Experienced chicken people!

Any help is much appreciated my friend! As far as coops go. My list includes: comfortable space, roost, nesting box, access to internal, bedding.
Hm... I'd make a/buy a 5 by 4 or so shed/ coop and install perches that are about two inches... but smaller for smaller hens, make sure the edges are rounded. Nesting boxes can be cheaply made from plywood, make sure there is enough clearance for a fully grown hen, or buckets can be used. Bedding, I use dengie bedding, but hemp bedding is also good and also wood shavings. Make sure to use purpose-bought chicken bedding, not random hay etc, it needs to be dust extracted and safe for them. Run needs to be at least 10 sqft a hen. So maybe a 10 by 4 for four hens, or larger, Provide enrichment, a jungle course, perches, food, etc. Make sure that the ground isn't muddy. You can put woodchips down. If you do provide a dustbath, simple box with sand, earth and wood ash does the trick!
Thanks for starting dimensions. Would modeling my nesting box after milk crate be a fine size? And somewhere else they said pine shavings are okay?
Hm... I'd make a/buy a 5 by 4 or so shed/ coop and install perches that are about two inches... but smaller for smaller hens, make sure the edges are rounded. Nesting boxes can be cheaply made from plywood, make sure there is enough clearance for a fully grown hen, or buckets can be used. Bedding, I use dengie bedding, but hemp bedding is also good and also wood shavings. Make sure to use purpose-bought chicken bedding, not random hay etc, it needs to be dust extracted and safe for them. Run needs to be at least 10 sqft a hen. So maybe a 10 by 4 for four hens, or larger, Provide enrichment, a jungle course, perches, food, etc. Make sure that the ground isn't muddy. You can put woodchips down. If you do provide a dustbath, simple box with sand, earth and wood ash does the trick!


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