Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Here they are



Terrie--They are beautiful! But it is only a small 4 ft artificial tree, so those are way too big! Beautiful work!

And that reminds me, I need to pm you a Tupperware question in a sec!
Oh my! That is one crazy dog you have! We left Mocha in her kennel all day because we were gone. WELL, evidently she got a little bored, despite the rawhide chewie, the ball and the rubber tire toy! I had a king size pillow in her dog house with her blankies and heating pad. It looked like it snowed in her kennel when we got home!! So I cleaned that up first thing this morning. I have another one around here somewhere. I never throw out old pillows, there is always a cat or dog that needs a new bed!

Isn't it amazing what we put up with when it comes to animals? Thunder knew he was in trouble and layed pretty low the rest of the night!
Good Morning girls!! Glad to see everyone is bright and shiny today! You guys and your pooches!! I had to go out this morning and trade pastures with the cows and the horse and donkey. Eddie, our Jack Russel decided to help and got sooooo muddy! Then he went in the barn and crawled under the floor boards looking for critters. When I finally got him to come out he was a dusty, muddy mess! He just looked up at me like, "What? What did I do?" I looked down and I had mud up to my knees so I couldn't really yell at him. I just shrugged my shoulders and told him to come on...get in the house. He is spoiled rotten. He doesn't have a doggie bed. He sleeps in ours! Sometimes when I come home I find he has turned the covers back so he can lay on the pillow! What a brat! But we love him so he really can't do to much wrong. My husband found him by his shop one day about 3 years ago. He has a bee bee in his nose where he has been shot at sometime or another. He was a little less than a year old. He must of had a rough life growing up as he has bad dreams when he is in a deep sleep. He whines and yelps and when he finally wakes up he growls something fierce until he realizes he's awake. Well, I'm rambling..........Where is NY anyway??
Ugh! Is this rain ever going to quit? We are up to 3 inches since it started and it is still going! I would really like to see some sunshine. And they are calling for this to come back all over again next week!

Yep, I know what you mean. I yelled at Thunder and told him how bad he was for running off, but then I felt bad and petted him. He would probably be in our bed too, but he can't jump up there. I have noticed lately when I come home though that the cover I have over the couch is always pushed back. I ask him about it and he just looks at me with the most innocent face! I have also given in and let our old tom cat stay in some. He must not be feeling well, because usually he likes to be out running. He is Destiny's cat, and the first kitten she ever saw being born. The momma delivered him on my kitchen floor while I was gone to work, got scared and abandoned him to go off and have the others. Destiny knew she wasn't supposed to bother them, but not knowing what to do, when I came home she had him wrapped in a towel and trying to take care of him. I located the momma and she took him back, but Destiny fell instantly in love with him. His name is Pocono and is solid black. He looks like an old ratty homeless thing with all his injuries, but he still rules the homestead! Lately he has actually been scratching on the door wanting in and I have given in. Last night Hubby said "don't forget to put that cat out before bed" and I said "yes dear" and opened the door and shut it again. He went in and checked and busted me for it! Destiny says "I put him out, but he knows it is all your fault!" Me ramble too...
girls I love you and Im here! Please accept my apologies youll have to excuse me for the next week-test Monday Bday pty for oldest DD Sat-hubbie leaves Sat for 10 days-bday Tuesday for youngest DD...very stressed out and overwhelmed right now-chickenchick can forward you the pm I sent her to explain-love ya guys-Ill talk to you soon! Ill be fine by next weekend:)

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