EmTheFishLady is in the hospital again... ~UPDATE: JUNE 9~

Em, you could always take up my mantras.....

YEAH, I managed 1. To wake up today!


2. I am breathing! SUPER success!!!!

'Al', you are too young to be using MY mantra.
Em, you could always take up my mantras.....
don't seem to meet my current needs

YEAH, I managed 1. To wake up today!


2. I am breathing! SUPER success!!!!

*yawn* I reckon one out of two isn't too bad . . . .

*cough, cough, ow* . . . .

did I say one? Make that

ummmm, ah, uh . . .

*blink, blink*

Got any more mantras? Those don't seem to meet my current needs.
I should be thankful for those things, but I honestly celebrate getting some sleep. Sleep means I'm not suffering at that particular moment, and that's a bit of relief. I've not been sleeping much, as I wake up sick pretty often. Haven't been able to eat much since the infection started, so I'm just miserable.

On a bright note, Lillian graduated Kindergarten today, and I was there to watch her. That was something that last night I didn't think I was going to be able to do. So, there's that.
Super awesome about the kindergarten graduation and getting to be there...

Fantastic about getting sleep..... I love sleep.... Which is why I have to have mantra #1, to remind myself that it is a good thing to wake up.
Oh, wow, the young'un done grajiated, and you managed to achieve verticality! Tres bien!

(great, I seem to have gone from channeling Jethro, to channeling Miss Piggy . . . . again.)

(Seriously, good job Lilly, and good job, Em!)

Sleep, the final frontier . . . .

ah, forget it, MacBeth has murdered sleep. Which may have something to do with why I never quite seem to wake up . . . .rather like the Dormouse.
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