eye pecked at

A Farmer

Jun 17, 2022
I recently got a bunch of chicks and the others started to bully the smaller one and they pecked at the smaller ones eye and it cant even open its eyes i took it inside and put it in a box of wood shaving with a bowl of food and water and i don't know what to do now
I'm by no means an expert, but I had this issue with my bantam chicks, it affected one of her eye lids. I rinsed with an eye flush 3 times a day and lightly covered with Neosporin (without pain reliever) even though she would wipe it right off.

She held hers closed pretty close to a week, she did lose vision in her eye and it took a little while for her to gain her confidence back and went to the bottom of the pecking order, but with her one bad eye she is still doing well and thriving. She's just more cautious.

But also because she has a bad lid, it'll look dry and off some days so I still give it a flush out to give a little extra needed moisture.

Best of luck with your chick.
I recently got a bunch of chicks and the others started to bully the smaller one and they pecked at the smaller ones eye and it cant even open its eyes i took it inside and put it in a box of wood shaving with a bowl of food and water and i don't know what to do now
How did things work out? I have one chick I keep in solitary now, its day 4 of this. I keep giving her chances with integration but she keeps pecking at my chicks eyes so she goes back. Not sure how long this will last or if I should get rid of her.
"""How did things work out? I have one chick I keep in solitary now, its day 4 of this. I keep giving her chances with integration but she keeps pecking at my chicks eyes so she goes back. Not sure how long this will last or if I should get rid of her."""
@mandykbarrett did you have a question or need some help?
If you can provide some photos of your chick(s), brooder setup and what you feed, we may be able to offer some suggestions.
Is the chick that is pecking at others older than the rest?
Chicks will often peck at eyes which are shiny, you can try placing distractions within the brooder to help deter the behavior.
Here's some ideas you may be able to try. Let us know how it's going.

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