Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

Sounds like a great getaway (without the gin of course since I don't drink:)) and I hope you enjoy it! I don't mind the block idea. I can definitely understand the pouring rain;-)
Well, my thanks to everybody but it won't be necessary. It's almost midnight but I've managed to get the last 5 blocks put together tonight. I will get them ironed and trimmed tomorrow and into the mail either tomorrow or Friday.

I haven't signed up for the Nov 15 block. My daughter's birthday is coming up in January and she wants a quilt for her bed. I guess I started something when I made that one for my son's bed! So, I should probably not do any more swaps for a little while as I don't want to be late for her birthday.

I will, however, follow along on things and when I get to a place where I can freely participate again, I'll be signing up.

You all gave me a fun idea though with all the talk about sending pre-cut fabric pieces to be put together by someone else...

What if... we all chose a color selection sometime in the future and then each chose our own blocks... we would know ahead of time that the finished size would be 12.5 inches and we would just bag up our cut pieces in sandwich baggies (one baggie for each block) and sent them out to katsdar to be distributed. We would only have to figure out how each of the blocks went together and sew them together and then keep them. Sounded like fun but I don't know. Sometimes I can probably be a little strange.
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Well, my thanks to everybody but it won't be necessary. It's almost midnight but I've managed to get the last 5 blocks put together tonight. I will get them ironed and trimmed tomorrow and into the mail either tomorrow or Friday.

I haven't signed up for the Nov 15 block. My daughter's birthday is coming up in January and she wants a quilt for her bed. I guess I started something when I made that one for my son's bed! So, I should probably not do any more swaps for a little while as I don't want to be late for her birthday.

I will, however, follow along on things and when I get to a place where I can freely participate again, I'll be signing up.

You all gave me a fun idea though with all the talk about sending pre-cut fabric pieces to be put together by someone else...

What if... we all chose a color selection sometime in the future and then each chose our own blocks... we would know ahead of time that the finished size would be 12.5 inches and we would just bag up our cut pieces in sandwich baggies (one baggie for each block) and sent them out to katsdar to be distributed. We would only have to figure out how each of the blocks went together and sew them together and then keep them. Sounded like fun but I don't know. Sometimes I can probably be a little strange.
Thank you Lacy Blues, I will keep an eye out for the blocks just let me know when you ship. Your dau will be very happy with her quilt these blocks are very pretty. We look forward to seeing you in future swaps and your suggestion maybe something to play with.
PO is closed today but I'm printing out a label to send and it will go in tomorrow's mail. I have the box all sealed up and forgot to include an envelope for sending back so this is what I want you to do...

I will put return postage money in an envelope under the mailing label... don't forget to look for it. You can send it all back in the box it came in, just attach a new shipping label.
PO is closed today but I'm printing out a label to send and it will go in tomorrow's mail. I have the box all sealed up and forgot to include an envelope for sending back so this is what I want you to do...

I will put return postage money in an envelope under the mailing label... don't forget to look for it. You can send it all back in the box it came in, just attach a new shipping label.
I won't forget. Thanks and will keep an eye out for it. Will let you know when I get the package.

As soon as I get these blocks, I will sort and ship, will post tracking numbers by zip code.
Ok, it went out today. I printed my label from home and my printer goofed it up (very out of focus) so I had to take it to the P.O. to see what could be done as I had already paid for it. She scanned it with her scanner and it was fine. Hopefully there won't be any problems between here and there. I think the delivery date was the 14th. So, be watching. Money for return shipment is under the label.

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