Even more eggs in the bator. UPDATE Bev Davis eggs


13 Years
Jan 30, 2007
I just put 15 French Marans in the bator. They are from Bev Davis in Florida. I need a secondary source of fresh dna and I can use these. Keeping them separate will do this with Taking one candidate that shows same traits as mine.

I can't wait...

Arklady (this is DAY 0)
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I got my original eggs from Bill Braden. He is in oklahoma, he has several different breeds of chickens. I got the Cuckoo Marans because I know where he got his from.

I was on the list for Bevs eggs since December. Now its April, so not so long many have dropped off the list. I waited over a year for Bill Bradens eggs. But they are worth the wait.

The trick to waiting for eggs so long is to not pay attention to the fact you have your name on the list and they will email you when you get close to the top.

I try to never think of how long it takes and just let life run its course and suddenly there is the email. Then viola eggs.


PS I also sell Marans hatching eggs.
My eggs from Bev (wheaten marans) are coming this week or next....finally!

My BLRWs from Bill are due to hatch this coming week.
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(Day 24)
Its been 24 days since I set the eggs Bev mailed me. So I am going to carefully watch the eggs for the next 24 hours. I had the eggs settling for 24 hours before setting. The last possible day for hatch is tomorrow. I will let you know and I will email her as well if the eggs fail to hatch. Since I put her eggs in I have hatched a couple of dozen chicks so its not the incubator. I should get at least 25% hatch. If I get nothing then its not entirely my fault. This has happened before with eggs from Marans that are shipped.

She said they would be a mix with a couple of wheaton and cuckoos marans in the mix, don't know... probably won't know. I will break the eggs on sunday to see what the growth was if they are all clears I will be telling her.


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