Good Evening!
Our city has recently approved backyard chickens. The new zoning ordinance should be official in about 6 weeks. We can have a maximum of 6 hens. I plan on starting with two, maybe three birds. I'm thinking to start with 2 black australorps for egg production and maybe a bantam. I am very excited to get chickens. I've never had them before, but used to live next door to some. I am ready to start doing some more in depth research and have already started reading at the Learning Center. I think I want to start with chicks and plan on getting them in early spring. I am open to any help and suggestions. We are planning to build this coop:
Our city has recently approved backyard chickens. The new zoning ordinance should be official in about 6 weeks. We can have a maximum of 6 hens. I plan on starting with two, maybe three birds. I'm thinking to start with 2 black australorps for egg production and maybe a bantam. I am very excited to get chickens. I've never had them before, but used to live next door to some. I am ready to start doing some more in depth research and have already started reading at the Learning Center. I think I want to start with chicks and plan on getting them in early spring. I am open to any help and suggestions. We are planning to build this coop: