Extreme cold-adjusting my chickens back to the temperature


6 Years
Jan 7, 2014
Hello, I have two orpingtons I think?? Actually not sure on the breed. But not the point, here in central Illinois we just had some EXTREMELY cold weather. Yesterday real temp was -10 and wind chill got down to -50. I was concerned how cold my two chickens could withstand so I brought them inside and kept them in the basement. By the end of the week it should be back to the mid 30s so I was wondering what the best way to transition them back into the cold. Or do you think they will be just fine going back out into their coop?
I live in North Dakota where were having -30 degree highs and -60 as a windchill. My coop is extremely insulated and I have put a heat lamp out there as well as a heated waterer. My smallest bantams come inside at night but I try to leave them in the coop as much as possible. Put a thermometer in the coop and if its a drastic difference to the indoor temperature put a heat lamp out there for a few days to acclimate them. Chickens are better equipped to handle the cold then the heat so theyre tougher then youd think
Remember, wild birds like the tiny chickadee, can live through these temps with barely any fat on them. Orphingtons if they are healthy and fully feathered, should not have a problem in a coop out of the wind. Mine stay in the coop most of the day and don't venture out into the run because they don't want to be in the wind. I put extra food and shavings out and they are fine.
They haven't been inside that long, just put them out in the morning and let them be. As others said, healthy, fully feathered orpingtons with access to plenty of food and water will do fine in cold weather so long as they can get out of direct wind if they want to.

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