Expected life span for hens


11 Years
Apr 18, 2008
Kodiak, Alaska
This morning I found one of my hens dead in the coop. She was only 1 1/2 years old. A black australorp. We just got a new rooster yesterday and at first I thought maybe he had killed her, but there were no signs of damage. No blood, no scratches, no missing feathers. I couldn't find any reason for her death.

Any ideas? How long do hens usually live?
I asked that question recently and some people have hens that are 15-22 years old and some were even still laying. Sorry to hear about your hen
hope you can figure it out.
I'm so sorry about your hen.

I can tell you it wasn't old age. Chickens can live to be 10-20 years old.

In the past 6 years I've lost a few, just found them dead, no marks on them, so sign or symptom of illness. I just figured heart attack. If you have a university or livestock vet in your area you can send her in for a necropsy to try to get some answers.
Thanks, everyone. I really didn't know hens could live that long. I automatically assumed the new rooster had killed her, but there just wasn't a mark on her. I don't know how a rooster could kill a full-grown bird without leaving a mark.

Unfortunately, we are on an island and there isn't even an extension agent here, let alone a university vet or anyone that would do a necropsy for less than a fortune. Hopefully it was a one-time thing.
First of all, sorry for the loss of your hen. My uncle had a hen that was 12 when she was killed by his neighbors dog. Later that day the dog died. Yep, lead poisoning.
I had a rooster break a hen's neck once. She kept trying to get away and he didn't let go of the back of her head. Very sad and quite a shock.

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