Everything happens for a reason, Meet my new boy!


12 Years
Mar 28, 2007
Memphis TN
OK recently I was thinking about getting a second banty roo (just because I like them) and I thought about getting beautiful splash silkie from Julie (bammachicken). Well I decided against it because we are very happy in our backyard and I did not want to throw off the harmony. Then I get a call from a fellow BYC member that I sold some bantam chicks to in the summer. One of the babies turned out to be a boy and he could not keep him and asked if I would take him back and I said sure. So I was about to offer him to some lucky BYC member for free before I ever saw him. Then he came to the house and he is the COOLEST guy. I am in love. He is being very good and getting along very well with everyone so I may just have to keep him!

He is a Sultan and came with the name Elvis but I am not sure if I am going to keep it? (it doesn't really fit with all of our other names). So anyway here are some pics of my new boy!




Isn't he a hoot! What do you think?
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He is pretty stunning. And I generally don't like feathered feet, but on him, they add quite the panache!
What a handsome guy he is. I wonder how he is soooooo white? All my white chickens get a little ......'off white' i guess you could say. Is he a pure sultan? Is the picture making him look really big?
I thought the breed was small?
I am going to say he is as tall as my buff orpingtons, and YES he is that white! I cannot believe how pure his color is. He is from Murray McMurray Hatchery.

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