Excellent bedding for baby ducks/geese!!!

shelley, I totally understand what your dealing with while incubating. My last hatch about 2 weeks ago was basically sabotaged. On day 18 the incubator went up to 105 then that night down to 96. Only 5 hatched, but I was surprised any did after that.
ah well thats what happens I guess.
My goat lives with my horses. She has her own run in shed with hay in it, but lays in the horse stalls a lot in the pellet bedding. I leave my stalls open to the paddock, so I don't wet down the pellets like the bag says. The horses do that with the snow.
I am starting a test with Wood Pellets for my full grown Muscovy trio. 6.99 for 40# bag up here at local co-op. Would have liked cheaper.

But their horse stall pellets are 5.99 and a 30# bag, so......I figured I'd go with the wood stove things.

I have been using these for YEARS now. They are amazing.
The main brand up here is called Woody Pet. But like others have said you can use Wood Stove Pellets as long as you read the bag to make sure they do not contain an accelerant!!!
This is very important!

Enjoy them though!
Opened the bag and put down a layer. They are kinda bigger than I thought they would be. Still put a little layer of pine shavings on top so my ducks would be comfy...LOL

(Yes, they are spoiled...I know)
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Good idea
I don't have hooved animals but I was wondering if the pellets get stuck into the hooves but then I figured that they'd step in water or snow and the pellets would melt away...do ya think?
They don't seem to stick to their feet at all. After it's broken down if they have snow in their feet, some will stick to the snow. But not any worse than the shavings.

The only negative thing I can possibly think of, is that after the horses are out in the snow and then go inside and roll in the bedding...they kinda look like they've been breaded with shake'n bake. LOL but it shakes right off.
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