Exotic bird/animal auction Barnesville, MN


11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
FYI: There will be a bird and animal auction in Barnesville, MN on Sept 20. Held at the fairgrounds, it will feature many kinds of fowl, both exotic and common. There are always many goats, horses, donkeys, mules, and other four-footed animals. Sale starts at 10AM, and there is a $5 admission charge. For more information, contact: Larry at- 218-557-9177, or contact Marian at-605-886-4078, or Wayne at- 605-652-4579.
Is it an auction or a swap? There is a big difference. I would like to go but need to know which it is so I know if I should bring something or not. Thanks for the help!
I believe it's an auction:
RED RIVER VALLEY EXOTIC BIRD AND ANIMAL AUCTION: Sat. Sept. 20th, 10:00 Clay County Fair Grounds, Barnesville, MN for more information, contact 218-557-9177 or 605-886-4078 or 701-238-6820.

I'll be calling for more information when I get off work
I know this is an old thread, but the Auction formerly held at Barnesville MN is now at Fergus Falls There will be sales on June 26 and September 18 2010.

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