Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

Lurking b/c you guys caught my attention w/ blue and green, and I usually lurk on the quilt swap threads. I'm not much of a technical quilter though.
Lurking b/c you guys caught my attention w/ blue and green, and I usually lurk on the quilt swap threads. I'm not much of a technical quilter though.
We have all skill levels here, so if you want to join us we would love to have you. We pick blocks that are good for not so experienced quilters, like myself and I have seen some of your beautiful crocheting you would be able to manage this just fine.
We have all skill levels here, so if you want to join us we would love to have you. We pick blocks that are good for not so experienced quilters, like myself and I have seen some of your beautiful crocheting you would be able to manage this just fine.
You guys did inspire me to at least look at my stash of blue and green fabric. I will have to see if my sewing machine still works. My car was flooded (like over the dash) w/ my sewing machine in it in our big floods, and I'm not sure it even works. If it does I may join, even w/ all those intimidating points
If I do this (still don't know about my sewing machine been watering the garden while mulling this over) my squares will be more on the scrappy side. Is this a problem?
That would not be a problem but this swap is going to be a specific block we are still voting on it, main color is blue, and mix any other color with that, so if that is not a problem for you then tell me you want in and vote on the block solitaire or love in the mist links are on the first page. Solitaire is up by one. Hope you join
That would not be a problem but this swap is going to be a specific block we are still voting on it, main color is blue, and mix any other color with that, so if that is not a problem for you then tell me you want in and vote on the block solitaire or love in the mist links are on the first page. Solitaire is up by one. Hope you join
Oh blue and any color, not blue and green?
Those are just thoughts being kicked around, if we went with love in the mist the thought was that it would be really pretty for blues and greens, depends on which block wins. We just did a green and white swap those blocks turned out just beautiful. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/749908/june-1st-quilt-block-exchange/500#post_11573139 check it out
Oh okay, well guess I need to see if my machine is working, both blocks are pretty intimidating to a non conformist w/ all those points, and all the joining opportunities for wonkieness, but the one called Solitaire would be my choice based on it just looks less easy to mess up. (or more easy to get right?????)

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