten so she ran to the breeding farms.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Vala
Gender: female
Color: blue roan
Breed: a mix
Marking, scars, etc: silver hair
Personality: has none, is like a stone wall
Family Members: none
Life Story: was a loner most of her life then was caught by a human at the BFs
BYC Username:miss heny
Horse's Name: lily
Gender: female
Color: black and white
Breed: vanner X freisain
Marking, scars, etc: her mane and tail are white but her body is pure black
Personality: sweet kind and loving
Family Members: is mates with thunder
Life Story: was save by a human in a sense and brought there
BYC Username

Horse's Name: Arianna
Gender: Mare

Breed: Quarter Horse
Marking, scars, etc: Has a burn mark because at her previous ranch she was being branded and the brand slipped.
Personality: She is kind, and sweet. Loving and gentle. Hates her lifestyle. Longs to have a mate.
Family Members:None
Life Story: She was born on a ranch out West. She grew up there, and they trained her to be a cow pony. She loved it, but then her ranch was foreclosed, forcing her owner to sell. She carries a deep wound from this, and misses her cowgirl horribly.
BYC Username:bella1210
Horse's Name:bella
Breed:i do not know
Marking, scars, etc:has no markings or scars
Family Members:do not know them
Life Story:do not know much about her
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Eve
Gender: Mare
Color: Dappled Grey
Breed: Purebred Arabian, from the top blood lines.
Marking, scars, etc: Her face is extremely concave, her neck is naturally arched, and her tail is flagged. Her mane is a blonde pale and very long. Her eyes are gorgeous and rather mesmorizing. She can cause most stallions to fall head over heels in a swoon, which is her secret weapon.
Personality: Sassy and fiesty. Hot headed.
Family Members: Both were stolen long ago.
Other: Her voice is deep and seductive.
Life Story: Was born at the breeding farm and is currently a top breeding mare. She is sometimes used in endurance riding and has always ended up in the top ten.
BYC Username

Horse's Name:Midnight star
Color:Black and white

Marking, scars, etc: star on forehead
Personality:sweet,loves everyone,cunning,feirce too
Family Members:no one
Life Story: my mother was killed by wolves and the wolves spared me and took me in.. i always thought wolves ate horses especially foals but they excepted me and i took a long trip and a rancher caught me called Dennis.....
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Lady Hera, though just Hera for short.
Gender: Mare
Color: Light bay.
Breed: Thoroughbred, though it is possible there is a little Quarter Horse in her blood.
Marking, scars, etc: She has a bald face, blue eyes, a long forelock, pink around her eyes and lips, white socks on all fours, the one on her back right being more of a stocking; and a bit of flaxen on her tail.
Personality: Friendly and kind, also very submissive around stallions. Can be sensitive.
Family Members: Her parents live at distant farm and are used as trail horses.
Life Story: When she was very young, Dennis won her in a raffle and took her home to raise. Now at the age of 9, she is used as a broodmare and everyonce in a while a barrel racer. She has produced several foals that are now champion barrel racers.
BYC Username:horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name:Bell
Marking, scars, etc: all four legs are white to the knee
Personality:sweet, and a gentle giant
Family Members:none
Life Story: She lived on a farm with an old man and every day she would take him around the countryside in a cart. One day he had a heart attack and died. She wondered off of his property and ran into Jake and Steph who took her to the farm.
BYC Username

Horse's Name:Momo

Marking, scars, etc: None except a flower shape on her head
Family Members:Midnight Star
Life Story:Always lived with lala
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Saint Eithne on her papers.
Gender: Mare
Color: Dark bay
Breed: Arabian
Marking, scars, etc: All four of her legs have a tall black stocking, three of which are adorned with a short white sock. Has the normal body type of an Arabian: concave, delicate features. Some parts of her body are highlighted with a slightly lighter shade of bay. Her thick, flagged black tail reaches her hocks while her wispy mane drapes over her shoulder. Eithne's mane is usually pushed to the side. Her eyes are dark and attentive, and a white star is centered on her forehead.
Personality: Friendly, but hotheaded if you annoy her. Doesn't mind breeding. Very submissive to her owners and loves to be ridden in any style, as she is a horse of many skills.
Family Members: Eden Jewel, dam. Saint of Kernel, sire. Both live far away. Eve is a distant relative of hers.
Life Story: Little is known about her past, but she was purcahsed from an Arabian farm as a gift from Dennis to Lisa. She is a champion show horse and her bloodlines are very saught after.
BYC Username

Horse's Name:Black Gold

Marking, scars, etc: Small white snip on her nose. She also has one white hock.
Personality:Sweet angelic mare. Can Be fiery at times. Stands up to stallions. Cunning. Protects herself and other mares.
Family Members: Sire - Bold Ruler Dam - Eight Belles
Life Story: Was born and bred for racing. She was born at Clairborn Farms. She also lived there. She got away when she was racing in virginia. Her rider had fallen off and she jumped the fenced. She ran around in the woods until Dennis found her.
BYC Username: ChickieBooBoo
Horse's Name: Calliope
Gender: Mare
Color: Deep golden coat with a white mane and tail
Breed: Palamino
Marking, scars, etc: None
Personality: Out-spoken, hates being bred by rude stallions, will stand up for herself and friends, tolerates being ridden by Will only
Family Members: None at the breeding farms, some at other places
Life Story: She was born at an old man named Jed's place, he let his horses run free in a huge pasture and let them do as they pleased. She grew up completely wild, almost like a wild horse. When Jed passed away his horses were auctioned off and she was sold to a trainer who broke her to ride. The trainer was very rough and she developed a fear of humans. Eventually the trainer sold her to a young boy named Will who finished her training. To this day she will not let anyone ride her but Will.
Aine ~ Is a very beautiful Irish hunter mare, with a rich dark bay coat that shines perfectly no matter the amount of light reflected upon her. She has a shoulder length mane of pure black that drapes over her thinner, yet muscular neck. Her long wavy black tail reaches her hocks, and is cut in a stright line oh so perfectly. Her legs are a mixture of colors, as her hocks are a pristine white, while the rest of the leg is a deep black slowly turning to the dark bay of her coat as her legs reach her body. Her eyes are a dark brown, almost black, but kind and consoling in many ways. She has a charming smile, that lights up even the murkiest of days. Has a faint, yet smooth Irish accent entwined into her more formal way of speaking. A very sweet mare, Aine is kind and motherly, anf very compassionate. Wants to be a mother someday herself, but still looking for a worthy stallion to father her foal. Is quiet and calm when ridden, obeying every command givin to her from the rider. She was born and raised on the farm, and very trusted among the riders there. Her name, in Gaelic, means "Radiance", and was the name of the amazingly beautiful faery queen. It is prounounce "AWN-ye." (chickendiva25)
Arwen is a beautiful, Friesian mare pegasi. With a glossy black coat and iridescent black/green angelic wings, she can fly with such grace as would a swan have. Her mane of black falls perfectly down her shoulder as it ripples near the roots and turns slightly curly near the ends. Her tail, being hock length and cleany cut, is black as well and curls sweetly. She has a slender body, and is lithe and graceful depsite her size. Her hooves are massice, covered in heavy feathering. Arwen normally has a look of pure happiness upon her flawless face, her eyes a bright green, and very loving. Her fore lock, which curls all the way through, normally covers one of her eyes. Arwen is very gentle, her velvety muzzle feeling like the touch of a newborn child if felt. Easy to make friends with, and very social. Despite her age, Arwen is extremely wise and normally sought to when one needs advice. She tends to stay quiet, yet when she speaks her words are full of wisdom and peace. Definatly a peace maker, and not one to start a fight. Rather, she would seek to stop it rather than to keep the fire burning. She recently lost her mate, and the herd she was lead mare in, so she seems rather sorrowful and mourns the loss of her family. Her voice is gentle, kind, and inviting to the young and old. ~ chickendiva25
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Silva
Gender: Female
Color: bay
Breed: Morgan
Marking, scars, etc: nothing
Personality: Sweet kind, but will fight if needed
Family Members: 2 foals, all solded
Life Story:
-miss heny
BYC Username: Alien for God
Horse's Name: Carissa
Gender: mare
Color: Beautiful chestnut with a long thick, flaxen mane and tail.
Breed: Gypsy Vanner
Marking, scars, etc: Perfectly straight, large white blaze and very pink muzzle.
Personality: Sweet, gentle, and very protective.
Family Members: Bell is her mother.
Life Story: She was sold from her mother at a very young age. She has had five owners. Her last owner set her free and she wandered into Green Island Farms where her mother, Bell, is.
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Horse's Name: Cloud's Delight
Gender: Female
Color: Flaxen
Breed: Mini Horse
Marking, scars, etc: Deep black circles around her eyes and nose. Her fetlocks are a deep black color. The soft mane that covers her crisp brown eyes is a soft flaxen color. As is he long tail.
Personality: Fun, bubbly, loving mare. Loves humans, and will let any human (of the appropriate size) ride her. She especially likes children. Doesnt like to be around stallions, except pheonix. She doesnt like to be without the friendly mare though. Hates when people take her foals, but in her little mind thinks he understands why. She would rather not be bred to any other stallion but phoenix, but it has happened before. She is okay with cats and dogs, but hates any other kind of farm animal.
Family Members: One dead foal, Her mate Pheonix
Life Story: Lived at a highly respected mini horse breeding facility. With Pheonix her mate. The farm began to run out of money. So they sold there two best horses. Phoenix's Dispostion and Cloud's Delight. They are from a highly searched for line of minis. Known as "glories gate minis". They are a lucky addition to Green Island Farms.
BYC Username: Miss heny
Horse's Name: Angel
Gender: female
Color: black
Breed: Mini horse
Marking, scars, etc: none
Personality: sweet and shy
Family Members: uhh, she has a mom and dad
Life Story: from *put farm here* and was bought by Nila
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Amber
Gender: female
Color: light bay
Breed: Arabian
Marking, scars, etc: a white star on her for head
Personality: feisty, can get mad easy
Family Members: a few foals
Life Story: found on a nearby farm she is their best race horse and barrel horse
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Mist
Gender: female
Color: Black and white
Marking, scars, etc: a lovely Heart on her rump like her father
Personality: shy but sweet
Family Members: Sweetheart
Life Story: breed from Midnight and SweetHeart she is kept for show mainly and some breeding
-miss heny
BYC Username:miss heny
Horse's Name: Rosa
Gender: female
Color: black
Breed: Shire
Marking, scars, etc: all black with blue eyes
Personality: shy and proud
Family Members: foals all sold
Life Story: was bough as a foal from a good line of Shires for breeding and some comps
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Midnight
Gender: female
Color: black
Breed: Vanner
Marking, scars, etc: black with brown eyes
Personality: very talky
Family Members: Mist
Life Story: was breed at Mcloud farms
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Missy Shorty
Gender: female
Color: Light bay
Breed: Shetland
Marking, scars, etc: just light bay
Personality: cranky
Family Members: foals, all sold
Life Story: was bough with Pinky pie as a pair
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Death star
Gender: female
Color: white
Breed: mini horse
Marking, scars, etc: a black star on it forehead
Personality: deadly and mean
Family Members: some foals
Life Story: nothing big really, was bought and sold till she got to Mcloud farms for breeding
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Mary
Gender: female
Color: Black
Breed: thoroughbred
Marking, scars, etc: all black
Personality: Proud, selfish, nasty and mean
Family Members: some foals
Life Story: Import from the UK from the same farm Saint John is from, but from different lines
-miss heny
BYC Username

Horse's Name:Lily
Color:Black and White

Marking, scars, etc:Has a Lily shape on her side.
Personality:Very kind and loving like Lala.Is very cunning and high spirited.
Family Members:Momo(Lala)
Life Story:She was born from a Jem that had been cast down from Lala to Nila and Nate.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Apache
Gender: Female
Color: Black and white Overo.
Breed: Paint
Marking, scars, etc: She is sturdily built, obviously bred for Western competitions. A gorgeous mare.
Personality: Friendly and very soft spoken. Apache doesn't like to be bred, often resisting.
Family Members: All live in Texas as reining champions.
Life Story: She lived most of her life in Texas as a Western ridden horse until sold off once the farm was losing money and needed to sell their most valuable horses off. Though it was hard for both her and her owners, she is now living in a good home where she will be kept mainly for show purposes. Dennis only plans to breed her once or twice.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Name: Niyati
Gender: female
Appearance: Long, curly, raven-black hair and beautiful olive skin with deeply defined features.
Personality: Cool, calm, and slow to anger. She is very intelligent. Her eyes are a strange golden color.
Family Members: None
Life Story: She migrated to America with her mother and father from India when she was a year old.
Other: Name means Destiny in Asian Indian.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name: Suravi
Gender: mare
Color: a rare palomino
Breed: Hanoverian
Marking, scars, etc: none
Personality: Very loyal and has a very high endurance level for a Hanoverian.
Family Members: Demesio is her brother.
Owner: Niyati
Life Story: She was bought by Niyati's parents when she was only 6 months old and has been with Niyati ever since. She has never been bred, but would be an ideal dam because of her careful breeding and extensive training.
Other: Name means sun in Asian Indian.
Use: Cross-country jumping and breeding.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name: Janya
Gender: mare
Color: Dapple grey.
Breed: Hanoverian
Marking, scars, etc: none
Personality: Sweet and smart, she catches on to training fats and is always willing to please her rider.
Family Members: none
Owner: Niyati
Life Story: Janya was purchased as a three-year-old for Niyita's twelfth birthday. Her exquisite genes make her an ideal broodmare and she is currently pregnant with Lochan's colt.
Other: Name means life in Asian Indian.
Use: Dressage and breeding.
Blacky~She is a Black Appalosa and is very cute in her own way.She is the Top Mare-horse around the farm and is very loyal to her owner Emily.She is very trustworthy and sweet and loves other humans and horses.But when the owners neice's dog comes around she bucks and nips at the dog.
Spots~A beautiful Arabian Mare that came from a famous person but they had to sell it to the owner.So she has no rider but is very sweet to all humans.She is very sweet but can be arrogant at times.
Ginger~A red ThoroughBred That was once a Mustang but got captured by wranglers and then was sold to a sluaghter house but Emily saved her.She is very shy and sweet.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Timo
Gender: Female
Color: Brunblakk
Breed: Fjord
Marking, scars, etc: a scar on her rump
Personality: sweet shy, and slightly (alot) annoying
Family Members: unknow
Life Story: found by Kaya on her door step as a foal, she was raise by her, and has a bond with her unlike any other
BYC Username: Gerbil
Horse's Name: Alill
Gender: Male
Color: Blue Eyed Cream.
Marking, scars, etc:
Personality: An Irish firecracker.....
Life Story:Alill was shipped at the age of 2 years from his quiet farm in northern Ireland to Mrs. Jane in North America. Her intentions were for show with his great bloodlines and reputation and her experience, she had always loved the Connemara breed. Things started out great, they won grand champion on their first try and claimed several trophies. This friendship lasted for 8 years, and while they had their up and downs throughout them, but they had been great. But by the end of the 8th, however, things turned for the worst. Mrs Jane's cancer had spread, she could no longer care for Allil and was forced to give him up, to a cousin down south. From then on he knew no more, 2 more years passed of being shipped and trucked around, utter chaos. He had met a only one kindness in those rough days, a young burro by the name of Pepper. They were penned together during his travels and had grown close, brothers of a sort. He was taken by the people before Alill one day, several months back, and was never seen again.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: sweetheart
Gender: male
Color: black and white
Breed: vanner
Marking, scars, etc: on his rump he has a white heart
Personality: very brave, thinks he is the best stallion there
Family Members: many foals and his daughter (who lives here)
Life Story: Imported from England from the best English lines.
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name:Lucas
Gender: male
Color: bay
Breed: morgan
Marking, scars, etc: many scars on his rump
Personality: evil, pure evil
Family Members: many foals
Life Story: was bough from the best morgan lines by a evil farmer he was whipped and nearly starved to death, Lalya saved him before he died, but it did not save his son.
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Pinky Pie
Gender: male
Color: dark bay
Breed: Shetland
Marking, scars, etc: uneven mane and tail
Personality: very jolly and happy, rarely get mad
Family Members: none yet
Life Story: bought from a fair with gum in his hair he became there best shetland stud
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Twinkies
Gender: male
Color: black
Breed: Mini horse
Marking, scars, etc: a scare over his right eye
Personality: Block heading thinking he is the best stud
Family Members: some foals since he is the newer stud
Life Story: found as a foal, when his DNA was check he was from one of the best mini horses lines.
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Lener
Gender: male
Color: grey dapple
Breed: Shire
Marking, scars, etc: white feathers
Personality: shy, stutters alot when talking
Family Members: about 3 foals all solded
Life Story: bought from the best line of Shires his blood is very wanted
-miss heny
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Saint John
Gender: male
Color: Cremolla (SP)
Breed: thoroughbred
Marking, scars, etc: blue eyes
Personality: very proud but kind
Family Members: many foals, some well know
Life Story: bough from a well know breeder in the UK and imported here
-miss heny
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name:Red devil (Red)

Marking, scars, etc: 2 rear white socks, white star, and a blck muzzle
Personality: showy and understanding
Family Members: none
Life Story: His rider was killed in a fall while jumping him and her brother sold him imediately.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Inola
Gender: Stallion
Color: A very sleek sorrel
Breed: Quarter Horse
Marking, scars, etc: All four legs with the exception of his front right, which has a sock on it instead, have tall stockings with jagged stripes coming from the tops, he has a white spot on the left side of his belly, a thick blaze on his face, pink around his lips, a sweeping forelock, and a perfectly groomed mane. His tail is so long it is usually kept in a braid. Muscles ripple from under his coat and he is very sturdy and well built.
Personality: Though kind with mares and usually the first to woo them, he is territorial around other stallions. He loves to tease geldings. He is obedient and loyal with the two-legs, doing whatever they ask. It is why he is one of the farm's favorites and such a good show horse.
Family Members: His parents were killed in a barn fire when he was very young, leaving him to be rescued. He was fostered at Dennis' farm by humans and often monitored because of the amounts of smoke caught in his lungs. Thankfully he is fine now.
Life Story: As mentioned earlier, his parents were killed in a barn fire and was rescued, unharmed on the outside. He was soon after adopted by Dennis and nursed back to health after substantial amounts of smoke and soot were caught in his lungs. He is currently used as one of the top breeding stallions, though he is often used as an event horse.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name:Star
Gender: male
Color: black with a star on his forhead
Breed: French Trotter
Marking, scars, etc: a star on his forhead
Personality: like any other male, a big block head
Family Members: dead
Life Story: was there all his life
Prometheus - is a handsome, Andalusian/Friesian stallion with a proud stature that doesn't quite resemble his attitude. His coat is a dark, dappled grey, and his mane of creamy white has dashes of grey in it. He has a very muscular body, but sweet loving eyes and a charming smile that could make any mare swoon. He is somewhat shy at first, but very kind and loving. (chickendiva25)
Jasper~A young stallion that is very muscular and handsome.He is a fresian and is Very big.He can be aggresive at times but can be a Gentle Giant.He has won tons a ribbons at Fairs and trophys around the world.He has no owner.
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Horse's Name: Spartan
Gender: Stallion
Color: Deep Brown
Marking, scars, etc: His coat is a deep brown, with one or two small spots of Carmel colored brown. His mane is slightly darker with a few strands of light Carmel. He has a few white spots on his face. Enchanting auburn brown eyes. His hooves are half white and half black. A rare mix for a mustang. His coat is rough from the years of living in the wild. With a little work thought he could be a champion horse.
Personality: Rather accepting of humans. Only because he was the lowest stallion in the herd. The human he trusts most is nate. Loves apples. He likes to be around other horses and dogs, but hates cats and other barnyard animals.
Family Members: All his family members are dead
Life Story: He lived in a herd that roams close to Green Island Farms. He was born to a rouge mare, and adopted by a lower mare In the herd. He grew up being taunted and left behind. Evan though he was one of the prettiest. He challenged the lead stallion many times, but the big Black stallion won every time. He was more than likely left behind because of his many attempts to mate the lead mare. That's when ante found him and gave him his favorite treat. Apples.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Silver racer
Gender: Male
Color: a silver grey
Breed: Arabian
Marking, scars, etc: black stockings
Personality: Sweet kind
Family Members: many foals
Life Story: bought from the best lines of Arabians he is use for both breeding and racing.
-miss heny
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Horse's Name: Spirit
Gender: Stallion
Color: Dun
Breed: Kiger Mustang
Marking, scars, etc: Small quarter sock on his left hind leg. Small white star on his head. His forelegs are pitch black, they black part extends to his knees. His rough tail and mane are also the same black color. He has chocolatey brown eyes. That can make anyone fall in love with him. He is very beautiful and majestic.
Personality: He is a mean rough stallion. To humans at least. However there is one human he trusts to ride him. That is nila. He will buck off or kill anyone else that tries to ride him. He is very sweet and respectful to mares, but you can expect a fight if you put him in a with a stallion. He docent mind gelding much, but he can get a little cranky. He is fine with fluffy but not other dogs or cats, because of his experience with cougars and wolves.
Family Members: Many foals. All unknown though.
Life Story: Spirit ran free in the Wyoming mountains. With his herd of about 150 horses. He lived there from the time he was a young colt until he was about 4. Then he was caught by locals, defending his herd. He lived at a cow horse ranch with a few cows. Until he almost killed a man that was trying to ride him. He was sent to a man in virginia to be trained. Yet again this man could not train him. So he sent him to the local auction house. Where he was bided on by a slaughter house. When he got out of his cage the auctioneers almost killed him. Until nila came to the rescue. He has been owned by her ever since.
BYC Username: DuckLover2399
Horse's Name: Phoenix's Disposition (meaning: Fire Bird)
Gender: Stallion
Color: Deep Black
Breed: Mini Horse
Marking, scars, etc: Heavy dappleing on his rump and back area. Extending to his shoulders. He also has a very small grey star on his forehead. Only 30 inches tall.
Personality: He is a nice stallion. Likes to be around mares, but respects them. Likes to be around stallions. He doesnt tolerate them being disrespectful though. Likes children and will offer them a ride whenever possible. Is not aggressive to humans at all. Cats are a different story though. Loves dogs.
Family Members: A few unknown foals. Also his mate Cloud
Life Story: Lived at a highly respected mini horse breeding facility. With cloud his mate. The farm began to run out of money. So they sold there two best horses. Phoenix's Dispostion and Cloud's Delight. They are from a highly searched for line of minis. Known as "glories gate minis". They are a lucky addition to Green Island Farms.
BYC Username: miss heny
Horse's Name: Londo
Gender: Stallion
Color: black
Breed: Freisian
Marking, scars, etc: none
Personality: sweet but a bonehead sometimes
Family Members: none
Life Story: bought by Adira from a butcher's farm, been loyal to her ever since.
Name: achila
Age: 12
Personality: rude stallion hates mares
Appearance: Tall and grey
BYC Username

Horse's Name:cloud
Color:gary but with white spots that looks like rain drops.
Marking, scars, etc: has a snakenite wound on his leg that healed but is now a scar on his foot above the hoove
Family Members:midnight star
Life Story:used to live in a sluaghter house but dylan saved him.he now rides around with dylan and stays close by him
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Mystic Moon (Mystic).
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Breed: Egyptian Arabian
Marking, scars, etc: He has a tiny white star on his forehead, usually covered by his forelock. He has the normal features of an Arabian, being very concave faced with an arched neck and proud body. Stands at 15 hands high.
Personality: Shy, very gentle around foals and mares. Fears other stallions as he acts like the bottom of the herd.
Family Members: They both live far in the middle east, which is why he has his accent. He has fathered many foals in his short lifetime.
Life Story: Sold to Dennis as a rare import from a breeder in Saudi Arabia. He lived a very good life and was often spoiled. Rides almost any style.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Angus the Barbarian, or simply Angus.
Gender: Male
Color: Dark Cherry Chestnut
Breed: Thoroughbred
Marking, scars, etc: Stands at about 16.2 hands high, his body being quite large and strong. His coat is sleek and his two back legs have small white socks. The stallion's tail is a bright orange chestnut at the top and almost black by the bottom.
Personality: Though cocky around other horses, he is surprisingly gentle for a stallion. Very calm and patient.
Family Members: He's Pakwa's half brother.
Life Story: Was sold to Dennis from the farm both Gumdrop and Pakwa normally live at. He's a race horse.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Zydeco's Little Boy, or Zydeco.
Gender: Male, young.
Color: Dark palomino
Breed: Mini Horse
Marking, scars, etc: All four of his legs have short socks. His face and front legs has some charcoal coloring.
Personality: Quite the ladies man. Hates other stallions and thinks highly of himself because of his famous sire. He will sometimes even try to take on even the largest of horses if threatened.
Family Members: New Orleans, dam. Boone's Little Buckeroo, sire. He hasn't fathered any foals yet but will soon.
Life Story: Before he was even born, his breeder promised to give Dennis a top breeding mini. Once at the age of maturity he was sold off to Green Island Farms.
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name: Lochan
Gender: Stallion
Color: A handsome coal-black coat with a perfectly trimmed mane and tail. He has exotic brilliant blue eyes.
Breed: Hanoverian
Marking, scars, etc: None
Personality: He is very high-spirited and requires only the gentlest of handling, if not he is sure to leave you sitting in the dust.
Family Members: None
Owner: Niyati
Life Story: He was bought for Niyati one month before her parents died by her father and so means the world to her.
Other: Name means bright eyes in Asian Indian.
Use: Showing and breeding.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Wild Cherry Gumdrop, but usually only referred to as Gumdrop
Gender: Gelding
Color: Bay
Breed: Thoroughbred.
Marking, scars, etc: He is very tall, thin, and leggy, having the typical Thoroughbred look and build to him. A tall black sock adorns each of his legs, his mane is short and straight, and his tail is at upper calf length. Gumdrop's coat is very sleek and shiny. His face is very cute and expressionate, having a very faint star hidden underneath his forelock.
Personality: Very affectionate and sweet, hardly ever mean. A little sensitive at times.
Family Members: Dam, Sunday Girl. Sire, Diamond River Delight. They both live very far away.
Other: He is amazingly fast, arguably the swiftess camped out at the farms.
Life Story: He was gelded at an early age, though beforehand he did father one foal. His real home is all the way in Kentucky where he is a top race horse and usually ends up ranking in the top ten when finishing a race. He spends his summers at Dennis' farm and is away most of the year afterwards, though he occasionally visits and comes by.
BYC Username: Zinnia-Hen
Horse's Name: Pakwa's Fancy, just Pakwa for short.
Gender: Gelding
Color: White
Breed: Purebred Thoroughbred
Marking, scars, etc: His mane is well cut and his forelock is long. His tail is thick and shortened to his knees. Very tall and leggy, naturally skinny. The skin around his eyes and muzzle are pink.
Personality: Friendly, but is a little bit more on his toes around stallions.
Family Members: His parents are far away in the same barn as Gumdrop's. Gumdrop is his "brother" because they are such good friends, having grown up with eachother.
Life Story: Is on the same program as Gumdrop, they visit everyonce and a while and live out in the pastures during most of the summer, but live back at home the rest of the year. He is also a top racing horse with some of the best bloodlines.
Name: Tik
Age: 8
Personality: lazy but can be fun loving and bubbly
Appearance: Silver dapple, black with white mane
Gender: Gelding
BYC Username: horsecrazychicklovingkid
Horse's Name: Demesio
Gender: Gelding
Color: Rich, deep bay.
Breed: Hanoverian
Marking, scars, etc: Two white socks on back feet and a circle centered in the middle of his fore-head.
Personality: He only takes to certain riders he likes, judging by their personality and character. He can sense when someone is about to die or if someone has been doing drugs or has them. He is way too smart for his own good and has to have five locks on his stall door.
Family Members: Suravi is his sister.
Owner: Niyati
Life Story: Niyati rescued him from an abusing home and managed to gain legal rights to him and his papers a few years ago.
Use: Show jumping
Other: Name means loved in Asian Indian.
BYC Username: Dutchgirl
Horse's Name: Kendi, which means "The Loved One" in African
Gender: Filly
Color: She is a Zonkey, dusty brown on top and with white legs. Dark stripes cover her horizontally, appearing to tie up her torso. She has long, rabbit-like ears and a thick tail with a tuft of brown hair at the tip. Dark eyes. Her forelock dips down, farther than normal for a Zonkey foal.
Marking, scars, etc: Her left hind leg is slightly crooked from an accident that happened early on in her life.
Personality: Shy, sweet, quiet. Loving and far from snobby.
Family Members: None, so far.
Life Story: Was bred at the zoo for special purposes. When her zebra mother had twins and the zoo could not support the second little filly, they sold her for a high price to the farm.
Pictures of the farm:

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