Eye Pecking aside...

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We're all mad here
11 Years
Jan 13, 2011
Glen, MS
I received an email from Carolina Waterfowl rescue today folks. They're looking for foster's in case the turkeys from the Butterball raid are released...If you are anywhere near here and could foster or adopt, please send them an email. I have, despite my incredible fear of these guys. Below is the email and information.

"We are assisting with some of the sick and injured turkeys from the Butterball Turkey raid. We are not sure if any turkeys will be released yet but when they are we need to have people lined up in advance to take them. These turkeys have never been outside and need a safe indoor environment while they get acclimated to having a normal life. Most are males and have had their beaks cut off to prevent fighting. We also need temporary housing for turkeys while they wait for clearance to leave the state. If you are able to house turkeys temporarily or permanently please email us at [email protected].

Volunteer help is also needed for working directly with the turkeys. This is not a job for everyone, these animals have horrific injuries from abuse, neglect and cruelty, its hard labor and emotionally draining. Additionally we need transporters to take turkeys to various areas for medical care and placement. we may also have a need for other volunteer help. Please email [email protected] to be added to our list so we can call on you. Please be patient as we are getting many requests and we may not respond to everyone immediately but we will contact you when we are ready for your help.

If you cant adopt or volunteer please consider making a donation so that we can do as much as possible to help. Funds will be needed for food, medical care and transportation of the turkeys. All they have ever knows is cruelty and abuse, hopefully we can give a decent life to as many as possible with your support. Donations can be sent via paypal /credit card to [email protected] or can be sent to our mailing address listed below.

If you want to read more about the condition of the turkeys here is a news article.


Warning the video is extremely disturbing and graphic. Turkeys are kicked, stomped, and beaten in a variety of ways. "

Now, I am terrified of turkeys and still sent them an email volunteering to help out...I'm sure they'd appreciate any help guys.

Em-the soon to be blind Fish Lady.
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oh, I heard about this, so sad. those poor birds. I hope anyone who can take a few of them in will do so. I wish there were more opportunities to take in ex-battery hens and turkeys here in the states.
Yes, even if you can't foster, get the word out to those who possibly could!
I almost stopped at the first scene, because they showed turkeys being hammered on the head. While disturbing to watch, I've heard blunt force trauma to the head is a rather common way to kill birds, amongst small time farmers as well, and the flapping seemed to be reflex in birds killed quickly. Seemed like it would just be another AR spin video. The rest was horrific though. No excuse for festering wounds, gasping birds, obvious untreated illness, and extreme mishandling of the turkeys. Very glad a legal raid took place. Poor things.
Wow, just heard of this on tonight's new. Horrible, but common practice in some of the farming industries, unfortunately. I can't watch videos of any of the animal/farm abuse cases. They hant me for weeks. What I can imagine happening is bad enough, and I know what I imagine isn't as bad as it really is. Wish I lived closer, I would totally take some.
Hate to be the one to post the bad news. ...these turkey are BBW and need butcher. They get to large for their legs and heart..dont have a good life after few months. Sorry they cant even breed .all are AI. Hard to believe but best for the turkey to be butcher
.they are a breed ment to live only a few months. Most of these will not be able to even walk by time they are a year old..

Some times help will just be worst. SAD BUT TRUE IN THIS CASE
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I know, but until then...they're hoping to give them a good life. IF they release them to other homes. Still waiting to hear anything.
Still believe sent them all to freezer camp. Donate to the food banks. Foster these turkey out to people to be cripple .very few people would be able to care for that breed
. Just a fact about thebreed. They cant live a normal turkey life.

The video is cruel. But those people would not acept the turkey being kill either.but cruel to foster them out.

Bet u tell them u will take one for the freezer .....u would not get one.

Bet they have no idea the care that breed needs. Or they dont live long.
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