experience with Fibro Easter Egger temperment?


Sep 21, 2020
Bergen County New Jersey
Hello - well it did turn out that Wednesday, our fibro easter egger, is a he, not a she. I still have PTSD from our last and only other rooster who was an Easter Egger (from what I read docile) - He was not aggressive towards humans but was REAALLY bad with the hens. He would stand outside the coop door and very roughly have his way with one after the other in a very menacing manner. He was quite predatory with his lust so we found an AMAZING breeder at a beautiful farm nearby for him to have a bigger space LOL. Long story short - now I am terrified of stressing out my flock of ladies again. So far Wednesday seems to be very protective, like he chases his young siblings when they stray during free-range time and he chases them away from me, but he is pretty chill. He is only just shy of 16 weeks old. If he is a nice boy now, does it mean he won't be a jerk (sorry Winston) or is there still potential for him to be like that. Any experience with Fibro Egger Roos? His crow is so spastic. It sounds like a broken New Years party blower LOL
Male aggressiveness is more of an individual thing, but certain breeds can be more prone to it. It really comes down to the individual though.
Your previous male was aggressive because those hormones were raging.
Hard to know how your current male will be, but so far it sounds like he'll be good since he hasn't shown any aggression yet, but that could change with time.
Male aggressiveness is more of an individual thing, but certain breeds can be more prone to it. It really comes down to the individual though.
Your previous male was aggressive because those hormones were raging.
Hard to know how your current male will be, but so far it sounds like he'll be good since he hasn't shown any aggression yet, but that could change with time.
Thanks so much - fingers crossed!!

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