Ex-Bat breeds, dfferent colours, what breeds dya think?

Chickenman MAN

Oct 25, 2020
United Kingdom South Devon
Ooh, this is interesting I got them because of BHWT which states The hens are all commercial hybrids: Lohman Browns, Goldlines, Hylines or Isa’s, all of which are Rhode Island Red crosses. Do you think it is a red sexlink still? I have to say it is hard to tell, they are all rather similar ;)
ISA browns, and I'm going to assume Lohmans, Goldlines, and Highlines are all crosses that are sex linked (meaning you can tell gender of the chick at hatch) that are meant to be very productive layers. They're all basically the same, and they all fall under the category of red sex link.
ISA browns, and I'm going to assume Lohmans, Goldlines, and Highlines are all crosses that are sex linked (meaning you can tell gender of the chick at hatch) that are meant to be very productive layers. They're all basically the same, and they all fall under the category of red sex link.
Awesome, thanks for the 'diagnosis' :) I've had my eye on some very cute looking white rescues with big floppy combs...

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