

12 Years
Feb 22, 2007
Belleville, WI
I know this is a chicken forum, and I'm getting some of those this spring, so I'll have lots of questions about them too, but I also have been looking into emus and emu eggs. Does anyone have them? If so, where did you get them? Can I buy fertilized eggs or babies? Has anyone hatched emu eggs? I'd appreciate any emu thoughts, and I'll bombard you guys with my chicken questions a little later on!
There was one hatch posted here with 1 emu egg.

There is also someone now trying to hatch 1 emu egg.

Please use the search feature and you should be able to find it with photos.
My former boss lived in Australia for a while. She didn't have any, but loved emus! I remember she said the have right blue poops-true?

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