Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

DH and I were watching the 24 series finale when you text me. I told him...."Well, that was Michelle....They have set northern Missouri on fire!" Lol!

Destiny asked me if I texted my chicken friends yet to tell them we were trying to burn down Tindall! I guess it was a blessing I wasn't home when the worst of it happened, fire is one of my worst fears. We did have our garage burn down several years ago and fire still makes me very nervous! I swear when Hubby said the tree was going to give out on us, Destiny was going to walk to town or something! She took him at his word and just knew it was going to fall on us then and there! She also wanted to call the Fire Dept. We tried to tell her it wouldn't do any good. The tree has to be brought down, fire out or not, the old hollow thing is now a serious danger. The FD can't stop the burning if they wanted to and no reason for them to douse what/where we wanted everything to burn anyway as long as it was semi under control and we were around.

I still can't believe as busy as the road is with the fertilizer trucks and with all the neighbors, they just let it burn all day like that. I have questions/doubts, but will keep it to myself right now.
that's right, wabash. my husband works at the Harley plant so a lot of our friends are bikers, we used to stop through there when we'd ride to Jamesport

Now you've got me hungry for it, I will have to go down there one day next week to try it! I love me some good BBQ! Jamesport sure is a neat little happening town, isn't it? It is only about 15 miles or so from here. I love to go to the Amish store over there to pick up spices and the bagged dry stuff they sell. They've got some cute little shops over there too. Years ago there was also a small dirt race track right outside of town that hubby used to race at on Saturday nights. Have you ever been through Trenton?
that's right, wabash. my husband works at the Harley plant so a lot of our friends are bikers, we used to stop through there when we'd ride to Jamesport

Now you've got me hungry for it, I will have to go down there one day next week to try it! I love me some good BBQ! Jamesport sure is a neat little happening town, isn't it? It is only about 15 miles or so from here. I love to go to the Amish store over there to pick up spices and the bagged dry stuff they sell. They've got some cute little shops over there too. Years ago there was also a small dirt race track right outside of town that hubby used to race at on Saturday nights. Have you ever been through Trenton?

gosh, if I have it was eons ago, I don't think it's too terribly far though. yeah, I love going to Jamesport though, seems kinda wild pulling up on big loud harleys while the locals are trottin' along in their horse-drawn buggys, but they always smile and wave, some even come over to check out the bikes! I love the food market, most times if you cant find what you're looking for, it doesnt exist, they have everything! see, now I've got you wanting bbq, and you've got me wanting to take my girls on a shopping trip

speaking of bbq, do you ever come through KC? we have some killer restaurants around here, like arthur bryants and jack stack
I'd never make it as a vegetarian in this town.
Now you've got me hungry for it, I will have to go down there one day next week to try it! I love me some good BBQ! Jamesport sure is a neat little happening town, isn't it? It is only about 15 miles or so from here. I love to go to the Amish store over there to pick up spices and the bagged dry stuff they sell. They've got some cute little shops over there too. Years ago there was also a small dirt race track right outside of town that hubby used to race at on Saturday nights. Have you ever been through Trenton?

gosh, if I have it was eons ago, I don't think it's too terribly far though. yeah, I love going to Jamesport though, seems kinda wild pulling up on big loud harleys while the locals are trottin' along in their horse-drawn buggys, but they always smile and wave, some even come over to check out the bikes! I love the food market, most times if you cant find what you're looking for, it doesnt exist, they have everything! see, now I've got you wanting bbq, and you've got me wanting to take my girls on a shopping trip

speaking of bbq, do you ever come through KC? we have some killer restaurants around here, like arthur bryants and jack stack
I'd never make it as a vegetarian in this town.

We try to get to the city whenever we can, but don't usually go to a bbq place. My son and I love it much more than hubby and daughter. We usually end up at On the Border or Applebee's or something like that. We do go to Big Dave's BBQ in St. Joe when we are there and the BBQ place at Kauffman Stadium is pricey but also very good!

The folks at Jamesport are overall pretty friendly. The tavern over there is a really hoppin' place most of the time. People come from over here to party over there! I haven't been over there for a while, but now the weather is nice, I would like to run over there and see what is new.
Hi everyone! We got back to town after Pamida and the Dr appointment. Then ran a few errands and decided to take Mom and Dad out for lunch. We are finally home. Kenny is out in the yard poking holes, trying to find the septic tank. Now, tell me, wouldn't it have made sense to mark that before putting down sod, putting up a fence and establishing a yard? Hmm? Just wondering?
So his Dad says, well just dig some holes and see if you can find it.

Michelle do you think your neighbors were trying to let your place burn down?
I could not believe it when I heard from you last night. I just kept staring at my phone. Kenny says, well whats going on? I think Michelle is starting MO on fire!
I am so glad no body (animals included) got hurt. That could have been so much worse.
Sounds like a convo my hubby and his dad would have!!

I am not saying anything about what I think happened. I just think it is odd that NO ONE noticed it burning that hot for that long. Seriously, the old Astro van was sitting not far away and it was hot enough to melt the glue that held in the back window and the window fell to the ground! It burned tires and shingles. The fertilizer plant drivers go by there all day long, constantly. And the neighbors (the ones who brought the girls home Fri) were home when we got home. So...

So, I am getting ready to head home, start some laundry and supper, try to help Colton some with clean up and then settle down to get in texting mode for Idol. I am so excited!!
I agree that it is a little more than odd that nobody would notice. It is really scary to imagine what could have happened. Thank goodness it didn't. That is awful that you had a garage burn down. I am so sorry. My Aunt and Uncles house burnt down when I was a kid. They lost everything. That is always a fear of mine. I wouldn't worry about stuff, but my family and my pets. I would be the crazy lady running back in for the lost cat!

I know!! I am so psyched for Idol! Tacos on TV trays in front of Idol tonight!!

Have a great night!
We are off to the city today for the Pay day shopping we usually do on fridays (payday
) Kenny decided to start putting it off until tues or wed instead of going on his fridays off. That does make more sense beings if we are going to camp, that would be the day we leave. Anyway, I have everything timed just right to run out on or about friday so............ it looks like Mother Hubbards Cupboard around here!!

Have a great day everyone!!

Michelle I can't believe tonight is it for Idol! What am I going to do next week?!!
Good Morning!

I didn't get to see much of Idol last night. We had company. It was on in the garage really low and about the only thing I could really hear was when Crystal would reach those high screetchy notes. I was trying to get a jump start on my texts by saving them in drafts, but Freddie thought it would be cute to text me the whole time I was doing it. In an hour's time, he sent me over 100! I was so close to
him, but he is so darned cute! Destiny finally threatened him enough that he quit. I didn't make it the full 4 hours afterward, but I stayed up until about 11 and got out about 700. I will be spending this evening in my free time, texting Freddie!

Got a meeting right now. Be back in a bit!

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