Excellent bedding for baby ducks/geese!!!

Jim I was being sincere, no need for sarcasm

I prob. should have mentioned that I have some older hens that lay softer shelled eggs and also have some pretty heavy breeds that step not too lightly into the nests. A soft-shelled egg meeting with resistance would not stand a chance.

I think that Fishermom's idea of putting them in the run is a very good idea and I just may try that.

I was only teasing..

I have all heavy breeds, and like I said, not an egg was broken out of about 3 dozen laid..

for your older chicks, maybe you should feed some calcium, like oyster shells. feed them egg shells also..

Now I have a question.. What is a "run" that so many people have and talk about..?? It probably is something I have, but maybe we have different termonology ..?? ,
I tried them in one horse stall first. The other stall was pine shavings. What a huge difference. I use them in my coop and in the brooder. There is absolutely no amonia smell in my stalls after 6 weeks. I just add a bag every week or so as needed. I'm going to see if I can order a pallet and get a better price.
jv.. the run is the penned in area that is attached to the coop. But Rainbow Eggs.. I didn't mention them in the run, that was someone else.

I have seen these horse pellets in the stores and wondered how well they worked. I hear nothing but praises here!
Jim I was being sincere, no need for sarcasm

I prob. should have mentioned that I have some older hens that lay softer shelled eggs and also have some pretty heavy breeds that step not too lightly into the nests. A soft-shelled egg meeting with resistance would not stand a chance.

I think that Fishermom's idea of putting them in the run is a very good idea and I just may try that.

I was only teasing..

I have all heavy breeds, and like I said, not an egg was broken out of about 3 dozen laid..

for your older chicks, maybe you should feed some calcium, like oyster shells. feed them egg shells also..

Now I have a question.. What is a "run" that so many people have and talk about..?? It probably is something I have, but maybe we have different termonology ..?? ,

Guess I also should have mentioned that they get oyster and egg shells

A run is a fenced in area outside of the coop.
Boy am I glad I checked into this thread!

Someone else once suggested wood pellets as bedding, but made no other statements.

Our local Agway carries the wood pellets, of course, but never considered using them, so never got the price. This I MUST do!

blessings to SHELLY, esp.!!
and to you all also!
Hi everyone!
I decided to give it a try and got a 40lb bag at TSC.
Normal shavings for me last 2-3 days for my ducks so if it can last 5-6 days I'll be sold.
The test begins. lol
I can't believe how well this stuff works!! I was cleaning duck brooders twice a day, I haven't had to clean one for 3 days!!! I just go in there and fluff it up, still smells like pine!

Toot and Puddle are the silliest things!! I caught them trying to eat a plastic bag that was haning too close to their box the other day. I took them outside for a while after that. They didn't know what to think about that! But they are doing very well. Every time I take them out of their brooder they think it's bath time! If I have the door open they start waddling out to head for the bathroom. I think they would be in heaven if they could live in the tub!!
The cayuga ducklings I have are quite a bit more skiddish than the pekins. In a way that's good since they will be living on the pond with the other ducks when they are older. If they are scaredy ducks they will go in the water quicker. I have 3 new babies too! There was someone at the sale today that had 12 baby rouens!! I bought 3
So this pellet bedding will be put to the test! 2 month-old ducks in one brooder and 7 1-2 week olds in the other!! I haven't had much luck with chicks. I only have 2 seramas in here, I think I killed all my silkie eggs
The bator was 105 this morning, and they were due to hatch today. One was pipped into the air cell last night, and it was dead. I didn't see movement in any of the others either
I just don't seem to have very good luck with chickens this winter! I can hatch anything but right now.

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