Ex-battery hens perching and flying

Hi - we picked up our rescue chickens just a week ago and we have to show them how to do everything - ie put them to bed, put them out in the morning, put them on the roosts, etc. We got 10 but aside from missing a lot of feathers they do seem a bit 'wobbly' compared to chickens I've experienced in the past, though according to BHWT (where I got mine) this isn't unusual as they have been confined to small cages their entire lives.

From our 10 there is one that seems to be getting the idea as she comes out by herself and she's the only one I've seen using the chicken nipples, she also seems quite playful, chasing leaves around, etc.

I also put up some roosts in the run and they have paid no attention. I think in that sense they are like cats - you buy them a present but they ignore it to sit in the box it came in :)
Yeah... I will try that. I just want to know if there is any way to get them behaving more 'normal'! As I spent a long time on that outdoor perch lol. They seem more interested in doing.. well... scratching,and feeding, and going in this black water container I put in the run...
My neighbor took in 10-15 ex bat hens and it took them all summer to learn the ropes.
Hi - we picked up our rescue chickens just a week ago and we have to show them how to do everything - ie put them to bed, put them out in the morning, put them on the roosts, etc. We got 10 but aside from missing a lot of feathers they do seem a bit 'wobbly' compared to chickens I've experienced in the past, though according to BHWT (where I got mine) this isn't unusual as they have been confined to small cages their entire lives.

From our 10 there is one that seems to be getting the idea as she comes out by herself and she's the only one I've seen using the chicken nipples, she also seems quite playful, chasing leaves around, etc.

I also put up some roosts in the run and they have paid no attention. I think in that sense they are like cats - you buy them a present but they ignore it to sit in the box it came in :)
Mine seem to have settled in... maybe they will try using it later... (eye roll) thanks though ... hope it goes well :D
oh I see! they are outside perches in the run not the coop. I probably just read your post too quick!

I can sympathise. I built a jungle gym for my chickens in their run in July. Was very proud of it!! Apart from the chicks who love it, my older hens only started perching on it this week. I think they are only now appreciating the opportunity to have dry feet as well as a good view, now that the ground is all wet and muddy with rain. Either that or they really aren't very clever and it took them 3 months to figure out what it was for!!
oh I see! they are outside perches in the run not the coop. I probably just read your post too quick!

I can sympathise. I built a jungle gym for my chickens in their run in July. Was very proud of it!! Apart from the chicks who love it, my older hens only started perching on it this week. I think they are only now appreciating the opportunity to have dry feet as well as a good view, now that the ground is all wet and muddy with rain. Either that or they really aren't very clever and it took them 3 months to figure out what it was for!!
LOL... I think maybe I just need to leave them some (alot) of time... although I think most 'normal' chickens would've escaped by now haha
I caught one actually hopping up onto the outside roost today! - only for a few seconds before she got down again ... They are only 14" high but it's progress ....
Yay! I had 'progess' too.. was chasing a chook to put her to bed.... she hopped up onto the second rung about 14 or so inches high as well! Didn't stay on it but at least I know she can get up there ;D
I think battery hens need and deserve some extra acclimation time. They’ve spent their entire lives up to now imprisoned in concentration/labor camp, and now you are generously providing them with rehab. Once they get over the shock of being comparatively free they’ll be picking up on all these cool things you’ve created for them. :thumbsup
I think battery hens need and deserve some extra acclimation time. They’ve spent their entire lives up to now imprisoned in concentration/labor camp, and now you are generously providing them with rehab. Once they get over the shock of being comparatively free they’ll be picking up on all these cool things you’ve created for them. :thumbsup
I do hope they are enjoying their newfound freedom :D

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