Empty nest boxes!


14 Years
Aug 3, 2009
I have 6 youngish hens (2x Barred Rocks, 2x Australorps, 2x Wyandottes); they have a 4 x 8 coop with a lot of shavings on the floor and 3 nest boxes on the side that I can access without going into the run. They have started laying nicely in the mild winter weather here. Unfortunately, they can't make up their mind where to lay. Some days it will be in one corner of the coop, some days another, some days I will find an egg buried in the litter in the middle of the floor. Occasionally, I'll even find one or two in the nest boxes!
I have a couple of fake eggs in the nest boxes, but they don't seem to create a lot of interest in laying in the desired spot.
Any suggestions on how to encourage use of the nesting boxes? I'm tired of scouring the coop for eggs in the dark!
Pick them up and put them in a couple times a day.

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