Extra small egg


10 Years
May 4, 2014
Every week or so, I come across a small round egg-about an inch in diameter, amongst others in the nest boxes. It has no yolk. Would this be a 'miscarriage?
Yea, but what causes it? Any Vets out there?
Usually it's just a glitch in the system, but high stress, past or current illness, or an improper diet could be the cause. Anything stressful happen in or around the coop recently? What is their diet? Has your flock had any recent outbreaks of anything? How long exactly have you been getting fairy eggs consistently? Are your hens just starting back laying from a break?
Hmmm. They're year-old, so this is their second Spring, and they layed all through the winter-with no extra lighting
fairy eggs are generally just an oddity .. it happens occasionally, ive seen maybe 4 in 15 years with scores of birds ..
Okay. Thanks for all your input. I can't think of anything that is different from all my 20+ years of chicken flocks. The latest rooster (Silkie) is very aggressive to anyone who comes into the coop-but not the hens themselves.

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