Ok, so some of you know I'm not exactly new at raising chickens, but I'm no where near being a pro at it, either. I've been around them all of my life because my Dad has been into raising them as far back as I can remember. He used to raise pheasants, too, and even had his favorite pair of them stuffed when they died.
Dad stopped raising them and I got to missing them something awful. So I started the "business" back up, bought my TSC chicks, (who are all 6 doing wonderfully, btw!!) and built my coop. The chicken population has expanded and I couldn't be happier with everything I've done. The one thing I was missing was experiencing incubation. I've been around bators my whole life, and I know how they work, know all about the temps, humidity, all that jazz. I've just never really done it myself. Dad's always been the operator, and he'd yell for me to come look when we had a pip or a hatch. It was fun to watch them, but I wasn't ever allowed to touch anything.
I went into my Dad's storage building, pulled out and dusted off his old Hovabator, only to find out something's horribly wrong with it. The temp is staying ridiculously high! We've determined it needs a new thermostat. I remember him having decent hatch rates years ago with it, so I figure something's gotten screwed up during being banged around in storage by other things or what have you. Being EXTREMELY impatient, I went and bought a new Little Giant Still Air. My best friend has one and she's been getting decent hatch results, so I figure, why not, right? (We are going to fix the Hovabator, so we can have two).
I set the new bator up, regulated the temp over night, put water in it, etc. I've got 13 eggs in there right now; 1 banty, 6 RIRs, 3 Leghorns, 1 Columbian Rock, 1 Australorp, and 1 mystery egg (I put it in there for fun, because I'm not sure which hen laid it).
I'm not really going anywhere with this, other than I just thought I would share it with everyone. I'll keep yuns updated as much as I can, if I don't forget or something. I've got the worst memory ever, lol.
Dad stopped raising them and I got to missing them something awful. So I started the "business" back up, bought my TSC chicks, (who are all 6 doing wonderfully, btw!!) and built my coop. The chicken population has expanded and I couldn't be happier with everything I've done. The one thing I was missing was experiencing incubation. I've been around bators my whole life, and I know how they work, know all about the temps, humidity, all that jazz. I've just never really done it myself. Dad's always been the operator, and he'd yell for me to come look when we had a pip or a hatch. It was fun to watch them, but I wasn't ever allowed to touch anything.
I went into my Dad's storage building, pulled out and dusted off his old Hovabator, only to find out something's horribly wrong with it. The temp is staying ridiculously high! We've determined it needs a new thermostat. I remember him having decent hatch rates years ago with it, so I figure something's gotten screwed up during being banged around in storage by other things or what have you. Being EXTREMELY impatient, I went and bought a new Little Giant Still Air. My best friend has one and she's been getting decent hatch results, so I figure, why not, right? (We are going to fix the Hovabator, so we can have two).
I set the new bator up, regulated the temp over night, put water in it, etc. I've got 13 eggs in there right now; 1 banty, 6 RIRs, 3 Leghorns, 1 Columbian Rock, 1 Australorp, and 1 mystery egg (I put it in there for fun, because I'm not sure which hen laid it).
I'm not really going anywhere with this, other than I just thought I would share it with everyone. I'll keep yuns updated as much as I can, if I don't forget or something. I've got the worst memory ever, lol.