Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Oh Terrie you are a sneaky one!!
I actually had one of those, although not that awesome purple color. I lost it in a divorce! Can you believe that, he insisted on keeping the thing! I loved it. Thanks for the tip, that sounds great. He wants cherries in it too.
Thanks Terrie!

Oh I was just getting frustrated over at the Landlord wont allow chickens thread! I am a Landlady and you would be surprised where honesty and good intentions will get you with me! Sometimes though when I feel strongly about something I come across, well, mean! I don't mean to and am really trying to help her but I am not sure I did.

Where are the rest of you girls today??
Probably too late but I found this Coca Cola Cake recipe


2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 sticks margarine
1 cup Coca-Cola
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. Vanilla
3 Tbsp. cocoa
1 1/3 cup miniature marshmallows
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
6 Tbsp. Coca-Cola
3 Tbsp. cocoa
1 lb. box powdered sugar
1 cup pecans, chopped

CAKE: Combine flour and sugar. Heat margarine and Coca-Cola to boiling point; pour over flour mixture. Mix well. Add buttermilk, eggs, baking soda, vanilla, cocoa, and marshmellows. Pour into greased cake pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. ICING: Combine butter, Coca-Cola, and cocoa. Heat mixture, pour over powdered sugar. Use more or less powdered sugar as needed. Beat well. Ice cake while cake is still hot. Sprinkle chopped nuts over cake.
Good Morning All! It is raining, raining and raining here and 2 counties over they have a winter storm advisory, so I guess I should be thankful it is just rain! But it is so cold and yucky!

NY-- Welcome back!
We missed you! I am very proud of you for studying. (that reminds me I need to get onto Tonna again and see if she is doing the same). Now you are probably going to have a heck of a week trying to get settled back into work again! I hope it isn't too bad to settle back in.

Charmed--I assume you are caught up in this rainy mess too? I just hope all that snow stays in Kansas where it belongs! Speaking of Kansas, did you hear Mizzou beat K State Saturday? I was pleasantly shocked and stuck at a baby shower in Milan that I really didn't want to attend while it was going on though. My spoiled rotten cousin is pregnant and Mom guilted my sister and I into going.

Terrie--My spoiled rotten cousin loved the shape o toy from Tupperware! I also got my ducks and geese moved closer to the house for the winter yesterday. (in the rain) I step off my car port out the front door and they are about 2 feet away. They are pretty excited and every time I open the door Nester tells me about it! It is in the upper 30s and the ducks are swimming in the pond! All that talk about cake between you and Tanya is making me REALLY hungry this morning!

Chickenchick--How did the cake turn out? And how is Raymond feeling? We had our football banquet Friday night. Colton was very happy to get his letter, finally. Luke got defensive player of year, so we were really proud of him! Lifetime movie network had an Ann Rule marathon yesterday, but I didn't get to watch any of it due to football. I thought about you though!
Morning Michelle!

I am glad your cousin like the Shape-O.
You know it is now on sale, right? LOL

We need to sample Tanya's cake. When can we meet up this morning?

No rain here like you are getting, just some snow. The forest across the river is frosted and very pretty.
The ducks and geese come outside and daintily set their feet down with a "What the....????" look on their faces. Hehe
I am anxious to see how Nester reacts to the snow when we finally get some. I bet I really get an earful! I didn't think they would ever get to sleep last night, they all were really excited about their "big move" and being neighbors with the goats. We now have the guinea pen, goat/turkey pen and duck/goose pen all right next to each other, so they are all adjusting to each other. I just hope Bella doesn't stick her head out the fence like she has been and have the waterfowl do a smack down on her!

I don't have much going on this week, so I can leave for Tanya's whenever. I even just got paid this morning!
charmed and I will maybe have to go straight north and then west to avoid the weather, but that shouldn't be any problem. I will go stand outside the station and wait for her to pick me up!
You will probably have the sausage done before we get there! Oh, Colton talked me into going out and picking up corn in the neighbor's field Saturday morning. It started raining. The further we got away from the truck, the harder it would get. We would head back and it would let up! Anyway, we kept hearing shots in the distance. I was like, well if I get shot, it will give us all an excuse to miss the baby shower!
We picked up quite a bit and spent the weekend shelling it for the chickens!
Cool, Coffee and Cake. I am there!

Actually we are going into town for lunch and some shopping.

After I finish cleaning windows. I tried the Tupperware microfiber window cleaning cloth on the glass door in my sewing room that goes out on a balcony. No streaks, sparkly clean door. Now I am obsessed with cleaning EVERY bit of glass in the house.

I have my sewing room done and most of the main floor. THen I will do both cars and the windows in the shop.

(yes, that is half a plug, but mostly just saying...)
Then I am afraid to try them...I may be expected to do all windows after that!

I brought home the sewing machine Saturday. It is still sitting in my van. At least I have possession of it. That's a start, right?

I have the usual routine today. The park is out of the question, so that leaves the heavy decision of Washington Street food and drink or El Nopal for lunch. It gets really old! The upside is, the waiters all know us, so it does make dining easier! I think it looks like a chili cooking night for football though.
We are going to a Mexican place. It's our 11th anniversary today.
DH wanted to have me pick out a piece of jewelry, but I said I would rather go to the Big R farm store and get some winter snow boots.

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