Enlarged / Swollen Crop

Instead using olive oil which is normally absorbed by the body, try using paraffin oil which will pass through the body lubricating the entire digestive system. This way your chicken won't recieve un-healthy amounts of excess oil and it should help her either poo it out or help you massage it and make her throw it up. Every morning and evening give her a really good massage in the crop kneading it so it doesn't clump together. Also, keep all grass short top avoid her ingesting fiberous material which will worsnen the problem. I once had a hen who decided she'd eat a hand-full of crusherdust so make sure there is none she can access. Good luck and best wishes,
The kid with some totally gangster chooks!

I tried massaging the crop (thank you JakRat for the video) but it didn't help. So, she survived and still looks like Dolly Parton.

Thanks again!
Hi,I am having the same issue with my silkie, Lena. Her crop is huge, like a water balloon. I have withheld food for 48 hours, given her clomtrimazole 3 times a day, started giving her a little egg, put probiotics in her water................. She feels fine, she is eating, she is pooping. But the swelling won't go away. If I put her back out in her pen and let her back at her hard food, it swells even bigger, and then I can tell it is painful for her, and is kind of choking her. Did you every get your chicken back to normal?

Craw or Crop? I thought craw was what it's called, anyhow, same boat here. One of my silkies is a large craw, my husband massaged it down, I will check again tomorrow, but she has been spending so much time sitting and being still while the other ladies are busy pecking the ground, she's in the corner box.
Now this morning, her crop/craw was large, so I massaged it down, she's drinking...also she has stopped laying eggs in the last few days.
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I have 6 chickens, 5 of which are only a couple of weeks old and one that is about 4 months old. They all have an enlarged crop. It is soft on all of them, and they are all up eating/drinking and running around. What can I do to help them? I massaged each one for a short time, but they protested as they are not friendly chicks. 3 lav Ameraucana, 1 silkie, 1 Turken and 1 barred rock.
THis is very helpful... I have one hen like the one in the video, I havent held her head down on purpose but if I pick her up and massage her crop/breast area she does have brownish liquid coming out..she looks fine and acts fine just has a "large breast" that is very soft..
I have a 10 week old cockerel who I noticed having some issues today. I picked him up and noticed he feels so scrawny and his crop is massive. Even larger than my adult birds. He's the smallest of the three roosters and was destined for the dinner plate but I don't want him to suffer!! I'm going to separate him and try some of the things I've seen suggested here. Thanks everyone! Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!

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