Enter The Dragon


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007

Sometimes I can't help myself.
In florence Italy, long, long ago, a man named Michelangelo Buonarroti, walked past a large block of marble that had been discarded because it was said to have been ruined.
The marble had sat in the square for fourty years and as Michelangelo walked past it he was often heard to remark, "I see the David in there"

Michelangelo finally had the block brought back to his work shop and "liberarted David" from the marble.

If Michelangelo can see king David, hidden in a block of marble, I see nothing random in my seeing Bruce Lee in my chicken
Nice. Definitely two thumbs up!

So says our `Buttless' BSL in her review

Me? To paraphrase Slim Pickens:`Michelangelo? Why I'm working for Mel Brooks!'


Keep `em coming! (Oh, Miss instead of Mrs. will draw more roos to the ticket counter:) )
OH I wish you all would warn those of us drinking coffee in the mornings. This is twice now that this has happened to me. All in a span of an hour and a half. Guess I will go get that shower now. I think I'm wearing more coffee than I drank. Too hilarious though. I love it!

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