Everything Chicken Chatter Thread

I seen something I've never seen within my Orpingtons except for when Dino's Brother tried killing him.

I was putting the birds back into the coop, I made a gap in the gate to put them through without other birds getting out easily. It was time to put Dino back inside, & Goober came up, they met face to face by accident, & it became a brawl. It was like they were Gamecocks.
Next thing that happened was I had to get Wellie for a butt washing, & Dino, & Goober ganged up on him while I had a hold of him.

I wish I new what exactly was inside my Orpingtons lineage.
whoah... that's strange :hmm
Can you tag me into it?
its on the previous page :)
Welp, Social Security decided to be total Buttheads, & stop my monthly payments even though I sent in a paper I signed stating I would like to continue getting my benefits.

This wouldn't have happened if they didn't send me to a Quack, who they believed was a specialist. He lied on a paper, we didn't fill out.

I'm unable to work due to a brain condition I was born with. It's a pre-existing condition.
Awe man. That must be tough. I'll pray for you.:hugs

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