Emergency! Cocci???


Nov 16, 2021
New England
Hi - I have 7 mixed chicks that are 8 weeks old. They just moved outside with their sisters (separated of course). I just found one poo that looks like blood is maybe in it? Just this one and it looks like tomatoes almost but they haven’t eaten anything other than grass, dirt, whatever they find, and grower/starter feed.

Everyone is acting fine - eating. Drinking. Playing. Roosting. Is it intestinal shedding? Do I treat? I have never had cocci before. Thank you!


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I would probably get some Corid liquid or powder from your feed store, and treat the chicks. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water as the only water source, for 5 days. It is safe to use. That looks more like blood to me.
I would probably get some Corid liquid or powder from your feed store, and treat the chicks. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water as the only water source, for 5 days. It is safe to use. That looks more like blood to me.
Thank you so much! I’m getting some now. Thank you thank you!!!
I would probably get some Corid liquid or powder from your feed store, and treat the chicks. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water as the only water source, for 5 days. It is safe to use. That looks more like blood to me.
Sorry, one more question. Should I treat the older girls too? Even if separated, or no?


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Hi - I have 7 mixed chicks that are 8 weeks old. They just moved outside with their sisters (separated of course).

Corid given daily for 5 days per @Eggcessive. All the chicks are happy and healthy! Thank you for all your help!

Note: 2 tsp of liquid per gallon. Refreshed daily. Replenishing vitamins is next on the agenda 🐥

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