Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Well, we made it through another rough night of weather. According to my weather gauge, we got another 2+ inches, puts us up to over 5 with Monday's rain. The only thing happy around here are the ducks and they are in heaven! There is a whole lot of flooding going on! The severe stuff didn't hit until around 1 am, we didn't come in to work, but it kept me up a while and I (and Destiny) feel this morning like we have been run over by a truck! I knew we were in for some bad stuff when Thunder climbed on my lap around 8:15 last night. He never, ever does that and it scared me to death. Sure enough, within 10 minutes, they issued our thunderstorm watch!

Destiny is a wonderful, understanding child! I couldn't ask for a better child! When she was inducted to the National Honor Society, one of the guys hubby worked with, his 7 year old son died unexpectedly. The visitation was that night, an hour away and everyone from the dealership was going. With Destiny's insistence, hubby attended her ceremony and I went to the visitation with his co-workers. It seems like that is the story of our lives!

Tomorrow we are going to a Royal's game with Mom and sis. Just us girls and it is girls night at the game, so that should be some fun for us!

http://www.pic4ever.com/images/balloons.gif Happy Birthday Des! http://www.pic4ever.com/images/balloons.gif

I sure hope the rain stops soon. I don't even have any ducks to enjoy this weather!!

I would think at some point even the ducks would be tired of all this water! Their pens are big mud pits! The guineas are very unhappy, but stupid. They stand outside and complain about the rain and water, but aren't smart enough to go in their hut!

It is still sprinkling here, but they say it is going to move out of the area soon. Now for the sun to come out....
Hi everyone!
sorry I stepped in rather late in what looks to be a rather established thread. but anyway here goes: I'm kelly, I live in the midwest(MO), and am raising 11 chickens, 2 dogs, a cat, and 3 daughters. I'm brand new to chicken raising and it's been a trial and error process so far. I love love LOVE this website, and having the ability to throw out questions and get some answers and advice because there really aren't many other chicken farmers in my area. I've made several posts, haven't really made any chicken buddies, but would love to since everyone I've talked to has been very nice and helpful.
anyway, just wanted to say hello and have a wonderful day, and feel free to keep in touch as I would love to make some new friends
Welcome to BYC and welcome to our thread! Someone is usually around here daily if you would like to join us, we would love to have you!

Yes! What she said! Just jump in any time.
I am sorry you two are getting so much rain. I almost feel guilty at the beautiful day we are having. However why don't you guys just leave the rain behind and hop on over here. I will bake something! Charmed sends me some wonderful recipes.
You may be sorry, but I bet your hubby is laughing his butt off after that 80 degree weather we had while you were getting snow!! I think the sun is now trying to peek out.
They are saying we may stay dry until Saturday!
We went out to lunch a little bit ago, parking lot was full, so I had to park on the road, I almost had to use 4 wheel drive to pull out of the grass/mud. Ridiculous! We will need a jacket tomorrow, but hopefully the sun will make an appearance. I can predict another losing night, but at least we get free t-shirts. Des only wants to go so she can see Mark Teahan's butt and he got traded to the other team!!

What are you going to bake? Mom is baking today before she comes over, but she is making cookies for John and brownies for Jason. I don't know if she is making anything for us or not. It cracks me up when she brings Jason brownies because it really makes Destiny mad!
You may be sorry, but I bet your hubby is laughing his butt off after that 80 degree weather we had while you were getting snow!! I think the sun is now trying to peek out.
They are saying we may stay dry until Saturday!
We went out to lunch a little bit ago, parking lot was full, so I had to park on the road, I almost had to use 4 wheel drive to pull out of the grass/mud. Ridiculous! We will need a jacket tomorrow, but hopefully the sun will make an appearance. I can predict another losing night, but at least we get free t-shirts. Des only wants to go so she can see Mark Teahan's butt and he got traded to the other team!!

What are you going to bake? Mom is baking today before she comes over, but she is making cookies for John and brownies for Jason. I don't know if she is making anything for us or not. It cracks me up when she brings Jason brownies because it really makes Destiny mad!

I don't blame Destiny! I would be upset too! Are you getting her a cake for her birthday? Kenny was whining about his birthday this morning
He will be 32 at the end of the month. Big freaking deal, I am going to be 40 this summer
You and I are real close in age, if I remember right. Are you younger? Mine is in Sept.
Hi phaethona! Glad to see you on our little thread! Michelle and I are both from Missouri. Where abouts in Mo are you from?
Yes chickenchick.....you are getting out numbered! Lol!
Hi phaethona! Glad to see you on our little thread! Michelle and I are both from Missouri. Where abouts in Mo are you from?

I'm on the north end of KC, just south of Smithville. (which means I'm from missour-ee not missour-uh)

Hope you guys didn't get those storms that rolled through yesterday, wasn't too bad here, LOTS of heavy rain and a little hail, but otherwise not bad. heard it was a lot worse in central KS. I guess I'm a little odd, I kinda like storm season, when it gets bad out I send the kids downstairs and then I go back upstairs and watch
I'm getting really tired of all the rain we've had, I'm a skydiver so clouds & rain= no jumping
but on the bright side, I haven't had to water my garden at all this year, and today the gloomy/chilly weather inspired me...chili weather! got a big 'ol crock pot made up, mmmm...

great to meet you all, and I look forward to chatting with ya!
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