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Alright, so later in the afternoon I will make the post but here's the things you will need: A butterfly, moth, or skipper (I will first teach you how to pin Lepidoptera because they are the most fun!) A Piece of styrofoam one like this
works for me but, bigger is better! Next you will need to dig a little forrow in your styrofoam then cover it in parchment paper or wax paper, and I am holding it down with some sewing pins on the edge. And now for the wings make 2 little parchment or wax paper to hold the butterfly's wings like this:

And you will need the pins to stick in your bug, I use small entomology pins that I found on Amazon mine came with a box in which you put your finished bugs in when you done mounting them. Here's the set I bought:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LDLMSVD/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&aaxitk=897abd3e6531070be24c7302daf84b67&content-id=amzn1.sym.53aae2ac-0129-49a5-9c09-6530a9e11786:amzn1.sym.53aae2ac-0129-49a5-9c09-6530a9e11786&hsa_cr_id=6137027070201&pd_rd_plhdr=t&pd_rd_r=dd74f275-0597-4e64-a875-b45a94a91358&pd_rd_w=QjqHl&pd_rd_wg=dMgsy&qid=1660135556&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_0_title&sr=1-1-a094db1c-5033-42c6-82a2-587d01f975e8

It worked great when I was still learning but of course for 4-H you need a special size of box:rolleyes:

And one more thing, forceps are not necessary but still the are really nice to have. Here's another link to what I bought:https://www.amazon.com/DR-Instruments-Entomology-Stainless-Steel-Construction/dp/B07B4767WR/ref=sxin_14_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-ZW50b21vbG9neSBraXQ=-ac_d_rm_rm_rm&content-id=amzn1.sym.568df61d-e115-4cb1-a96a-ba070b8f0935:amzn1.sym.568df61d-e115-4cb1-a96a-ba070b8f0935&crid=B5GCHU89A967&cv_ct_cx=entomology+kit&keywords=entomology+kit&pd_rd_i=B07B4767WR&pd_rd_r=f1bccc53-947d-4dbe-9ea0-06dd83de4d16&pd_rd_w=xuoyq&pd_rd_wg=jDFj9&pf_rd_p=568df61d-e115-4cb1-a96a-ba070b8f0935&pf_rd_r=N3M9CD5TWDRQ3TY8WPGW&psc=1&qid=1660135890&sprefix=ento,aps,1447&sr=1-1-7d9bfb42-6e38-4445-b604-42cab39e191b

Hopefully I will see you this afternoon! See ya then!

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