Eye swelling or failure to thrive?


Mar 16, 2021
I have a 2 week old bantam chick that’s tiny tiny. I actually had two, one was a porcelain d’uccle and this one is yet to be determined. Anyways, a Golden Star chick I had gotten the same day began sneezing and had some congested breathing sounds. I immediately quarantined it and began giving vetRX as there were no other alarming symptoms. The poop was normal, no drainage or goopy eyes, very active and eating/drinking, etc., so I assumed it was likely infectious bronchitis. I listened to all of the others breathing and the two bantam babies sounded like they may have had some congestion because there was some crackling. They were not sneezing but since day one they have always seemed to just stand and sleep and weren’t very active. So I thought maybe they were sick too and put them with the Golden Star.
The Golden Star was better within a few days of vetRX with oregano and garlic oil. Sneezing and congested breathing sounds completely gone. The porcelain d’uccle and this bantam still never developed any sneezing or alarming symptoms other than having slight cracking when breathing and being very sleepy. On Mother’s Day we came home from brunch to find the porcelain had passed away. No swelling, pasty butt, or anything inside of the mouth. Now I woke up this morning to the mystery bantam with its eyes almost shut. It doesn’t look like swelling to me, but I am new to this so maybe I am missing something here. No sneezing, no crusty eyes or congestion, poop is normal. I began giving it electrolytes as well as hand feeding it soft scrambled eggs as I’m beginning to think this is a failure to thrive situation. Should I put it with the rest of the flock so one of the bigger pullets can comfort it? Or does this look like disease?


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It could be failure to thrive. I would give her poultry nutri-drench twice a day (2-3 drops each time)
It sounds like you are doing what you can for her. I don't think I would put her with older active chicks, they would likely trample her. Give her something to snuggle with - a stuffed animal, a rolled up sock, etc. and keep her warm.

I hope that she's just tiny and needs to catch up.

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