Entire flock murdered

I went to my coop in the morning and found all my chickens slaughtered. I found some dead where they sleep. Some dead in the run and one dead outside none of them seemed to have been eaten and only one bite mark and one seems to have been kicked by a human. I do not live on the property so some one could have came and killed all of them because there were three holes around the coop through the wire. There was also dog fur. I am unsure what to do now that my flock is dead.

That is absolutely HORRIBLE! I am so sorry to hear this for you. What makes you think a bird was kicked??

What to do now? Mourn and grieve; it's normal... :-( We live with our feathered friends more like family members than pets, so I feel your pain. We mourn each one we've ever lost.

For the future, a more secure run might be in order with a padlock on the entryway if you think humans were involved. Security camera(s) might be a good investment too.

So sorry for your loss!
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If you don't reside on the property where your chickens are, how do you know when there sick or protect them from the unknowns?

And sorry for your loss. I know how it feels.
I usually drive there every day in the afternoon to feed them and check on them. I do not close the sliding door so if an animal was to get in it would have easy access to the chickens. I do not use chicken wire and there were three VERY big hole in the wire.
Time to upgrade to the "Fort Knox" coop
or don't bother getting more chickens because the same thing will happen again and again. You can't protect them in what you have now and how you are using it even if they were where you live.

The lady that lost all the meat birds has her barn 50' from the house. She never heard a thing.
I barely hear mine if the AC is on 20 ft away. I need audio for my coop.
I went to my coop in the morning and found all my chickens slaughtered. I found some dead where they sleep. Some dead in the run and one dead outside none of them seemed to have been eaten and only one bite mark and one seems to have been kicked by a human. I do not live on the property so some one could have came and killed all of them because there were three holes around the coop through the wire. There was also dog fur. I am unsure what to do now that my flock is dead.
So sad to hear this. Sounds like a small weasel or something. I live in Hawaii and have been battling mongoose’s. I agree with going with the hardwire cloth and securing your coop. It’s a pain in the butt to secure but worth it! It still is so heartbreaking to find this. Stay strong!
Hmm... I had only one incident where I lost a whole flock. It was a mink attack, 15 out of 17 chickens dead and the other two traumatized so bad, they never laid again. I don't know why any one would just kill a whole flock and leave them unless they were straight out mad.
I believe it was mostly Likely raccoons and not a person or dogs. But rather strange in how all the chickens were intact and how they only had one bite mark. But seems strange for a raccoon.
We had a mink attack once. The mink killed 15 out of 17 and left them (mostly) intact. Raccoons would have eaten at least a couple and taken one or two. If it were a raccoon it would have been a blood bath.

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