Euthanasia and when/how to do it


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2017
I came across an important point (I think) when people talk about humanely putting a chicken down with gas. There is CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CO (carbon monoxide). Carbon monoxide, the silent killer, gets us sleepy first and then death. Carbon dioxide suffocates, NO sleepy first. Vinegar and baking soda produce carbon dioxide. I saw a clip online where a person 'made' or proposed that method to make CO2 to put a chicken down. If I tried using an ax, I just might take off my own finger. My problem is knowing when to do it and how. My hen was wounded badly and I have tried keeping the wound clean. She is isolated and eating well, but panting now. She can't stand up and has to squirm and wiggle to move. I have to check her still this morning but I haven't gotten up the guts to do it yet. She had maggots and I'm not sure I got rid of them yet. I unloaded a bunch of antibiotic in her wound areas. She is protected from flies by a tulle covering on the dog crate. I may try honey on her wound next after I check online more about it. My point on this post is mostly about using gas and that people understand the difference. I just heard a commotion outside and the chickens all took off running and flying! I ran out with the dog, found a chicken sitting on the ground and heard a high pitch sort of screech or squawk. I think a hawk has found the chickens and I was blaming one of our dogs for roughing up the chickens. I picked up the chicken and she seemed ok but died real quick. Her neck was broken I guess? Or scared to death?? I didn't see any wounds at all, but lots of loose feathers. At least it was quick and I don't have another wounded chicken to try and take care of. Time to enlarge the chicken run.
I am so sorry for your losses. :hugs

Are you asking for clarification on the methods or are you informing on the two different methods?
Mostly informing. This person who recommended baking soda and vinegar thought it was the right way, and if it is in fact not correct, it should be researched by anyone thinking of trying it. If you have clarification, please feel free to inform us! My other chicken is in rough shape and panting now. I don't think that's a good sign. She drinks very little water from a spoon so I gave her watermelon. And scrambled egg and corn off the cob. ugh. I prefer a quick kill by a predator ivs a bad wound. Not many like to have to put a chicken down.

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