evil pie

whatdidjasay g?????

I bet ya missed this...
Hey bluey!
Hey maple!!
I was offline for a couple days and this site has changed!!
The pics are great bluey, now get to that gym!!
boo....it's all blueys fault. it's common knowlege.

Fisherma....tell me about it, you never share your chicks and you never share your cookies!!!

my back hurts so bad now blueboob....quit wigglin like that...you're makin it spasm.

fisher...you'd be so happy to see me and my two year old dd's fingers and toes....

They is painted!

Though...since me and dac share our back pain and are all doped up on pain meds right now...i didn't do a very good job. But I never did without the meds either. But I love the color!

It's called purple potion---in honor of Purple Chicken...baGAWK!

It's a really pretty purple with blue undertones. Ava picked it out.

Dac....I just took a pillzzzzz at 12:30....guess I'm gonna join ya for a nap.

night night...peoplezzzzzzzzzzzz.


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