Emergency HELP!!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 28, 2014
Hi I am new to byc
My chicken is about 5-7 weeks old and has a red neck.it looks as if it uncomfortable and keeps stretching its neck and moving it like in circles.it won't eat and drink or I think even poos.it looks like if it's eaten to much cuz it's all puffy and bigger than the others.it keeps closing its eyes and sleeping.plz HELP!!!!!!!
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Hi :welcome Glad you joined the flock. My first thing would be to separate the bird the rest of them just incase its something infectious. Have a go at hand feeding and try to get some water into it with a dropper. I would then post in the emergencies disease injury section giving as much detail as you can. Hopefully someone will be able to help you. Hope your bird better soon :frow https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/10/emergencies-diseases-injuries-and-cures
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Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry about your bird. Definitely post in our emergency section. I sure hope someone can help you there.
Sorry I am at a loss to even guess what might be wrong. Is this a naked neck, where you can see how red the skin is? Does it have anything around the neck. When I used to trim dogs, frequently found dogs with a rubber band around the neck hidden under their hair - it imbeds in the skin and causes a bad infection. The parents would usually smack the kid for doing it.

Just wondered if it's possible with a chicken. If you could post a clear photo of what the neck looks like, it would help the ER people much more than just words. Hope she will be able to heal soon.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about your chick, X3 on try posting pictures in the Emergencies forum, hope it is OK.
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