Eye picking by a chick!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 15, 2007
I just got 6 EE chicks today. One has become extreamly agressive and goes straight for other chicks' eyes. I move it away, put it by the food, which it eats, then goes after another chick's eyes again! They're in a 40 gallon breeder tank with the right temps and food and water, just this chick has a mean streak. Is this normal? Should I trim it's beak? I'm hesitant to separate it from the flock, as that could be bad in the long run.


One of mine did that when she was four days old, so I separated her from the rest for a few hours with food and water and her own lamp. She's never done it since then, and isn't aggressive. Maybe your chick just needs some time to calm down by herself.

Good luck.

I tried separating it for the day, no effect. I even put alfalfa in for interest.
Can I trim it's beak a little? I've started to think I'll need to cull it.
One thing I've noticed is that this bird has a blood stain right under the nostiles, most likely had it since hatching...can't get it off.
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I hope this isn't an early indication that this bird is going to be a feather picker! OH What a headache those pickers are!!! You may have to isolate this mean little fellow all by himself for a long while. What a little meanie he is already. I hope he stops.
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