Exploding egg!!

Johnsons hungry hens

In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2020
Hi all- just had my first incubator egg explode!
I had removed the tray of eggs to add water to the Brinsea incubator when I noticed a little liquid on one egg..... I went to pick it up and it covered me and a few of the eggs!
My question is do I need to do anything other than clean the gunk off the other eggs and tray before putting back in incubator?? The eggs are ready to go into lockdown tomorrow!
Many thanks.
Wipe them off with a dry cloth. Don't use soap or water. Going into lockdown they should be ok just candle them all, the goop and not goop covered ones, to make sure there are no more bad eggs going into lockdown.
Hi all- just had my first incubator egg explode!
I had removed the tray of eggs to add water to the Brinsea incubator when I noticed a little liquid on one egg..... I went to pick it up and it covered me and a few of the eggs!
My question is do I need to do anything other than clean the gunk off the other eggs and tray before putting back in incubator?? The eggs are ready to go into lockdown tomorrow!
Many thanks.
Ooooh, I remember the first time I found a clutch of eggs hidden in the yard. It never occurred to me that they could explode. I was putting them in a plastic bag to throw them away when one of them just popped. It got all over me and my clothes. After I got done cleaning up the mess I had to take a shower. It was horrible!
Ooooh, I remember the first time I found a clutch of eggs hidden in the yard. It never occurred to me that they could explode. I was putting them in a plastic bag to throw them away when one of them just popped. It got all over me and my clothes. After I got done cleaning up the mess I had to take a shower. It was horrible!
🤣- delightful isn’t it. Mine has been in the incubator for 17 days (day before lockdown!!) I only just touched it and it covered me!!! The stench in the house has lasted hours and I have used a whole can of air freshener!!
🤣- delightful isn’t it. Mine has been in the incubator for 17 days (day before lockdown!!) I only just touched it and it covered me!!! The stench in the house has lasted hours and I have used a whole can of air freshener!!
Ugh!! It's been over a year and I can still imagine the smell. Stench is a great word to describe it!
Hi all- just had my first incubator egg explode!
I had removed the tray of eggs to add water to the Brinsea incubator when I noticed a little liquid on one egg..... I went to pick it up and it covered me and a few of the eggs!
My question is do I need to do anything other than clean the gunk off the other eggs and tray before putting back in incubator?? The eggs are ready to go into lockdown tomorrow!
Many thanks.
C'mon, you gotta remember to turn it to "Incubate" mode, NOT "self destruct" mode!!!
We had one pop in our Nurture Right. I was watching TV and got a whiff of the most unchristian odor and yelled at the dog. She was new to us at the time and I just went with my first instinct.

It got worse and worse and I was able to track it to the incubator. I retched while cleaning it up, wiping down the remaining eggs and spraying everything with hydrogen peroxide.

That is the reason I candle obsessively on days 7, 10 and 14, and am absolutely mercenary when tossing duds. If there's no development, they gone.

If an egg looks like it's sweating or secreting dots of liquid, I slip a sandwich bag over it and wrap it as completely as possible. I'd rather walk out and let the bank take the house than clean that nastiness again.
My baby quail are going into lockdown tonight and I had two exploding eggs are my eggs going to be okay what should I do

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