Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

I have been better for sure....had a 3 day business trip to CT got back yesterday-long trip short function....DH and I have to go see a banruptcy attorney Tuesday
We have finally realized that there is no way we will ever catch up no matter how much we work. We are working on keeping our house we live in now-( letting the banks take the other 4 properties) and keeping the 2 vehicles and thats it-the banks can have the rest-we are done. I hopefully get to keep all my chickens and other dogs and cats and Mark gets to keep his boat-other than that-we dont "need" anything else but our kids and eachother-so Im not too upset-just not not looking forward to it and the paperwork-any of your girls been through this?

5 hours is quite a distance. However I know how it feels when you feel you should but really don't want too! I usually guilt myself in to going anyway
I am so glad Destiny got to enjoy her evening. It is also nice to know that Colten finally came out of his shell.

Oh the "friend" thing went pretty much how I thought it would
As I told you she begged me to call her that very same day and stated in her email that even if I could not rent to her that she really missed me and loved me and wanted to be back in my life. So that afternoon (after talking to Kenny about the house) I called her. She didn't answer. I left a message. That evening when I hadn't heard back from her I emailed and explained to her that to rent the house so far away is really a pain for us (because I know she is the type that would be very demanding and calling for every little thing). I told her that it is very important to us to get it sold and if we did rent it out the contract (the previous one we used) states that the realtor can still show the house. I barely touched on the house subject but offered my condolences, offered to meet her at the half way point for lunch, and told her how happy I was to hear from her. She had stated that she had to start selling Pampered Chef to make ends meet so I told her that I was looking for a few items and would be happy to order them from her. I haven't heard from her since, that was the 5th! So again she has proved that if she can't use me for something then she doesn't have time for me.

I am sure this may sound cold or that I am over reacting, but there is so much history, that is normal! One short example. I was selling my Grandmothers car for her. A decided she may want to buy it, against my better judgment I let her take it for a test drive. She left and didn't come back. I called her that evening and she said , oh I will bring it back first thing in the morning. When she hadn't brought it back by 3 I called and she didn't answer. So I walked over to her house and got it. The next day she came to my house with a list. At the top was the asking price, she then deducted $ for this and that, replacing a windshield that did not need replacing, shampooing carpets (the car was like brand new), fixing scuff marks on the bumper! In the end I darn near would have owed her $ if she bought it. So I told her I couldn't do it and sold it to someone else for exactally what I had asked for it. She didn't talk to me for about 2 years!

Then I guess the vibe I got from her from the get-go was pretty accurate! Been there, done that. Move on. Life is way too short!

Yes! You were right on!! I agree life is too short. Hey that reminds me, my sister used to have a bumper sticker that read "Life is too short to date ugly guys"!

Is any body still around? I spent way longer in town than I had planned. I had extra eggs. I have a friend that I GIVE some to when ever I can. She lives out of town the opposite direction as we do. I called her on my way to town and asked her if she wanted them. She said sure, she would meet me at the Drug Store in 20 minutes. I sat for 45 then finally went in and did my shopping. Finally after I had shopped the drug store, the grocery store and the greenhouse I Decided I had better call her. See all of those places are in our shopping center so this way she would see my pickup there and know i was around. I had to go to the post office so I finally called her. Oh! She says, I forgot to stop when I went through town, I am in the city now!! Ugg! So I get to the PO and they JUST closed for lunch. So I had to sit and wait for them to reopen. BUT I decided to visit the second hand store while I waited and found a cute sign with chickens on it for the front of my coop. So that made it all better!!

OK, now I am off to catch up on what I missed...
Yes i love them. I am like you and hate to shop too. But even if I only have $2 to spend I can go in there and come home with a treasure
Today I spent $3. I got the sign, and I will take a pic, a hand painted glass bottle I hope to make herb infused oil in and a yellow gingham pillow sham. I buy "country" looking pillow shams and use them on the pillow I put on my outdoor swing. When they get too dirty or faded I just throw them away and get out another. The one I have now looks like a quilt, I really like it but it is getting faded.

I am sorry about your friend. 3 million dollars, wow! You are right though some people just enter our lives to teach us lessons. I only hope that some day your friend realizes how much you really wanted to help him and he feels a little guilt.

I keep my distance from friends, you and Michelle are the only ones I call or text when I am happy or having a crisis. My husband use to think i was missing out and would try to set me up with his friends wives/girlfriends. I finally just told him to stop it. You can't force friendship and it isn't something I feel I need. I can count on you 2 for support and a pat on the back and I can count on you to make me smile. But as far as having someone to spend time with and talk to about everything for hours, thats what he is for
I have good friends that I see from time to time, you know, the kind you can not talk to for months and still pick up the phone and talk to them like you talk to them everyday. My life is full and happy, I don't want for anything.
Thanks girls. Raymond really is a sweet boy. And you are right, just when I think he is too grown up he reminds me that he is still my little boy
However my sweet little boy is in a tad bit of trouble. The principal called me this afternoon!!

NY I am so sorry. I have been about where you are. My first DH and i filed bankruptcy right after Raymond was born. We didn't have anything to repossess back then! We filed a homesteaders claim but really we had only been paying on the house for a year, there was no equity any way. It is a humbling and hard thing to go through. II haven't seen your thread on it, but I will look for it. Hang in there
Yes i love them. I am like you and hate to shop too. But even if I only have $2 to spend I can go in there and come home with a treasure
Today I spent $3. I got the sign, and I will take a pic, a hand painted glass bottle I hope to make herb infused oil in and a yellow gingham pillow sham. I buy "country" looking pillow shams and use them on the pillow I put on my outdoor swing. When they get too dirty or faded I just throw them away and get out another. The one I have now looks like a quilt, I really like it but it is getting faded.

I am sorry about your friend. 3 million dollars, wow! You are right though some people just enter our lives to teach us lessons. I only hope that some day your friend realizes how much you really wanted to help him and he feels a little guilt.

I keep my distance from friends, you and Michelle are the only ones I call or text when I am happy or having a crisis. My husband use to think i was missing out and would try to set me up with his friends wives/girlfriends. I finally just told him to stop it. You can't force friendship and it isn't something I feel I need. I can count on you 2 for support and a pat on the back and I can count on you to make me smile. But as far as having someone to spend time with and talk to about everything for hours, thats what he is for
I have good friends that I see from time to time, you know, the kind you can not talk to for months and still pick up the phone and talk to them like you talk to them everyday. My life is full and happy, I don't want for anything.

Good grief! You sound exactly like me! Are you sure we weren't seperated at birth?
Yes i love them. I am like you and hate to shop too. But even if I only have $2 to spend I can go in there and come home with a treasure
Today I spent $3. I got the sign, and I will take a pic, a hand painted glass bottle I hope to make herb infused oil in and a yellow gingham pillow sham. I buy "country" looking pillow shams and use them on the pillow I put on my outdoor swing. When they get too dirty or faded I just throw them away and get out another. The one I have now looks like a quilt, I really like it but it is getting faded.

I am sorry about your friend. 3 million dollars, wow! You are right though some people just enter our lives to teach us lessons. I only hope that some day your friend realizes how much you really wanted to help him and he feels a little guilt.

I keep my distance from friends, you and Michelle are the only ones I call or text when I am happy or having a crisis. My husband use to think i was missing out and would try to set me up with his friends wives/girlfriends. I finally just told him to stop it. You can't force friendship and it isn't something I feel I need. I can count on you 2 for support and a pat on the back and I can count on you to make me smile. But as far as having someone to spend time with and talk to about everything for hours, thats what he is for
I have good friends that I see from time to time, you know, the kind you can not talk to for months and still pick up the phone and talk to them like you talk to them everyday. My life is full and happy, I don't want for anything.

Good grief! You sound exactly like me! Are you sure we weren't seperated at birth?

Well there has to be a reason we get along so well
On my phone and decided to check in. Actually I just got up! The game was so much fun and we won!! (For those who don't follow the Royals that is a big deal!) I am not a huge baseball fan but the atmosphere and food was great.

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